From Workshop to Reality: Pedagogical and Discipline-Specific Factors Influencing the Selection of Peer ‘Research Coaches’ for Course-integrated Undergraduate Research
Presentation Type
Poster Session
Burnett Honors College
Start Date
10-10-2014 5:15 PM
End Date
10-10-2014 7:00 PM
As a result of our Council on Undergraduate Research institute experience, faculty from Biology, Writing, Health Sciences, and Spanish report on a pilot program to integrate inquiry-based learning in undergraduate courses through the use of peer ‘Research Coaches’. We aim to: 1) present lessons-learned from the hiring process and use of peer mentors, and 2) initiate dialogue on discipline-specific factors that could influence the implementation of this project into university-wide curriculum. Initial feedback suggests that undergraduate/graduate ‘coaches’ must possess effective communication skills and disciplinary expertise. Interactive discussions on discipline-specific needs will assist us in redefining these positions and the training that should be included.
From Workshop to Reality: Pedagogical and Discipline-Specific Factors Influencing the Selection of Peer ‘Research Coaches’ for Course-integrated Undergraduate Research
Burnett Honors College
As a result of our Council on Undergraduate Research institute experience, faculty from Biology, Writing, Health Sciences, and Spanish report on a pilot program to integrate inquiry-based learning in undergraduate courses through the use of peer ‘Research Coaches’. We aim to: 1) present lessons-learned from the hiring process and use of peer mentors, and 2) initiate dialogue on discipline-specific factors that could influence the implementation of this project into university-wide curriculum. Initial feedback suggests that undergraduate/graduate ‘coaches’ must possess effective communication skills and disciplinary expertise. Interactive discussions on discipline-specific needs will assist us in redefining these positions and the training that should be included.