STARS - Florida Statewide Symposium: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research: Avoiding Drama in the Lab: Using Roleplaying to Teach Research Ethics

Avoiding Drama in the Lab: Using Roleplaying to Teach Research Ethics

Presentation Type

Interactive Presentation


BHC 126

Start Date

20-10-2012 11:05 AM

End Date

20-10-2012 11:50 AM


As undergraduate students gain research experience, they may find themselves in ethically-sensitive situations for which they have no training. In an effort to get students thinking and talking about research ethics, a workshop was held at an annual undergraduate research symposium. Student actors portrayed situations while faculty moderators challenged the audience to discuss the issues. Representatives from the Office of Research Integrity were present to clarify guidelines as necessary. Commonalities and differences were found between the natural and social sciences, as well as between individuals. This pedagogical approach successfully challenged students to realize the ethically-sensitive situations they may encounter.

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Oct 20th, 11:05 AM Oct 20th, 11:50 AM

Avoiding Drama in the Lab: Using Roleplaying to Teach Research Ethics

BHC 126

As undergraduate students gain research experience, they may find themselves in ethically-sensitive situations for which they have no training. In an effort to get students thinking and talking about research ethics, a workshop was held at an annual undergraduate research symposium. Student actors portrayed situations while faculty moderators challenged the audience to discuss the issues. Representatives from the Office of Research Integrity were present to clarify guidelines as necessary. Commonalities and differences were found between the natural and social sciences, as well as between individuals. This pedagogical approach successfully challenged students to realize the ethically-sensitive situations they may encounter.