ELO (un)linked 2024



Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) Conference and Media Arts Festival

2024 – Virtual – #ELOnline

Registration is now open.

We invite you to join us for the annual Electronic Literature Organization Conference and Media Arts Festival (ELO), to be hosted fully online July 18-21, 2024 by a team based at the University of Central Florida with collaborators around the world.

ELOnline 2024’s theme is (Un)linked. We particularly encourage submissions that center on the web as a contested platform of community and computational creativity, with attention to both dystopian shifts (such as the slow demise of the platform formerly known as Twitter) and hopeful futures.

Cost and Impact

This fully online iteration of ELO is developed in response to concerns raised both within the community and more broadly regarding the environmental impact, accessibility, and affordability of academic conferences. Our approach is intended to reflect an intentional, impact-conscious, approach using established platforms (Zoom, Discord, and the STARS Repository) and minimizing cost both to the organizers and participants.

Membership is not required to submit to the conference. However, all conference participants will be required to join the ELO, with membership fees payable directly to the organization. There is no additional conference registration fee beyond dues: however, those able to do so are encouraged to donate to ELO in lieu of registration.


Please direct all queries to the conference co-chairs: Anastasia Salter () and John Murray () or exhibition and performance questions to Lyle Skains ()

Browse the Draft Program

Browse the contents of ELO (un)linked 2024:

Full Schedule
Algorithms & Imaginaries
Hypertexts & Fictions
Narrative & Worlds