Honing the Human Eye: Strategies for Detecting AI-Generated Content


Seminole E

Start Date

22-7-2024 2:45 PM

End Date

22-7-2024 3:15 PM


This session addresses the challenge of distinguishing human-generated from AI-generated content in education, vital for upholding academic integrity. We will explore training strategies for educators to detect AI-created work, especially where automated tools like GPT Zero fall short. The presentation will delve into identifying features of AI-generated content, discussing the limitations of current detection tools and the critical role of human discernment. Interactive exercises will enhance participants’ skills in recognizing AI text. The session emphasizes the need for ongoing adaptation to AI’s evolving capabilities, equipping educators with skills to maintain academic standards and integrity.

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Jul 22nd, 2:45 PM Jul 22nd, 3:15 PM

Honing the Human Eye: Strategies for Detecting AI-Generated Content

Seminole E

This session addresses the challenge of distinguishing human-generated from AI-generated content in education, vital for upholding academic integrity. We will explore training strategies for educators to detect AI-created work, especially where automated tools like GPT Zero fall short. The presentation will delve into identifying features of AI-generated content, discussing the limitations of current detection tools and the critical role of human discernment. Interactive exercises will enhance participants’ skills in recognizing AI text. The session emphasizes the need for ongoing adaptation to AI’s evolving capabilities, equipping educators with skills to maintain academic standards and integrity.