STARS - Florida Statewide Symposium: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research: The Power of Narrative Pedagogy and Dialogic Interactions: Self-Study of Practice as a Framework to Foster Self-Reflection and Critical Thinking

The Power of Narrative Pedagogy and Dialogic Interactions: Self-Study of Practice as a Framework to Foster Self-Reflection and Critical Thinking

Presentation Type

Interactive Presentation


BHC 128

Start Date

12-10-2013 12:00 PM

End Date

12-10-2013 12:45 PM


As teachers, we have expressed the importance of narrative research in education, especially teachers’ pedagogical narratives and dialogic interactions. Rex and Juzwik (2011) maintain that “a constructivist theory of teacher education posits that engaging preservice teachers in dialogues evoked from tense moments” positions them to build tools and strategies for opening dialogues in their own classrooms. In this study, the educators and undergraduates involved explore how can engagement in dialogic interactions, as well as writing and sharing narratives, fosters transformative teaching practices? How can we provide opportunities for teacher candidates to self-reflect about their teaching experiences and students?

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Oct 12th, 12:00 PM Oct 12th, 12:45 PM

The Power of Narrative Pedagogy and Dialogic Interactions: Self-Study of Practice as a Framework to Foster Self-Reflection and Critical Thinking

BHC 128

As teachers, we have expressed the importance of narrative research in education, especially teachers’ pedagogical narratives and dialogic interactions. Rex and Juzwik (2011) maintain that “a constructivist theory of teacher education posits that engaging preservice teachers in dialogues evoked from tense moments” positions them to build tools and strategies for opening dialogues in their own classrooms. In this study, the educators and undergraduates involved explore how can engagement in dialogic interactions, as well as writing and sharing narratives, fosters transformative teaching practices? How can we provide opportunities for teacher candidates to self-reflect about their teaching experiences and students?