FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®, also known as the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSECĀ®), is the state's premier energy research center. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to test and certify solar systems, FSECĀ® is administered by the University of Central Florida. As a result of FSEC's extensive research capabilities increasing throughout the years, Florida Solar Energy Center slowly outgrew its solar name. The Center is rebranding its research as the FSEC Energy Research CenterĀ®ā€”at the University of Central Floridaā€”to more accurately reflect its research, capabilities, and university affiliation.

Some records in this collection only include a citation. You can view the entire FSEC Publications Database on their website.


Submissions from 1986

Windows for Hot Climates: How to Make All-Around Best Choices. 11-86. 15 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges - 5th Quarterly Progress Report, 12-03-85 to 03-31-86. 04-86. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. 6th Periodic Progress Report, 04-01-86 to 07-31-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 08-86. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Domestic Hot Water Use in Florida Schools and Community Colleges. Final Report. 12-86. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Marvin Yarosh

Submissions from 1985

Energy Images - the Sun in Florida's Future; Florida Solar Energy Center 1985 Annual Report - 1986 Calendar. 12-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center

Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-84 - Continuing Education, Solar Trust Fund, Research, Overhead, Administration, Concession Fund. 1985, Florida Solar Energy Center

Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending 06-30-85; Educational and General, Contracts and Grants. 43 P. 10-08-85., Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Grant Reports, 1976-1984. 01-85. (Superceded by Jan 1986 Edition) Copies 1(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Programs and Projects. 02-85. (Updates PD-7, 10-83), Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Qualifications Statement. 1985. (Supersedes Previous Eds.), Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Solar Collector Test Reports. 01-85. (Superceded), Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Solar Energy Center Solar Collector Test Reports. (Superceded by Jan '86 Edition) Copies 1, Florida Solar Energy Center

Florida Standard Practice for Design and Installation of Solar Domestic Water and Pool Heating Systems. 01-85. 13 P. Copies 1(Ref), 2., Florida Solar Energy Center

FSEC Proposals; 03-75 T 06-85. 07-85 - (Superceded by June 1986 Edition. Copies 1(Ref), Florida Solar Energy Center

Fundamentals and Applications of Photovoltaics., Florida Solar Energy Center

Operation of the Collector Certification Program. 01-85. (Supersedes FSEC 77-6). 9 P. Copies 1(Ref),2., Florida Solar Energy Center

Operation of the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Heating Systems. 01-85. 4 P. Copies 1(Ref),2., Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar Water and Pool Heating Course Manual. Volume II: Installation Details. 11-82. Revised, 01-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1(Ref),2,3., Florida Solar Energy Center

Test Methods and Minimum Standards for Certifying Solar Collectors. 01-85 (Supercedes FSEC-77-5). 5 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center

Unified Technologies, Inc. 2919 Interstate Street, Charlotte, NC 28266. 01-21-85, Florida Solar Energy Center

Operational Experience with Photovoltaic Systems at the Florida Solar Energy Center. 08/09-11/85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

Photovoltaic Southeast Residential Experiment Station. 2nd Annual Report. 10-84. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

Photovoltaic Southeast Residential Experiment Station. 2nd Annual Report. 10-84. Revised 02-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Gobind Atmaram

High Technology Home. 06-85. 25 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Liquid Hydrogen Production and Economics for NASA/ Kennedy Space Center. 05-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Photovoltaics Industry Development. 06-85. 1 V.(Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and David L. Block

Comparison of Full and Model Scale Natural Ventilation Experiments. 11-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Experimental Determination of Ventilative Cooling Energy Savings Potential in Hot Humid Climates. 05-10-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra


Fans to Reduce Cooling Costs in the Southeast, Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

HVAC System Optimization for Commercial Buildings. 01-24-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Low Energy Design for Schools and Public Buildings. Volume II: Natural Ventilation. Spring 1985 (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Methodology and Data for Natural Ventilation Airflow Calculations. 05-07-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Natural Wind Testing of the 1/16th Scale Model of the Orange County High School. 17 P. 06-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Passive Cooling for Residences in Hot Humid Climates: A Review of Recent Research. 08/09-11/85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Proposal to Provide Consulting Services for the Building Systems Integration Program. 08-19-85, 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Review and Comparative Analysis of Energy Conservation Techniques to Reduce Residential Air Conditioning Loads in the Southeast. 06-28-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Subrato Chandra

Effect of Circulation Control Strategies on the Performance of Open Loop Solar DMW Systems. ASME-ASES Solar Energy Conference, Knoxville, TN, 03/25-28/85. 1 V. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Progress Report. Thermal Performance Field Monitoring of Various Conservation Construction Techniques. 08-23-85, Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Observations from the Field: Solar Domestic Hot Water Installation Recommendations. 06-85. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Charles Cromer

Desiccant Enhanced Nocturnal Radiation: A New Passive Cooling Concept. 10/17-19/85. 6 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Dynamic Modelling of Combined Thermal and Moisture Transport in Buildings: Effect on Cooling Loads & Space Conditions. ASHRAE Tech Conf, Honolulu, HI, 06/23-27/85. 14 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Latent and Sensible Load Distributions in Energy Efficient and Passively Cooled Residences. Draft Final Report. 08-14-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Measured, Side-by-Side Performance of Attic Radiant Barrier Systems in Hot-Humid Climates. 10-85. 16 P. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Residential Conservation Strategies for Hot-Humid Climates. Phase II. 01-04-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

Ventilative Cooling in Southern Residences: A Parametric Analysis. 10-85. 17 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Philip W. Fairey

1984-85 Annual Report State of Florida Grant for Biomass Energy Conversion Research - Production and Testing of Gasoline Extenders Derivedfrom Levulinic Acid. (FSEC Grant Report)., Florida Solar Energy Center and S. A. Foster

Design of a Structure Condenser for Open Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Final Report. 05-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Developing Analytical and Design Tools for Improved Photovoltaic System and Building Performance. 01-24-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Landscaping for Energy Conservation, Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Simulation of a 10Mw Heat Exchanger for Open Cycle Thermal Energy Conversion Using fortran and Basic Languages. 02/26-28/85. 9 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Thermal Performance of Three Se Res Prototypes. Asme/Ases Solar Energy Conference, Knoxville, Tn, 03/25-28/85. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and Magdy Girgis

Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Hydrogen Produced from Renewable Energy, Cocoa Beach, Fl,10/22-24/85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Omar Hancock

Design, Installation and Preliminary Operational Results of a Photovoltaic Tracking Research Facility. 10 P. 10-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Economic Comparisons of Alternative Solar Designs for a Large (100 kW) Pumping Project in South Florida. 11/17-21/85. 7 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Financial Alternatives: PV/Electrical System for the Rotenberger Project. 05-85. 5 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Solar Energy Feasibility Study: Low-Head High-Volume Water Pumping Final Report. 02-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Solar-Powered Pumping - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 11/17-21/85. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Henry Healey

Deep Wells for OTEC Application. Final Report. 11-85. 76 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and James Huggins

Proposal to Increase Awareness of the Ocean's Energy and Fresh Water Potential. 01-85. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and James Huggins

Algorithms to Predict Detailed Moisture Effects in Buildings. 12/02-05/85. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and Alp Kerestecioglu

Energy Efficient Construction Techniques; a Blueprint for Florida Homebuilding. 1 V. (Various Pagings). 11-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Colleen McCann Kettles


Air Conditioner Fan Speed Controller for Comfort and Dehumidification, Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Analysis of Air-Reheat Systems and Application of Heat Pipes for Increased Dehumidification. 04/15-19/85. 8 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Cooling and Dehumidification: An Assessment of Competing Technologies and Development of Integrated Gas-Fired Desiccant/Vapor Compression Systems. V. 1: Tech Proposal. 08-12-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Fan Cycling Effects on Air Conditioner Moisture Removal Performance in Warm, Humid Climates. 04/15-19/85. 6 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Feasibility Analysis of a High Efficiency Dehumidifier Air Conditioner Utilizing Heat Pipes. Phase II Final Report. 53 P. 09-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air Conditioning Systems. 07-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Heat Pipe Applications for Increased Dehumidification in Air Conditioning Systems. Quarterly Activities Report (July-Sept 1985). 1 V. (Various Pagings). 10-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Latent Load in Air-Conditioned Buildings. 10/17-19/85. 11 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Moisture Removal Degradation in Air Conditioners. 01-23-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Mukesh Khattar

Low Altitude Wind Survey for Coastal Florida. 01-11-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle

Summary of I-V Curve Measurements for the SE RES Tracking PV Array Field. 08-30-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Don Kilfoyle

Industrial Education: Solar Water Heating and Low Energy Building Design. Final Project Report. 07-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Solar Energy and the Science Curriculum. 7th Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, 12/09-11/85, Miami Beach, FL. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Teaching About Science, Technology and Society. 12-09-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and David Lahart

Daylighting in America - Some Practical Suggestions for Proper Usage. (Published in Lighting Design and Application, V.15, #7, 07-85, P. 37-39), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Light Gone Astray: A Look at Glare. 02-85. Published in Optics News, V. II, #2, P. 47-49, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Low Energy Design for Schools and Public Buildings. Volume III: Fenestration Design for Daylighting. Spring 1985. (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Ultraviolet Solar Radiometer. Volume 1: Phase A Technical Proposal. 06-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Ultraviolet Solar Radiometer. Volume 1: Phase B Technical Proposal. 06-85. 26 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Ultraviolet Solar Radiometer. Volume 2: Phase A Cost Proposal. 06-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Ultraviolet Solar Radiometer. Volume 2: Phase B Cost Proposal. 06-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings), Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney


Window Treatment for Energy Conservation, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ross McCluney

Photovoltaics: A Question and Answer Primer, Florida Solar Energy Center and Ingrid Melody

Program Activities: Florida Solar Energy Center. 22nd Space Congress, 04-26-85. 4 P. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Ingrid Melody

Data Acquisition Project I: Solar Hot Water Monitoring Inspection, Certification and Analysis. 1st Quarterly Data Analysis Report, 12-01-84 to 02-28-85. 04-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Data Acquisition Project I: Solar Hot Water Monitoring Inspection, Certification and Analysis. 2nd Quarterly Data Analysis Report, 03-01-85 to 05-31-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Data Acquisition Project I: Solar Hot Water Monitoring Inspection, Certification and Analysis. 3rd Quarterly Data Analysis Report, 06-01-85 to 08-31-85. 11-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Timothy Merrigan

Low Energy Design for Schools and Public Buildings. Volume I: Solar Water Heating Systems. Spring 1985. 1 V. (Various Pagings). (Copies 1 & 2), Florida Solar Energy Center and Douglass E. Root

Solar Water and Pool Heating Course Manual. Volume I: Installation and Operation. 11-82. Revised, 01-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings). Copies 1(Ref), 2, 3, Florida Solar Energy Center and Douglass E. Root

1984-85 Annual Report State of Florida Grant for Solar/Thermal Energy Research (FSEC Grant Report), 1 V. (Various Pagings). 06-10-85, Florida Solar Energy Center and Robert P. Scaringe

Controller-Operated Freeze Valve Study. 02-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann

Development and Evaluation of a Controller-Operated Freeze Valve for a Solar Water Heater. 7th Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, 12/09-11/85, Miami Beach, FL. 1 V., Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann

Study of Freeze Protection Valves for Solar Collectors. 04-85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann

Study of Freeze Protection Valves for Solar Collectors. 7th Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, 12/09-11/85, Miami Beach, Fl. 1 V. Copies 1, 2, Florida Solar Energy Center and Thomas Tiedemann

Charleston TACTS Environmental Control Systems Evaluation. 12-24-85. 10 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Comparison of Passive and Hybrid Cooling Strategies for the Southeastern United States. 10/17-19/85. Copies 1, 2., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Design Recommendations for Naval TACTS Equipment Enclosures. 02-14-85. 1 V. (Various Pagings)., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Research and Development of the Economic Viability of Passive Cooling Features. 01-11-85. 8 P., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira

Solar Passive Design Course: Volume II: Business Proposal. 09-03-85., Florida Solar Energy Center and Robin Vieira