FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®ā€”at the University of Central Floridaā€”to more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.

Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.


Submissions from 1988

Development of Low Cost Components for Desiccant Based Air Conditioning. V.I: Technical Proposal. 12-21-88., Florida Solar Energy Center

Hydrogen and Methane Systems Integration: The Transition to Hydrogen Power. March 28, 1988., Florida Solar Energy Center


Hydrogen for Power Applications. Task 2: Storage of Hydrogen in Solid, Liquid and Gaseous forms. June 1988. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Energy-Efficient Industrialized Housing. 11-04-88., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Solar Cooling Research Project. Second Year Research Plan (January-December 1988). April 1988. 21 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Solar Cooling Research Project. Third Year Research Plan (January-December. 1989). 11-88., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Dehumidification Enhancement of Air Conditioners by Desiccant Moisture Exchange. Task 4 Final Report. August 31, 1988. 60 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Hot/Humid Residential Studies. 05-88, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Photovoltaic Powered Overhead Guide Sign, Second Quarterly Report. January 8, 1988. 24+P., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop

Photovoltaic Powered Overhead Guide Sign, Third Quarterly Report. April 15, 1988. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop


RBS Technology: Task 3 Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Open Cycle OTEC Seawater Research Test Facility-Site Study. March 1988. 1 V. (Copies 1, 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and James Huggins


Whole-Building Moisture Experiments and Data Analysis. Draft Task 1 Final Report, Milestone #219. February 5, 1988. 91 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Adel A. Kamel


Theoretical & Computational Investigation of Algorithms for Simultaneous Heat & Moisture Transport in Buildings. Task 2 Final Report, Milestone #218 & 220 Combined. IV (Copies 1Ref, 2,3), Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu

Photovoltaic System Design Laboratory Manual. 1988., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Building Design Assistance Center. Fifth Quarterly Progress Report. January 1 to March 31, 1988. G.E.O. Contract No 633. April 15, 1988. 12 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Building Design Assistance Center. Fourth Quarterly Progress Report, October 1 to December 31, 1987. G.E.O. Contract No. 633. 9 Pages. January 15, 1988, Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan


Analysis of Radiant Barrier Car Shade Performance: Preliminary Experiments and Proof of Concept, Florida Solar Energy Center and Danny Parker


Build Your Own Solar Batch Water Heater, Florida Solar Energy Center and Public Information Office


Consumer Facts About Radiant Barriers, Florida Solar Energy Center and Public Information Office


Economic Benefits of Various Energy Conservation Options, Florida Solar Energy Center and Public Information Office


Photovoltaic-Powered Lighting System for Overhead Highway Guide Signs, Florida Solar Energy Center and Public Information Office

Experimental Moisture Transport Studies in Enhanced RDF and DRDF Systems. 02-11-88, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ali Raissi

Fabricate and Test a Process Development Unit for Ultraviolet Purification of Air. 01-88., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ali Raissi

Study and Test a Process Research Unit (PRU) for Ultraviolet Ozonation of Breathing Air for Contaminants Removal. 04-14-88, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ali Raissi


Energy-Efficient Florida Home Building Manual (Revised 1992), Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Survey of Solar Water Heating Systems on Florida Schools. 4th Q. Progress Report, 10-1 to 12-31, 1987, G.E.O. Contract No. 639, 1 V. (Various Pagings). 01-88, Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Submissions from 1987

Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-87: Ed & General, Contracts & Grants, Cont Ed, Solar Trust Fund, Comp Acct, Concession Fund, Research Overhead Adm. 50 P. [09-87], Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Grant Reports, 1976-1987. 07-87. 9 P. (Supersedes Previous Eds.) Copies 1(Ref), 2(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center

Heat Pump Test Evaluation, Model: Maxpool 24, Maxtemp, Inc., P.O. Box 1291, Manchester, CT 06090. 11-03-87, Florida Solar Energy Center

Photovoltaic System Design Course Manual., Florida Solar Energy Center

Program for Florida Solar Energy Center at Brevard Community College and University of Central Florida, Cocoa Campus. 07-87. 159 P., Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar Cooling Research Project: Five-Year Plan, 1987-1991. 15 P. 05-87., Florida Solar Energy Center

Toplighting Passive Control Strategies. Cost Summary. 04-10-87. 1 P., Florida Solar Energy Center

Joint Projects in Solar Energy Research - 1986-1987 Annual Report. Volume II: Production of Hydrogen and Sulfurfrom Hydrogen Sulfide. 06-10-87. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ronald Barile

Joint Projects in Solar Energy Rsch - 1986-1987 Annual Rept. V. III: Appl of Metal Hydrides to Energy Storage & Temp Upgrade. Biomass Energy Research Enthalpy Storage Mats. 06-10-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ronald Barile

Hydrogen for Power Applications. Task 1: Electrolytic Hydrogen Production Technology. December 1987. 70 Pages., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Long-Term Field Results for Residential Hot Water, Cooling and Heating Loads. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 08-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Technical Assistance Center for Solid Waste Resource Recovery. 11-87. 16 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Diurnal Test Facility Design and Instrumentation Plans. 07-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Intelligent Tutors for Energy-Efficient Building Design. 10-14-87. 37 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra


Procedures for Calculating Natural Ventilation Airflow Rates in Buildings. 03-87, Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Inp Based Solar Cells for Space Applicatioion: Reduction of External Losses, Florida Solar Energy Center and T Coutts

Evalutation of a Two-Tank Solar Gas Domestic Hot Water System with Gas Tank Elevated. 8 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer


Field Data Delivery - Thermal Performance Field Monitoring of Various Conservation Construction Techniques. Final Report, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Phase Change Material Thermal Storage Research. a Proposal in Response to DSR "Mentor Research Program"". 02-22-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings).", Florida Solar Energy Center and James Cummings

Quality of Cuinse2 and CdS Thin Films for Solar Cells, Florida Solar Energy Center and Neelkanth Dhere

Caracol Project: Photovoltaic System Design and Operational Manual. 04-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop

Photovoltaic Powered Overhead Guide Sign. First Quarterly Report. October 27, 1987. 18 Pages., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Dunlop

Research Plan: Hydrogen for Power Applications. Subcontract #XK-7-07159. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 09-87. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subhash Dutta

Treatment of Hazardous Wastes by Photolytic Processes. 11-87, Florida Solar Energy Center and Subhash Dutta

Proposed System for Automated Measurement of Cloud Distribution: A Proposal in Response to DSR "Starter Research Program"". 02-06-87. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Carol Emrich

Field Swatch Test Protocol to Determine Potential Emittance Degradation in Attic RBS Applications. Draft Copy. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 09-20-87. (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Moisture Research and Analysis in Buildings, Materials and Systems. Volume II: Cost Proposal. 03-18-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Moisture Research and Analysis in Buildings, Materials and Systems. Volume I: Technical Proposal. 03-18-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Radiant Barriers: A Question and Answer Primer, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Energy Code Residential Report form Data Bank Development and Testing. 07-87. 14 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Ice Making Using Photovoltaics. 02/10/87. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Preparation of an Annotated Guide to Models and Algorithms Relating to HVAC Equipment. 03-87. 25 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Solar Technology Curriculum Study. [09-87]. 34 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and John Harrison

Numerical Calculation of Room Air Movement Under Forced Ventilation. 05-14-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu


Turning on the Sun: A Comprehensive Consumer Guide to Solar Water Heating. Revised 06-87. (Supersedes Previous Eds.) 22 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles


Another Aspect of Duty Cycling: Effects on Indoor Humidity. 01/18-21/87. 10 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Applications Guidelines: Heat Pipes for Dehumidification in Air-Conditioning Systems. November 16, 1987. 25 Pages., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Direct-Expansion Air-Conditioning System Performance in Low Humidity Applications: A Case Study. 09/15-16/87. 9 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Appl for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Cond Syst: Case Study at Bobs Candies, Ga - Quarterly Act Report, 03/05-87. Nasa Contract #Nas 10-11385. 1 V. 09-25-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Appl for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Cond Syst: Case Study at Bobs Candies, Ga - Quarterly Act Report, 06/08-87. Nasa Contract #Nas 10-11385. 1 V. 09-25-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar


Heat Pipe Application Program, Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Conditioning Systems. 02-27-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Cond. Quarterly Activities Rept, Nasa Contract # Nas10-11351, Jun/Aug, 1987. Nov 16 1987. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Cond Systems: Case Study at Bobs Candies, Ga. Q. Activities Report, 10/11-87, 12-18-87. 1 V. (Vario, Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Cond. Systems II. Q. Activities Rept. Nasa Cont Nas1O-11351, 03-05 1987. 11-16-87. I V. (V.Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipes for Dehumidification: A Case Study at Bobs Candies. 03-87. 8 P. Revised 07-29-87., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipes for Dehumidification: Case Study at Bobs Candies: Data Analysis and Heat Pipe Selection. (Draft Report). 01-06-87. 69 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Two-Step Ventilation Air Dehumidification System: Performance Measurement. 05-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Photovoltaic Battery Charging Demonstration for Light Industrial Electric Vehicles. 10-87. 5 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle

Photovoltaic Systems Training Center. Quarterly Report, 07-01-87 to 09-30-87. [10-87]. 12 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Joint Projects in Solar Energy Research - 1986-1987 Annual Report. Volume I: Computer Simulations. 06-10-87. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and G. M. La Rosa

Data Analysis Plan for the Florida Power & Light 10 kW Grid-Connected Flat Plate Photovoltaic System. 09-16-87. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Bill Marion

FSEC Fenestration Energy and Illumination Performance Research Program. 01-08-87. 21 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Toplighting Passive Control Strategies. Technical Pre-Proposal. 04-10-87. 16 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Integration of Passive Building Technologies into State Regulations: A Florida Case Study. 04-87. 4 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ingrid Melody

Building Design Assistance Center. 1st Quarterly Progress Report, 01-01 to 03-31-87, G.E.O. Contract #633. 04-14-87. 9 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Building Design Assistance Center. 2nd Quarterly Progress Report, 04-01 to 06-30-87. G.E.O. Contract #633. 07-14-87. 14 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Building Design Assistance Center. 3rd Quarterly Progress Report, 07-01-87 to 09-30-87, G.E.O. Contract #633. [10-14-87]. 13 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Building Design Assistance Center: Computer Hardware Evaluation Report. G.E.O. Contract #633. 04-14-87. 24 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Building Design Assistance Center Workplan. 01-30-87. 18 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Buildings Research Program at the Florida Solar Energy Center. 01-17-87. 29 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Explaining New Passive Design Strategies: A campaign Aimed at the General Public. 07/11-16/87. 5 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Florida and Hawaii's Renewable Energy Partnership. 04/27-30/87. 7 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Overview of the Buildings Research Program at the Florida Solar Energy Center. 07/11-16/87. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Counteracting Daylight Deprivation. 06/17-25/87. 9 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Michael Terman

Comparison Testing of Solar Water Heating Systems: Difficulties and Solutions. 01/18-21/87. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann

Florida Photovoltaic Services. 05/04-06/87. 5 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gerard Ventre

Photovoltaic Systems Training Center. Quarterly Report, April 1 to June 30, 1987. 1 Vol. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gerard Ventre

Photovoltaic Systems Training Center. Quarterly Report, January 1 to March 31, 1987. 1 Vol. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gerard Ventre

Energy-Efficient Water Supply and End-Use Facilities. 11-87. 14 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Home Builders Design and Education Program. Quarterly Progress Report, 01 - 03-87. 03-31-87. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Home Builders Design and Education Program. Quarterly Progress Report, 04 - 06-87. 07-09-87. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Home Builders Design and Education Program. Quarterly Progress Report, October - December 1987. 7 Pages. January 15, 1987., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira