English language learners make up a blossoming part of the student demographic in the United States. (National Center of Educational Statistics, 2024) English language learners are affected by a myriad of circumstances and challenges which can rock their sense of self-efficacy. Self- efficacy has been seen to correlate with success in language acquisition. Teachers can support the development of self- efficacy and language acquisition through the facilitation of peer relationships. Peer relationships have been shown to have positive effects on learners, as evidenced by the social cognitive theory and the sociocultural theory. Teachers should be careful to scaffold these interactions to yield the best results, along with ensuring that all parties are benefiting from the collaboration. English language learners can grow from peer interactions through collaborative group work, discussions, and peer feedback.
Recommended Citation
Pedraza Borbon, A. (2024). Supporting English Language Learners through Peer Support. Journal of English Learner Education. (16)2.
Retrieved from https://stars.library.ucf.edu/jele/vol16/iss2/4