

An increase in the English learner (EL) population is evident in public schools throughout the United States. Academic achievement gaps between ELs and non-EL peers persist from early childhood through the post-secondary level (Florida Department of Education, 2019c). The gap in the literature is the lack of studies analyzing the language acquisition of ELs enrolled in dual language programs to narrow the achievement gap of ELs. Transformative Learning Theory and the Dynamic Systems Theory are the foundation of the theoretical framework. Key research questions seek data on the relationship between standardized assessments measuring language acquisition and academic performance of third-grade ELA students. The purpose of the quantitative correlational study will be to determine if a significant relationship exists between ACCESS for ELLs and iReady Diagnostic 2 Tool for EL students at five elementary school sites in Central Florida, located in the southeast quadrant of the United States. Dual language and mainstream instruction will be independent variables in the quantitative correlational design. The target population will be 85 third-grade ELs who have been in The United States for a year or more. Data collection methods include obtaining ACCESS for ELLs and iReady Diagnostic 2 Tool archival data from the school district. Data analysis includes correlation of language acquisition and reading proficiency, as well as the statistical significance between student scale score on the ACCESS for ELLs of ELs receiving dual language instruction and ELs instructed in mainstream classrooms.



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