Digital/environmental technopoetics in decolonial search

Presenter Information

Claudia Kozak, UBA/CONICETFollow

Submission Type


Start Date/Time (EDT)

21-7-2024 10:30 AM

End Date/Time (EDT)

21-7-2024 11:30 AM


Narrative & Worlds


The presentation focuses on contemporary modulations of thought and the arts inscribed in the critical digital/environmental humanities, both inextricably linked insofar as all digital practice, even if it pretends to be immaterial, has a material impact on the environment. Thus, I will recover lines that seek to open paths of decolonization of existence in times marked by data colonialism, uncritical and hyperbolic narratives regarding Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the platformization of everyday life from logics of capitalist concentration and the degradation of planetary ecosystems due to digital technologies. Within this framework, I will comment on the scope and challenges of technopoetic/technopolitical pieces that use digital infrastructures outside those standardized in corporate platforms, or that make visible from the artistic practice the extractivism of natural resources associated with the energy requirements of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, for example, the project Los ojos de la milpa (Mexico, 2012-2014), by Eugenio Tisselli, based on OjoVoz, an open source mobile/web platform for the collaborative creation of maps and community memories, developed by the same artist for environments with little or no connectivity, or the installation Ecologías híbridas by Manuela Garretón and Martín Tironi (Chile, 2023) that poetically reveals the water "wound" involved in the generation of images with AI.


Claudia Kozak, senior researcher Argentinean National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). She sits at Academic Council Ph. D. in History and Comparative Theory of Arts (UNTREF) and Board of Directors of Electronic Literature Organization ( She coordinates Lit(e)lat, Red de Literatura Electrónica Latinoamericana ( and Ludión. Exploratorio latinoamericano de poéticas/políticas tecnológicas ( Author and/or editor of Antología Lit(e)Lat. Vol. 1 (Antología de literatura electrónica latinoamericana y caribeña, L. Flores, C. Kozak, R. Mata (eds.), Red de Literatura Electrónica Latinoamericana, 2020, online); Fobias - fonias - fagias. Escritas experimentais e eletrónicas ibero-afro-latinoamericanas. (R. Torres, C. Kozak (orgs.), Publicações Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2019), Tecnopoéticas argentinas. Archivo blando de arte y tecnología (C. Kozak (ed.), Caja negra 2012, 2015, 2023); Poéticas/políticas tecnológicas en Argentina (1910-2010) (C. Kozak (ed.), La hendija 2014); Poéticas tecnológicas, transdisciplina y sociedad. Actas del Seminario Internacional Ludión/Paragraphe (C. Kozak (ed.), Exploratorio Ludión, 2011); Deslindes. Ensayos sobre la literatura y sus límites en el siglo XX (C. Kozak (ed.), Beatriz Viterbo, 2006); Contra la pared. Sobre graffitis, pintadas y otras intervenciones urbanas (C. Kozak, Libros del Rojas, 2004). Las paredes limpias no dicen nada (C. Kozak, G. Bombini, Istvan, Floyd (eds.), Libros del Quirquincho, 1991); Rock en letras (C. Kozak (ed.), Libros del Quirquincho, 1990).

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Jul 21st, 10:30 AM Jul 21st, 11:30 AM

Digital/environmental technopoetics in decolonial search

Narrative & Worlds

The presentation focuses on contemporary modulations of thought and the arts inscribed in the critical digital/environmental humanities, both inextricably linked insofar as all digital practice, even if it pretends to be immaterial, has a material impact on the environment. Thus, I will recover lines that seek to open paths of decolonization of existence in times marked by data colonialism, uncritical and hyperbolic narratives regarding Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the platformization of everyday life from logics of capitalist concentration and the degradation of planetary ecosystems due to digital technologies. Within this framework, I will comment on the scope and challenges of technopoetic/technopolitical pieces that use digital infrastructures outside those standardized in corporate platforms, or that make visible from the artistic practice the extractivism of natural resources associated with the energy requirements of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, for example, the project Los ojos de la milpa (Mexico, 2012-2014), by Eugenio Tisselli, based on OjoVoz, an open source mobile/web platform for the collaborative creation of maps and community memories, developed by the same artist for environments with little or no connectivity, or the installation Ecologías híbridas by Manuela Garretón and Martín Tironi (Chile, 2023) that poetically reveals the water "wound" involved in the generation of images with AI.