FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®ā€”at the University of Central Floridaā€”to more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.

Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.


Submissions from 1985

Solar Passive Design Course: Volume I: Technical Proposal. 09-03-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Florida Solar Energy Center Publications. 01-85. (Superceded by July '85 Edition), Florida Solar Energy Center and Barbara Willett

Florida Solar Energy Center Publications. (Superceded by January '86 Edition), Florida Solar Energy Center and Barbara Willett

Staff Professional Publications. 01-85. (Superceded), Florida Solar Energy Center and Barbara Willett

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. 2nd Quarterly Progress Report, 01-01 to 04-30-85. 05-85. 10 p. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. 3rd Quarterly Progress Report, 05-01 to 07-31-85. 08-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. 4th Quarterly Progress Report, 08-01 to 12-02-85. 28 P. 12-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. First Quarterly Progress Report, 10/01/84-12/31/84. 01-85. IV. (Various Pages) (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. Second Quarterly Progress Report, 01/01/85-04/30/85. 05-85. 10 P. (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. Third Quarterly Progress Report, 04/01/85-07/31/85. 08-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Solar Research, Technology Transfer and the Solar Industry - Some Florida Experiences. Conference on Solar Buildings, U.S. DOE, 3/18-20/85. 1 V. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Test on Two Types of Solar Water Heating Systems - Progress Report, 10-01-84 to 04-30-85. [05?-85]. 13 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Submissions from 1984

Comparison of Window Shading Strategies for Heat Gain Prevention. Draft Final Report. 01-27-84., Florida Solar Energy Center

Contracts and Grants Awarded. 05-84, 18 P., Florida Solar Energy Center

Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-84 - Educational and General Contracts and Grants. 11-30-84, 44 P., Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center 1984 Annual Report; Case Studies in Solar Energy Research. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Five-Year Plan. 12-83. Revised 05-84., Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Solar Collector Test Reports. Latest Edition - April 1984. (Superceded), Florida Solar Energy Center

FSEC Publications Style Guide. 07-84. (Copies 1(Ref),2), Florida Solar Energy Center

Principles of Low Energy Building Design in Warm, Humid Climates. 09-83. Revised 08-84. 1 V. (Various Pagings). (Copies 1(Ref)&2), Florida Solar Energy Center

Proposal to Create Florida Residential Energy Savings Helper (Fresh). 12-28-84, 33 P., Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar Water Heating and Low Energy Building Design for Schools and Public Buildings. Vol.1: Solar Water Heating. [1984]. (Draft) (Replaced by FSEC Gp 29-85)., Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar Water Heating and Low Energy Building Design for Schools and Public Buildings. Volume II: Daylighting & Natural Ventilation. [1984]. (Draft) (Replaced by FSEC Gp 29-85), Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar Water Heating and Low Energy Building Designs for Schools and Public Buildings; Third Quarterly Progress Report. 01/1 - 03/31. 1984., Florida Solar Energy Center

Development and Operation of the Prototype Photovoltaic Residential Systems at the Southeast Residential Experiment Station. 05-84. 5 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

Large Area Solar Simulator. 12-19-84. 32 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

Photovoltaic Test Facility at Florida Solar Energy Center. 05-84. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

1983-84 Annual Rept, State of FL Grant for Biomass Energy Conversion Rsch-Production of Gasoline Extenders Derived from Levulinic Acid 06-15-84. 74 P. FSEC Grant Rept (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ronald Barile

Follow-On Project Assessment of the Economic and Technological Viability of the OC-OTEC Concept. 03-07-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Managing Editor, Volume VI, Solar Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Status and Assessment Program. 08-03-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Preliminary Design of a Library-Laboratory-Learning Center at the Florida Solar Energy Center. 12-07-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Technology Transfer: A Proposal from the Interstate Solar Coordination Council and the Florida Solar Energy Center. 09-17-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Thermoeconomic Optimization of OC-OTEC Electricity and Water Production Plants. 09-84. (Copies 1, 2, 3), Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

1983-84 Annual Report, State of Florida Grant for Solar/Thermal Energy Research. 06-15-84. (FSEC Grant Report)., Florida Solar Energy Center and T. E. Bowman

Analysis of Residential Passive Design Techniques for the Florida Model Energy Code. 05-16-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Analysis of Residential Passive Design Techniques for the Florida Model Energy Code, Final Report. 12-14-84. 1 V. (Various Pages). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Heat Transfer and Energy Saving Characteristics of Night Ventilation. 03-13-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Residential Conservation Strategies for Hot-Humid Climates. 03-20-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Plan. Thermal Performance Field Monitoring of Various Conservation Construction Techniques. 03-02-84. (Contract #BNL 119869-S), Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Investigation of Photovoltaic Powered Compressors and Refrigerants for Air Conditioning; a Proposal in Response to Soleras-84-Npi-001. 02-15-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Prevention of Back-Siphoning in Direct DHW Solar System - Summer Conditions. 4/84. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Test of Heat-Traps and Valves to Prevent Nighttime Back-Siphoning. 06-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Performance & Interface Studies of SnO:Sb/Si Solar Cells, Florida Solar Energy Center and Leila De Oliviera Cruz

Auxiliary Cooling Loads in Passively Cooled Buildings: An Experimental Research Study. 08-84. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey


Designing and Installing Radiant Barrier Systems, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Hybrid Building Cooling and Dehumidification Through Desiccant Enhanced Nocturnal Radiation. Vol. 1: Technical Proposal. 08-21-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Passive Building Cooling and Dehumidification Through Desiccant Enhanced Nocturnal Radiation; a Proposal in Response to Soleras-84-Npi-001. 02-15-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Passive Cooling Gas Technology Characterization and Development. (Combined) Quarterly Report, 03-84 - 11-84. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Passive Cooling Gas Technology Characterization and Development-Quarterly Report, 11/83 - 01/84. 02-25-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Research and Development of Enthalpy Storage Materials for Pasive Building Applications. V.1 Technical Proposal: Thermal Storage Materials. 5/10/84. 1 V(Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Research & Development of Enthalpy Storage Materials for Passive Building Applications. V2. Business/Management Proposal; Thermal Storage Materials. 5/10/84. 44 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Data Collection and Handling for the Se Res Project. 06-84. 1 V.(Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Design of a Surface Condenser for Open Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. 01-18-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Proposal to Use Microcomputers in Solar Energy Educational Programs. (A) 12-28-84 1 V. (Various Pages)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Development of Performance Ratings for Photovoltaic Modules. 01-20-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Economics of Residential Photovoltaic Systems. 04-84. 5 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Photovoltaic Systems Interconnection Requirements from the Utility Perspective. 05-84. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Renewable Energy Export Information Program. 4/24/84. 30 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Solar Energy Feasibility Study: Low Head High Volume Water Pumping. 02-15-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Residential Photovoltaic System Modularity and Optimization Study, Vol. 1: Technical Proposal. 05-10-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Michael Houston

Development of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems Performance Prediction Methodology Based on System Test Results. Final Report. 01-84. 1 V. (Various Pagings). (Copies 1, 2)., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Huggins

Solar Desalination Using Thermally Regenerable Ion-Exchange Resins (Trier): A Proposal in Response to Soleras-84-Npi-001. 02-15-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu

Turning on the Sun; a Comprehensive Consumer Guide to Solar Water Heating. Revised 03-84. 22P, Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles

Comparative Analysis of Solar Building Heating, Cooling, and Hot Water (Hcw) R&D Alternatives for the Active Solar Program. 07-10-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Comparative Analysis of Solar Building Heating, Cooling, & Hot Water (Hcw) R&D Alternatives for the Active Solar Program. Vol. 1: Technical Proposal. 07-10-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Design and Analysis of a Conceptual Solar Rankine, Hybrid Total Energy System. (Srhtes). 08-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Design and Analysis of a Conceptual Solar Rankine, Hybrid Total Energy System (Srhtes). Vol. 2: Business/Management Proposal. 08-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Feasibility Analysis of a High Efficiency Dehumidifier Air Conditioner Utilizing Heat Pipes. Draft Final Report. 01-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Feasibility Analysis of a High Efficiency Dehumidifier Air Conditioner Utilizing Heat Pipes. Phase I Final Report. 12-84. 1 V. (Various Pages)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Feasibility Analysis of a High Efficiency Dehumidifier Air-Conditioner Utilizing Heat Pipes. Phase II Draft Final Report. 11-84. 51 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heatpipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air-Conditioning Systems. 09-21-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Impact of Passive Cooling Strategies on Air-Conditioner Performance in Warm, Humid Climates. Asme Solar Energy Division 6th Annual Technical Conf., Las Vegas, Nv, April 1984., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Residential Air-Conditioning Energy Calculations. 06-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Performance Report and Initial Evaluation of the Naval Tacts Photovoltaic Prototype Power System. 11-30-84. 39 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle

Box of Solar Fun. [1984?] 4 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Conservation, Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 2 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Industrial: Designing and Building Energy Efficient Homes. 09-04-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Photovoltaics: Solar Energy for Florida. 3 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Impact of Four Load Profiles on Solar Domestic Hot Water System Performance. 4/84. 23 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Eric Martin

Advanced Passive Control Systems for Skylights. 08-27-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Aesop: An Exterior Window Shade Design Program. [1984?] 2 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Case for Daylighting: An Annotated Bibliography. 10-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Comparison of Window Shading Strategies for Heat Gain Prevention. 09-84. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Comparison of Window Shading Strategies for Heat Gain Prevention. Final Report. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 4/84. Internal Use Only, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Cooperative Agreement for Fenestration Research. [Letter Proposal] 22 March 1984., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Energy and Illumination Performance of Window Films. [11-84]., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney


Solar Distillation of Water, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Solar Radiation and Daylight Availability Measuring Instrumentation Development: A Proposal in Response to Soleras-84-NPI-001. 02-15-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Window Factor Daylight Illuminance Prediction Method and the Temporal Variability of Daylight. 09-10-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Upper Convective Zone Growth in Salt Gradient Solar Ponds: A Proposal in Response to Soleras-84-NPI-001. 02-15-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Bruce Nimmo

Solar Collector Index, Part 2; Vols. 7-9, 1982-1984, 48 P., 12-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Iraida Rickling

Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Infrared Thermography. 11-28-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and James D. Roland

Selling Solar Successfully Course Manual. [1984]. (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Douglass E. Root

OC-OTEC Florida Coastal Site Analysis. 07-15-84. 127 P. (Copies 1, 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Louis Rotundo

Solar Marketing: Lead Generation; Referrals, Direct Mail, Telemarketing, Advertising, Promotion, Mailing Lists, An Motivation. 06-84, Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Solar Marketing. Presented at the 1st Annual Southeastern Regional Energy Trade Show and Conf., 10-26-84, Atlanta, GA, 41 P. (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Kenneth G. Sheinkopf

Survey of the Solar Industry After the December 1983 Freeze. 08-84. 17 P. (Copies 1, 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and G. W. Stutzman

Technology Transfer and Information Feedback. 4/84, Florida Solar Energy Center and G. W. Stutzman

Photovoltaic Southeast Regional Experiment Station. Volume 1: Technical and Management Proposal. 12-14-84., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gerard Ventre

Southeast Residential Experiment Station. 06/07-84. 2 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gerard Ventre