STARS - Florida Statewide Symposium: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research: The Undergraduate Research Count: Different Approaches to Document Student Involvement and Engagement

The Undergraduate Research Count: Different Approaches to Document Student Involvement and Engagement

Presentation Type

Interactive Presentation


BHC 130

Start Date

22-10-2016 2:25 PM

End Date

22-10-2016 3:20 PM


Determining how many students are involved in undergraduate research is challenging. Universities have used a variety of metrics to quantify participation including surveys, course enrollment data or program counts, self-reporting of students and/faculty, and campus-wide databases. This panel will discuss each type of “counting” system and evaluate the merits and potential costs of each.

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Oct 22nd, 2:25 PM Oct 22nd, 3:20 PM

The Undergraduate Research Count: Different Approaches to Document Student Involvement and Engagement

BHC 130

Determining how many students are involved in undergraduate research is challenging. Universities have used a variety of metrics to quantify participation including surveys, course enrollment data or program counts, self-reporting of students and/faculty, and campus-wide databases. This panel will discuss each type of “counting” system and evaluate the merits and potential costs of each.