Concurrent Session #8: A Foot into the Future, Two Feet in the Past: What are Students Saying Regarding ChatGPT?


Key West A

Start Date

25-9-2023 2:00 PM

End Date

25-9-2023 2:30 PM


ChatGPT seems to be in our classrooms to stay. Should instructors be so worried about it? It is my aim to present a comprehensive analysis of student perspectives regarding their experiences and perceptions of interacting with ChatGPT. Through reflections, participants were invited to share their thoughts on the use of ChatGPT in educational contexts. It is my aim to engage in a deeper discussion acknowledging student concerns and incorporating their feedback, so that educators can shape the future of AI-powered educational tools in a way that enhances learning outcomes and supports student success.

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Sep 25th, 2:00 PM Sep 25th, 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session #8: A Foot into the Future, Two Feet in the Past: What are Students Saying Regarding ChatGPT?

Key West A

ChatGPT seems to be in our classrooms to stay. Should instructors be so worried about it? It is my aim to present a comprehensive analysis of student perspectives regarding their experiences and perceptions of interacting with ChatGPT. Through reflections, participants were invited to share their thoughts on the use of ChatGPT in educational contexts. It is my aim to engage in a deeper discussion acknowledging student concerns and incorporating their feedback, so that educators can shape the future of AI-powered educational tools in a way that enhances learning outcomes and supports student success.