STARS - Florida Statewide Symposium: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research: Senior Software Engineering Project Course as a Research Opportunity

Senior Software Engineering Project Course as a Research Opportunity

Presentation Type

Poster Session


Burnett Honors College Lounge

Start Date

19-10-2012 5:15 PM

End Date

19-10-2012 7:00 PM


Senior Software Engineering Project courses in undergraduate computing programs (computer science, software engineering or information technology) are normally used to teach students software development principles in typical stages of the life cycle model. This is a very valid approach, which allows the undergrads to acquire knowledge useful for immediate employment. However, it does not prepare them well for pursuing graduate studies. This presentation focuses on a different approach, which utilizes principles of software engineering in teaching students to attack problems from the research perspective to build on existing knowledge of software development for enhancing analytical rather than developmental skills.

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Oct 19th, 5:15 PM Oct 19th, 7:00 PM

Senior Software Engineering Project Course as a Research Opportunity

Burnett Honors College Lounge

Senior Software Engineering Project courses in undergraduate computing programs (computer science, software engineering or information technology) are normally used to teach students software development principles in typical stages of the life cycle model. This is a very valid approach, which allows the undergrads to acquire knowledge useful for immediate employment. However, it does not prepare them well for pursuing graduate studies. This presentation focuses on a different approach, which utilizes principles of software engineering in teaching students to attack problems from the research perspective to build on existing knowledge of software development for enhancing analytical rather than developmental skills.