FRIPS: Freshmen Research in Plant Sciences – A Broader Impacts Activity at the University of Missouri

Presentation Type

Poster Session


Burnett Honors College

Start Date

10-10-2014 5:15 PM

End Date

10-10-2014 7:00 PM


The Freshmen Research in Plants Sciences (FRIPS) program is funded as a collaborative broader impacts activity from three different faculty NSF research grants. The program supports 6-10 students each academic year to work 10 hrs/week as student research assistants. Students meet weekly as a group with a graduate student and cover lab orientation topics and skills. Faculty mentors and other undergraduate programs typically support students after their freshman year. Both students and faculty benefit from this early research experience. The program is administered by the Office of Undergraduate Research Office on behalf of the faculty researchers.

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Oct 10th, 5:15 PM Oct 10th, 7:00 PM

FRIPS: Freshmen Research in Plant Sciences – A Broader Impacts Activity at the University of Missouri

Burnett Honors College

The Freshmen Research in Plants Sciences (FRIPS) program is funded as a collaborative broader impacts activity from three different faculty NSF research grants. The program supports 6-10 students each academic year to work 10 hrs/week as student research assistants. Students meet weekly as a group with a graduate student and cover lab orientation topics and skills. Faculty mentors and other undergraduate programs typically support students after their freshman year. Both students and faculty benefit from this early research experience. The program is administered by the Office of Undergraduate Research Office on behalf of the faculty researchers.