Full Schedule | Best Practices in Undergraduate Research 2018

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Symposium Schedule
Friday, October 19th
11:00 AM

11th Annual Florida Statewide Symposium: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research

Florida Statewide Symposium

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Program for the Symposium

11:00 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Conference Center Library

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

1:00 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM


Evelyn Frazier, Florida Atlantic University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Evelyn Marques Frazier, Ph.D., is a NRMN Master Facilitator, Senior Instructor, and Director of the Introduction to Biological Research and Honors Thesis Program at Florida Atlantic University. These programs were developed under an NSF-Undergraduate Research and Mentoring award to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in undergraduate research and create a culture of research among undergraduate students. The program has trained over 168 students in 9 years. She is now expanding undergraduate research training to freshman and transfer students through the NSF-LEARN Program in the College of Science. Dr. Frazier is also a Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching Alumni (2006, 2007, 2012) and has modified her courses to promote active learning. She is an insect ecologist with experience in tropical ecosystems, and has been teaching introductory biology courses for 17 years. Her research interests are on gopher tortoise conservation, insect-plant interactions, and Biology Education.

2:55 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B

2:55 PM - 3:45 PM

Promoting Partnerships in Undergraduate Research: Transforming Barriers to Strengths
Majestic Palm A
Moderators: Ceylan Isgor and Tricia Meredith
Panelists: Michael Cross (University of South Florida), Mary Crowe (Florida Southern University), Kassy Holmes (Valencia College), Rachel Pauletti (Lynn University), and Jeanette Wyneken (Florida Atlantic University)

Models and Best Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Majestic Palm B
Moderators: Melodie Eichbauer (Florida Gulf Coast University) and Wes Lewis (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
Panelists: Anne Donnelly (University of Florida), Eric Freundt (University of Tampa), Marianne Porter (Florida Atlantic University) , Melonie Sexton (Valencia College), and Zuzana Zajickova (Barry University)

3:55 PM

Eight Years of FURC: Outcomes and Planning for the Future

Eric Freundt, University of Tampa
Kimberly R. Schneider, University of Central Florida

Majestic Palm B

3:55 PM - 4:15 PM

One example of an enduring outcome from the Engagement in Undergraduate Research Annual Symposium is the creation of the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), which is an annual event open to all undergraduate students in the state of Florida to present their research in a poster format. In this session, we will present FURC outcomes and survey data. Recently, the planning committee has initiated the process to form a non-profit corporation to oversee FURC and facilitate other statewide initiatives to support undergraduate research. Opportunities for involvement in this new organization, called the Florida Undergraduate Research Consortium, will be presented.

3:55 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

3:55 PM - 4:15 PM

Managing an Interdisciplinary Research Journal at Florida Atlantic University
Majestic Palm A
Tracy Baker and Makenzie Rynn (Florida Atlantic University)

Eight years of FURC: Outcomes and Planning for the Future
Majestic Palm B
Eric Freundt (University of Tampa) and Kimberly Schneider (University of Central Florida)

Guiding Early Research
Sago Palm
Florence Neymotin (Nova Southeastern University)

4:25 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

4:25 PM - 5:10 PM

Using Social Media to Increase Undergraduate Research Engagement/Involvement: Presented by University of North Florida and Florida Atlantic University Majestic Palm A
Andrea Thompson (Florida Atlantic University), Kelsey Eagen (University of North Florida), and Josh Hollin (Florida Atlantic University)

1 Summer, 2 models, $80k: The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programs at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Central Florida
Majestic Palm B
Jennie Soberon (Florida Atlantic University) and Aubrey Kuperman (UCF)

Undergraduate research with dual enrollment students
Sago Palm
Tricia Meredith and Amy Tift (Florida Atlantic University)

5:25 PM

A Cohort-Based Program To Help Students Prepare A Conference Research Presentation

Alanna Lecher, Lynn University

Conference Center Lobby

5:25 PM - 7:00 PM

Students move through many first time experiences when navigating their undergraduate and graduate education. Such experiences include the first time students submit an article to a peer-reviewed scientific journal, attend a conference, and conduct fieldwork. The cohort model has been shown to be effective in increasing success in undergraduate education, and it can be adapted to helping students succeed in these novel experiences as well. This presentation will explore one program where the cohort model was implemented to aid undergraduate students preparing their first conference presentation on a scientific research project. Program structure and implementation will be described.

5:25 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Conference Center Lobby

5:25 PM - 7:00 PM

5:25 PM

Research Intensive Business Communication Course

Rose Kenny Leblanc, Florida Atlantic University

Conference Center Lobby

5:25 PM - 7:00 PM

Research can provide an important means for developing and communicating innovation or changes. This poster from the Business Communication Program will discuss the need for integrating research intensive assignments into GEB 3213: Introduction to Business Communications. This presentation will outline the objectives, methodologies, and learning design of the Research Intensive course. We will report preliminary quantitative and qualitative data obtained from student participants with their perspective on the need for research skills in their future business work environments. We will discuss the benefits and future directions to improve the use of research in Business Communication and other business courses.

5:25 PM

Research Roundtables: Connecting Research Mentors and Undergraduates

Alicia Batailles, Florida State University
Alexandra Oldham, Florida State University

Conference Center Lobby

5:25 PM - 7:00 PM

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) at FSU allows students to engage in research projects that professors, graduate students, and community leaders facilitate. This poster outlines FSU’s Research Mentor Roundtables, an event where UROP students have the opportunity to meet a variety of research mentors in a casual setting to learn about their research and ask questions. Through this event, student researchers gain the confidence needed to approach research mentors with the intent of creating a new working relationship. This event can be scaled up for a wider audience across campus and help students get into research groups on campus.

5:25 PM

Underserved Student Population: Nontraditional Students

Wesley F. Lewis, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Conference Center Lobby

5:25 PM - 7:00 PM

40 percent of students enrolled in postsecondary institutions are nontraditional students (NTS), but many of the services offered are designed for traditional students (NCES, 2017). How does an undergraduate research office support this growing student population? To answer this question, a literature review was conducted, and the following themes were discovered: barriers to nontraditional students participation, programs designed for NTS, and a gap within the literature of student’s perception on participating in UR programs. Before addressing this issue, programs should first conduct an analysis of available data on their NTS to determine if special programs are warranted.

Saturday, October 20th
8:15 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Conference Center Library

8:15 AM - 9:00 AM

8:15 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Silver Palm Room

8:15 AM - 8:50 AM

9:00 AM


Evelyn Frazier, Florida Atlantic University

Majestic Palm Room

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Evelyn Frazier, Ph.D.
Master Facilitator for NRMN

The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is a nationwide consortium of biomedical professionals and institutions collaborating to enhance diversity and support research scientists in their progression through each stage of the workforce. This consortium has trained and certified 35 Master Facilitators from 16 institutions to implement evidence-based research -mentoring curricula at all levels of expertise from undergraduates to junior faculty.

As a master facilitator I implement seminars of the curriculum “Entering Research: A Facilitator’s Manual: Workshops for Students beginning Research in Science.” This curriculum consists of 95 evidence based, active learning activities that can be implemented in the training of undergraduate or graduate students. The activities are grouped by Meta Learning Objectives and Areas of Training Development such as: Research Comprehension and Communications skills, Practical research skills, Research ethics, Researcher Identity, Research Confidence & Independence, Equity and Inclusion Awareness and Skills and Professional & Career Development Skills. These activities can be implemented from an exposure level experience through a research-intensive experience. This curriculum is flexible and allows for the development of research mentoring programs at any level of research experience.

10:10 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

10:10 AM - 10:55 AM

Reaching Out: Collaboration to Expand Community-Engaged Research
Majestic Palm A
Latika Young, Kimberly Reid, Alicia Batailles, and David Montez (Florida State University)

Doing More While Spending Less: Increasing Office Productivity on a Budget
Majestic Palm B
Kelsey Eagen (University of North Florida) and Aubrey Kuperman (University of Central Florida)

Strategies to Use Work-Study Research Program to Enhance Professional Development of Transferable Skills
Sago Palm
Jaclyn Chastain, Hulya Yazici, and Melodie Eichbauer (Florida Gulf Coast University)

10:10 AM

Reaching Out: Collaborating To Expand Community-Engaged Research

Alicia Batailles, Florida State University
Kimberly Reid, Florida State University
Latika L. Young, Florida State University
David Montez, Florida State University

Majestic Palm A

10:10 AM - 10:55 AM

FSU’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement is charged with engaging undergraduates in research and other academic High Impact Practices. This expanded focus allows the integration of research experience within HIPs, especially global engagement, service learning, and innovation/entrepreneurship. While the CRE continues to bolster its community-engaged research efforts, this presentation details our current relationships with campus partners (Center for Leadership and Social Change), the Tallahassee and Florida non-profit and start-up community (UROP), and the global community (Gap Year Fellows/IDEA Grants). The audience will develop ideas for collaborating with partners engaged within communities to support research opportunities for undergraduates.

10:10 AM

Strategies to Use Work-Study Research Program to Enhance Professional Development of Transferable Skills

Jaclyn Chastain, Florida Gulf Coast University
Hulya Yazici, Florida Gulf Coast University
Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University

Sago Palm

10:10 AM - 10:55 AM

Florida Gulf Coast University started a work-study program to provide students with financial need the opportunity to engage in undergraduate research. Faculty working with students research facilitate the development of traditional skill sets, including discipline knowledge, interpersonal skills, methodology development, analytical skills for the discipline, etc. To accompany this traditional research experience, the WiSER Eagles program (Work-study in Scholarly Experiential Research) provides an opportunity to enhance the professional development of transferable skills. We will discuss the connection between undergraduate research and transferable skills, the incorporation of professional development in the program, enhancing this effort moving forward.

11:00 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Valuing Creativity, Research and Scholarship in All Disciplines
Majestic Palm A
Mary Crowe and Sara Fletcher-Harding (Florida Southern College)

A Culture of Mentorship through VCoP
Majestic Palm B
Kadie Hayward Mullins (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)

Scaffolding Inquiry Across the Curriculum at the University of Tampa: Progress and Lessons Learned
Sago Palm
Eric Freundt and Richard RiCharde (The University of Tampa)

11:00 AM

Scaffolding Inquiry Across the Curriculum at the University of Tampa: Progress and Lessons Learned

Eric Freundt, University of Tampa
Steve RiCharde, University of Tampa

Sago Palm

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) at the University of Tampa focuses on a scaffolded approach to engage students in the process of inquiry and enable students to acquire the skills required to plan and complete an inquiry-based culminating project. The process begins in First Year Experience courses where inquiry is introduced and is further developed in major courses that have been revised to include inquiry projects. Finally, the QEP has increased the number of opportunities for students to participate in research-based culminating projects. In this session, we discuss the lessons learned, the adjustments made, and the outcomes measured to date.

11:30 AM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

CRISPR in the Undergraduate Classroom
Majestic Palm A
Heather Evans Anderson (Stetson University)

Expanding Tiny Earth Research at FAU
Majestic Palm B
Diane Baronas-Lowell (Florida Atlantic University)

Research Courses for Guppies: How to Guide Freshman and Sophomores to Conduct Novel Research
Sago Palm
Ashley Spring (Eastern Florida State College)

12:45 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

Technology Uses and Experience Design to Promote Student Engagement at a Large-Scale Undergraduate Research Conference
Majestic Palm A
Ora Tanner and Michael Cross (University of South Florida)

Tales of Assessment: Vignettes of Evaluating and Documenting Undergraduate Research
Majestic Palm B
Kimberly Schneider (University of Central Florida) and Donna Chamely-Wiik (Florida Atlantic University)

12:45 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Sago Palm

12:45 PM - 1:05 PM

Book Reviews in Student Journals: An Untapped Academic Niche
Sago Palm
Hagai Gringarten (St. Thomas University) and Raul Fernandez-Calienes

12:45 PM

Technology Uses and Experience Design to Promote Student Engagement at a Large-Scale Undergraduate Research Conference

Ora D. Tanner, University of South Florida

Majestic Palm A

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

This session introduced participants to the concept of learning experience design and its implementation during the spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Colloquium at the University of South Florida to increase student engagement. Examples of technology uses and design considerations will be presented including: use of the Canvas LMS as a training and communication platform, transitioning from paper-based feedback forms to totally digital, redesign of traditional conference layouts and conference forms, and the introduction of augmented reality to student research posters. Participants will leave with ideas and tools they can implement to take their university’s research conference to the next level!

1:10 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Sago Palm

1:10 PM - 1:30 PM

Scaffolding the Honors thesis research process: Ensuring success through intellectual, technical and social support
Sago Palm
Padmini Coopamah Waldron (University of Central Florida)

1:40 PM

Advantages of Finalizing Undergraduate Creative Projects with a Research Poster

Christopher Maraffi, Florida Atlantic University

Sago Palm

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM

Before coming to FAU, I developed the undergraduate media arts curriculum at USCB, where I assigned research posters to art students as part of their final project presentations. In this talk, I will describe my approach to integrating practice-based research practices into multimedia courses, and how framing creative work as research can benefit student learning. This STEAM (Art+STEM) approach to multimedia pedagogy tries to balance intuitive exploration of creative expression with critical enquiry into the artistic process. Students begin to understand that artists have always been technical and learn to better articulate what motivated their creative work.

1:40 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM

Downscaling Satellite-based Soil Moisture SM) Data Using Machine Learning Approaches – a case study of the Tibetan Plateau
Majestic Palm A
Hongbo Su (Florida Atlantic University)

Bringing Research to the (Cybersecurity) Classroom
Majestic Palm B
Miloslava Plachkinova (University of Tampa)

Advantages of Finalizing Undergraduate Creative Projects with a Research Poster
Sago Palm
Christopher Maraffi (Florida Atlantic University)

2:10 PM

Infusing undergraduate scholarship into teacher education

Tunde Szecsi, Florida Gulf Coast University
Hasan Aydin, Florida Gulf Coast University

Majestic Palm A

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM

Students majoring in education are underrepresented in undergraduate scholarship. To enable teacher candidates to develop and demonstrate their skills in scholarly activities and products, we implemented a well-orchestrated infusion of problem-solving, critical thinking, oral and written communication, collaboration into courses.

In this presentation, we will describe this systematic course-based infusion of scholarly endeavors with examples from courses. In addition, during the past three years, annually we assessed teacher candidates’ scholarly products for critical thinking, informational literacy and writing. Here we will share what we learned from the data, and how we used it to strengthen undergraduate scholarship for future teachers.

2:10 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B; Sago Palm Room

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM

Infusing undergraduate scholarship into teacher education
Majestic Palm A
Tunde Szecsi and Hasan Aydin (Florida Gulf Coast University)

Using a faculty-made multi-touch book in research methods courses
Majestic Palm B
Sanne Unger and Melissa Lehman (Lynn University)

Involving Undergraduate Honors Student in Interdisciplinary Research
Sago Palm
Lenny Chiang-Hanisko (Florida Atlantic University)

2:40 PM


Florida Statewide Symposium

Majestic Palm Room A & B

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM