

With increasing student diversity across our nation, there is a growing need to scale up educational innovations related to building holistic relationships. Many students in K-12 public schools enter educational settings with uncommon and nontraditional ways of building and developing longitudinal relationships that allow students to thrive and not just survive. Specifically, teachers/educators feel ill-equipped and ill-trained to adequately support the increasing number of English learners(ELs) and Exceptional education students (specifically Students of Color (SOC) with emotional and behavioral disorders) identified in inclusive classrooms. Thus, there remains an urgent need to share uncommon and non-traditional strategies to develop and build relationships. To support teachers and educators in diverse, inclusive classrooms through educational, cultural, social events, and community activities, educators and researchers must look backward if the desire is to move forward. Through authentic and practical application, this brief will encourage educators to examine their current mindset and expand their individual skillset when teaching ELs and exceptional students (specifically SOC) in urban inclusive classroom settings. Public school teachers, who are predominantly White, may find their students of color methods of engagement and relationship building unfamiliar and difficult to understand. However, classroom teachers must have the knowledge and dispositions to create a space that signals to students that they are welcomed, and their traditions are respected and valued. The purpose of this brief is to share the significance of building community with all learners in classrooms through various C10 components. Through uncommon and nontraditional forms of classroom/community support, teachers can meet the needs of all learners through a commitment to C10 when teaching a diverse student population. If teachers are to prepare all students to become and remain socially, behaviorally, and academically successful, the primary focus must be on the students’ motivation, engagement and ability to solve real world problems of local interest, defined as students’ ability to think critically about a given topic and implement educational real-world solutions through authentic communication and behavior. The differences in communication styles between cultures have been a topic of interest in the research world for many years. These differences may lead to miscommunication, conflict, cultural disconnects, and even dissatisfaction between cultures. This brief is a personal narrative conducted through the use of interaction analysis. The goal is to increase teacher knowledge regarding effective communication strategies and how they impact teacher and student relationships within and beyond the school community. In order to (ultimately) bridge brilliance through cultural community communication, collaboration, collegiality, co-construction, there must be consensus in a civil, caring, manner, thus “curing” communication gaps.



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