FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®āat the University of Central Floridaāto more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.
Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.
Submissions from 1987
Home Builders Design and Education Program. Quarterly Report, 07/09-87. [10-12-87]. 4 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira
Home Builders Design and Education Program Workplan. 01-30-87. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira
Relative Benefits of Low-Emissivity Window for Florida Residences. 01-87. 13 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira
Survey of Solar Water Heating Systems in Florida Schools. 1st Quarterly Progress Report, 01-05 to 03-31-87, G.E.O. Contract #639. 04-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh
Survey of Solar Water Heating Systems on Florida Schools. 2nd Quarterly Progress Report, 04-01 to 06-30-87, G.E.O. Contract #639. [07-87]. 20 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh
Survey of Solar Water Heating Systems on Florida Schools. 3rd Quarterly Progress Report, 07-01 to 09-30-87, G.E.O. Contract #639. [10-87]. 21 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh
Submissions from 1986
Design Practices for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems. Volume II: Cost Proposal. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 12-09-86., Florida Solar Energy Center
Design Practices for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems. Volume I: Technical Proposal. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 12-09-86., Florida Solar Energy Center
Evaluation of Environmental Control and Photovoltaic Systems for the Charleston Tacts Towers. Volume 2: Cost Proposal. 07-30-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center
Experimental Determination of Ventilative Cooling Energy Savings. Final Report, 12-86. 69 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center
Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-86: Continuing Education, Solar Trust Fund, Research Overhead Administration, Concession Fund. 10-86. 12 P., Florida Solar Energy Center
Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-86: Education and General, Contracts and Grants. 10-86. 42 P., Florida Solar Energy Center
Florida Solar Energy Center Five-Year Plan. 09-86. 29 P., Florida Solar Energy Center
Florida Solar Energy Center Grant Reports, 1976-1985. 01-86. (Supercedes Previous Edition). Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center
Florida Solar Energy Center Publications. (Supercedes Previous Editions. 01-86, 07-87. Copies 1(Ref), 2(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center
Florida Solar Energy Center Solar Collector Test Reports. (Supercedes Previous Editions). 01/86; 07/87; 07/88. Copies 1(Ref), 2(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center
FSEC Proposals, March 1975 - January 1986. 01/86. FSEC Proposals, March 1975 - July 1987. 07-87. (Supercedes Previous Editions). Copies 1(Ref), 2(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center
Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air Conditioning Systems. Activities Report (04-85 - 07-86). 1 V. (Various Pagings). 09-86, Florida Solar Energy Center
Hydrogen Energy from Renewable Resources. Volume IV: Exploratory Research. 11-15-86. 40 P., Florida Solar Energy Center
Power Electronics Application R&D Center; Response to Request for Expression of Interest and Qualifications 2825. 01-86. 1 V. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center
Power Electronics Applications R&D Center (Peac). Volume II: Cost Proposal. 62 P. 04-04-86, Florida Solar Energy Center
Power Electronics Applications R&D Center (Peac). Volume I: Technical Proposal. 04-04-86, Florida Solar Energy Center
Solar Cooling Research Facility for Hot-Humid Climates. Appendixes to Volume II: Technical Proposal. 07-10-86, 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center
Solar Cooling Research Facility for Hot-Humid Climates. Volume II: Technical Proposal. 07-10-86, 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center
Solar Ovens and Cookers, Florida Solar Energy Center
Solar Water Heater Troubleshooting Checklist, Florida Solar Energy Center
Staff Professional Publications. 01-86. (Supercedes Previous Editions). Copies 1(Ref), 2(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center
Third International Symposium on Hydrogen Producedfrom Renewable Energy. 05/22-23/86., Florida Solar Energy Center
Third International Symposium on Hydrogen Producedfrom Renewable Energy. 05/22-23/86. 2nd Edition. (Copies 1(FSEC Coll.)&2(Cir.), Florida Solar Energy Center
FSEC Library Periodical Holdings. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 10-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Micky Bagg
1985-1986 Annual Report State of Florida Grant for Biomass/Hydrogen Research. 06-16-86. (FSEC Grant Report). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ronald Barile
Power Electronics in Air Conditioning. 09-10-86. 8 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block
Symposia on Hydrogenfrom Renewable Energy. 10-31-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2, 3., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block
Investigation of the Time Rate of Change of Daylight. 05-01-86. 91 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Hans Bornemann
Operation Impact: A Survey of the Florida Solar Energy Industry. Final Report. 02-86. (Prepared for FSEC). Filed with "FSEC Subcontractors Reports", Florida Solar Energy Center and Nikolas Camejo
Cooling with Ventilation, Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra
Cooling with Ventilation. 12-86. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra
Wind Tunnel and Full-Scale Data on Airflow from Natural Ventilation and Ceiling Fans. 1986. 9 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra
Field Data Delivery - Interim Report: Thermal Performance Field Monitoring of Various Conservation Construction Techniques. 02-10-86. De 86 011528, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Instrumentation for Monitoring Buildings in Hot, Humid Climates. Field Data Acquisition for Building and Equipment Energy-Use Monitoring, U.S. DOE National Workshop. 01-86. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Monitoring of Conservation Retrofits in Single Family Buildings. Volume II: Business Management Proposal. 11-14-86. 32 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Monitoring of Conservation Retrofits in Single Family Buildings. Volume I: Technical Proposal. 11-14-86. 57 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Sleuth (Systems Laboratory for End Use Testing & Hypothesis) Phase I: Planning and Design of Facilities. 11-21-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Study of the Dehumidification Enhancement of Air Conditioners by a Desiccant Loop. 27 P. 02-24-86, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Study of the Dehumidification Enhancement of Air Conditioners by a Desiccant Loop. Volume II: Cost Proposal. 31 P. 03-28-86, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Study of the Dehumidification Enhancement of Air Conditioners by a Desiccant Loop. Volume I: Technical Proposal. 43 P. 03-28-86, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Technique for the Study of Thermal Stratification in Solar Tanks. 04/13-16/86. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Transients and Physics of Return Air. 05/27-29/86. 7 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer
Freeze Resistance Potential of Integrated Collector Storage Solar Water Heaters. 01-17-86. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings
Optimization of Design Techniques for Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems. 01-16-86. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop
Photovoltaic Array Performance Summary for the SE RES Prototype System #3. 06-30-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop
Hydrogen Energy from Renewable Resources. Volume II: Appendices. 11-15-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and P. K. Ekahashi
Analytical Investigation of the Desiccant Enhanced Nocturnal Radiation Cooling Concept. Final Report. 04-30-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey
Comparative Thermal Performance of Rustic Shingle as a Retrofit Option in Hot-Humid Climates. 01-15-86. 28 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey
Moisture Sorption Kinetics in Crystalling Desiccants. Volume I: Technical Proposal. 06-09-86. 23 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey
Radiant Energy Transfer and Radiant Barrier Systems in Buildings, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey
Techniques for Shading Residential Walls and Windows, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey
Annual Report on Selected Projects Performed by the Solar Energy and Energy Conversion Laboratory, University of Florida, 07-01-85 - 06-30-86. (FSEC Grant Report)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Erich A. Farber
Waste Engine Heat Powered Air Conditioner; a Proposal for Category I, UCF In-House Rsch Programs. 01-16-86. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and Paul Freen
Characterizing the Temperature Environment of Roof Mounted Residential Photovoltaic Arrays at the Se Res. 04/14-17/86. 8 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis
Enhancing Photovoltaic Array Cooling for Improved Efficiency and Output. 01-86. 9 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis
Proposal to Establish an Electrolysis Research Capability. 01-17-86. 1 V. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Omar Hancock
PV-Electric System for the Rotenberger Project - Financial Alternatives. Final Report. 02-86, 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey
Laboratory Accreditation Application - Thermal Performance of Liquid Solar Collectors. 09-30-86. 135 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Bruce Holbaugh
Assessment and Modification of Standard Hourly Energy Calculation Methods for Predicting Performance of Ventilative Cooling. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 11-24-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu
Experimental Plan for Determining Ventilative Cooling Energy Savings Potential in Hot Humid Climates. 04-15-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu
Latent and Sensible Load Distributions in Conventional and Energy Efficient Residences. Final Report, January 1983 - January 1986. 05-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu
Growth Management and Florida's Future: An Energy Forum. 03/14-15/86. 16 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles
IRS Characterization of Nationwide Power Corp. Transaction: Warranty Vs. Service Contract. 07-86. 2 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles
Revenue Rulings: Solar Tanks Ineligible for Credit. 07-86. 4 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles
Dehumidi-Pipe: A Novel Approach to Dehumidification with Air-Conditioning Systems. 04/30/86 - 05/02/86. 10 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar
Development of Heat Pipes for Applications With...Feasibility Study of a Flood Refrigerant-To-Air Evaportator. Vol. I: Tech Proposal. 03-28-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar
Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air Conditioning Systems. Draft Annual Activities Report (04-85 - 04-86). 05-86. 66 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar
Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air Conditioning Systems. Quarterly Activities Report (Oct.-Dec. 1985). 21 P. 01-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar
Heat Pipes for Dehumidification: Case Study at Bob's Candies. 09-30-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar
Performance Report and Evaluation of the Georgia Power Company Future 1 Photovoltaic Array. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 05-17-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle
Photovoltaic Recommendations for the Charleston Tacts Towers. 01-06-6. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle
Field Test of Energy '85 Instructional Materials in Brevard County's Earth/Space Science Courses. Final Report. 31 P. 07-15-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart
Advanced Passive Control Systems for Skylights. 02-19-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney
Advanced Passive Control Systems for Skylights - Supplement. 11 P. 02-28-86, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney
Bringing in the Sun. 1986. 4 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney
LBL Bidirectional Fenestration Transmittance Tester; Radiometer/Photometric Analysis. 08-31-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney
Data Acquisition Program: Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems. 03-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan
Performance of Solar DHW Systems in the North Carolina Climate. 06/06-12/86. 5 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan
1985-86 Annual Report, State of Florida Grant for Solar Thermal Research. 06-16-86. (FSEC Grant Report). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robert P. Scaringe
Principal Component Analysis of Sky Luminance Data. 04-11-86. 140 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Achim Seidel
Builders Education Program: Explaining New Energy-Saving Options. 06/09-11/86. 5 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Consumer Perceptions of Solar Energy: Have Their Expectations Been Met? 1 V. (Various Pagings). 02-26-86. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Low Energy Construction Techniques: A Technology Transfer Program for Builders. 06/11-13/86. 3 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Marketing Survival; Selling Solar Without Tax Credits. 04-24-86. 28 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Selling Low-Energy Construction Techniques: An Overview of Marketing Strategies. 06/09-11/86. 6 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Tropical Building Seminar. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 03-12-86. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Understanding Solar Energy: A guide for the Financial Community; A proposal for Category II, UCF In-House Research Programs. 01-15-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf
Comparative Testing of a Low Emissivity Paint. (Proprietary Final Report - (Not for Public Release) 10-01-86, 51 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Muthusamy V. Swami
Solar Cooling Research Facility: First Year Research Plan. (2nd Draft). 12-04-86. (Copies 1, 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Muthusamy V. Swami
Hydrogen Energy from Renewable Resources. Volume I: Final Report. 11-15-86, Florida Solar Energy Center and Patrick K. Takahashi
Hydrogen Energyfrom Renewable Resources. Volume III: Conventional Hydrogen Production Technology and Hydrogen Storage and Transport. 11-15-86., Florida Solar Energy Center and Patrick K. Takahashi
Side-By-Side Comparison of Integral Collector Storage and Conventional Collector Solar Water Heating Systems. 04/13-18/86. 6 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann
Recipes for Solar Cooking, Florida Solar Energy Center and Jo Townsend
Evaluation of Environmental Control and Photovoltaic Systems for the Charleston TACTS Towers. Volume 1: Technical Proposal. 07-30-86. 12 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira