"Technology in the Classroom: What Language Teachers Should Know" by Sophie Cuocci and Padideh Fattahi Marnani


The fast development of technology and the new generation of highly computer literate students led to consider the integration of technology in school as essential. Throughout the last two decades, research has identified multiple factors leading to the successful and unsuccessful integration of technology in the classroom. Educators must consider these factors when deciding on which technology tools to use and how to integrate them to their lessons. Simultaneously, the increasing number of English learners in the United States calls for the identification of teaching strategies that will best support their needs. Many language teachers now rely on teaching techniques using technology advancement to promote language learning. However, their selections of tools and integration strategies do not always yield to positive learning outcomes. This literature review aims to gather information on the efficiency of the features provided by different technology tools used in classrooms, with a focus on language learners. It covers some of the recent studies exploring the positive and negative factors affecting language learning. However, researchers must continue to develop, among educators, a better understanding of educational technologies, factors influencing their success, and potential issues that might surround them.



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