
Theses/Dissertations from 1995

Qualitative and quantitative population and productivity estimates of chironomidae (diptera) and selected physico-chemical parameters in two tributaries of the Wekiva River, central Florida, Richard John Lobinske

Need vs. performance : teaching communication to undergraduate business students, a survey of business schools curriculums, Cherie Long

A study of the motivation for the results from business partnerships with public schools in Orange, County, Florida, Ann F. Manley

Assessing knowledge, attitude, and behavior expectancy change in third graders : an evaluation of the Disney crew drug education program, Stacey L. Manning

Job satisfaction among certified athletic trainers working in educational settings, Lisa L. Marsh

Constructive shock : a phenomenological study on rationalized macro-public policy and micro-reconstructions of reality, Christopher C. Marston

Solid state microwave power amplifiers based on an extended resonance technique, Adam L. Martin

Visual basic edition of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association community noise model, Marti A. Martin

Treatment acceptability of sport psychology interventions with soccer players, Michelle Lyn Mattingly

Melville's Pierre : an anatomy of a "far-driven soul", James Lester Maynor

A thermodynamic model of neuronal charge flow associated with neuronal firing : implications for neuroarchitectural plasticity and the constructivist learning model, Scott A. McCord

Extending domain expertise through student modeling, Jenifer Sargeant McCormack

An approach to modeling orientational saliency using facade vision theory, John C. McDonald


Gaussian beam resonator formalism using the yy method, Kenneth A. Menard

Public opinion and american foreign policy, Melissa Ellen Francine Merrett


Development of a desuperheater rating method for energy code calculations, Tim Merrigan

Toward a more efficient use of multiple exercises in personnel selection, Diliana Michaylova

Personality correlates of the electroencephalograph, Mary Ann Mitchell

Evaluating the improvements in traffic operations at real-life toll plaza with electronic toll collection, Ayman A. Mohamed

Low cost visual database generators, Hani A. Mohammed

Nonverbal cues and conflict escalation : an application of attribution principles, Diane Marie Monahan

Structural applications of fiber reinforced composites, Jane C. Monte


Tender offer outcome prediction based upon efficient market hypothesis, James I. Montgomery

Analysis of risk of extreme events in scheduling problems with stochastic task durations, Cathy R. Moo Young

A scaling study of the university health risk behavior survey, Patsy D. Moskal

Brief therapy : a review and survey of training, Michelle M. Muenzenmeyer

The media as claims-makers: a case study of violence against tourists in Florida, Nancy Anne Murchison

Scattering by rough surfaces and atmospheric turbulence in monostatic laser radar systems, Robert A. Murphy

The relationship between the lowest position of trees along a slope gradient and high water levels for two central Florida sandhill lakes, William David Musser

Device parameter extraction of short channel mosfets using device simulation, Revathi Narayanan

In-situ air sparging of groundwater, William Charles Neimes

The roles of gender, race, and mass news media in the distribution of federal health resources, Lauressa Nelson

Lossless compression of one- and mulit- dimensional signals, Yousef W. Nijim

An evaluation of the relationship between alcohol usage, family history usage, and predictive measure, Scott E. O'Brien

The effects of speed on sound frequency spectra from highway vehicles, Timothy W. A. Ogle

Left-turn conflicts study at signalized intersections, Habib Othman

Second order optical nonlinearities and wave mixing devices in poled polymer waveguides, Akira Otomo

Attitudes and actions of health care professionals regarding active and passive euthanasia a review of the literature, Kathy Lynne Owens

A molecular and genetic study of the drosophila melanogaster tuh-1 gene, Gerlild Rathmann Packert

Estimating early msw landfill gas production, Duane John Palumbo

Two-dimensional numerical analysis of N+-i-N+ optically activated switches and GaAs mesfets, Ashok A. Parthasarathy

Lumped-parameter modeling of turbine rotors using the boundary element method, Bharat Patel

Exciton saturation and spin relaxation in GaAs multiple quantum wells, Margaret T. Perozzo

Parallel algorithms for entity collision detection in distributive simulation, Gabriel Petre

Impedance-driven model-based diagnosis of electric power distribution system faults, Goran Lars Pettersson

Investigation in the partial-depth patching technology for concrete bridge decks and pavements, Sam Tri Phan

Time dependent boundary element solution of the hyperbolic heat conduction equation, Douglas Kelly Priedeman

Production of ricin a chain toxin and purification by immunoaffinity chromatography, Michael F. Princiotta

Multiresolution image reconstruction, Wissam A. Rabadi

New concepts in grasping, Sean D. Ramsey

Decision maker weighting and usage of indicators of university service efforts and accomplishments, Barbara B. Ratti

Removal of nitrogen oxides using a dry sorbent scrubber after enhanced oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, Kory Nelson Reeves

Development of the element stiffness matrix for a four node quadrilateral plate bending finite element, Allen G. Register

Rivet replacement analysis, Erich Edward Reichle

Effects of a variable volume first anoxic basin on denitrification in a pure oxygen process municipal wastewater treatment plant, Gary J. ReVoir

A small life on a grand scale and other stories, W. Scott Rhoden

Large enhancement of third-order susceptibility, Vincent P. Ricci

Thermal and mechanical evaluation of excimer laser enhanced metal/ceramic bonding for microelectronic packaging applications, Tod Evan Robinson

A bulk-synchronous parallel interface for the BBN butterfly GP1000, Eric Douglas Root

Concurrent read replicated memory (crrm) multiprocessor systems, Benito Uy Rosada

In situ airsparging of petroleum contaminated aquifers, Colleen D. P. Ross

The impact of environmental externalities on demand-side management program cost-effectiveness, Jonathan F. Schaefer

Real-time digital signal processing for narrow-band interference suppression, Gunter H. Schmer

Adaptive windowing techniques in transform domain narrow-band interference suppression, Gautam Sethi

Rapid coarse acquisition of dsss signals using an expanding-search algorithm, John Steven Seybold

Zero intermediate frequency (zif) receivers tesla simulation software program, Alireza Shahnami

The disordering of GaAs/A1GaAs multiple quantum wells and its application in the fabrication of integrated optical devices, Xinyue Shi

The prevalence of multiple paraphilias in offender and non-offender populations, Michele Simmons

Application of the model generator concept to modelling of shuttle partial payloads, Maynette Escott Smith

(FD)2TD analysis of microstrip antennas with a ferrite substrate, Tamara Spreckic

A concurrent horizontal attribute mapping of adaptive classifiers, Srikanth V. Sripati

Preliminary evaluation of the potential impacts of the northern downtown Orlando tce and pce plumes on lake concord, Carl R. Stephens

The impact of personal theorizing on reflective practice: a qualitative analysis of a teacher education philosophy and its manifestation in the personal theorizing of triad participants, Barbara Slater Stern

The impact of informed consent content, counselor status, & experience level on clients' initial impression of a therapist/, Kimberly Jarrett Stewart

Study of the southern association's school renewal method of regional accreditation in Florida secondary schools, Shaune Mcginn Storch

Design of a microstrip antenna for a direct broacast satellite application, Charles Stroupe

An internal evaluation of a computerized multiple assessment approach to selection, Angela Kelly Sullivan

A competition-based connectionist model for information retrieval, Inien Syu

A different life, Terry A. Thaxton

Operational characteristics and modeling of membrane systems incorporating recycle of concentrate water, Donald M. Thompson

A comparison of voice onset time values produced by early and late learners of english whose first language is spanish, Dianne Flax Thornburgh


Shape reconstruction from shading using linear approximation, Ping Sing Tsai

A comparison of data reduction methods for job analysis, Frederick Rowland Turner

Development of isopluvial contour curves for long duration storms for the State of Florida, William Scott Tuttle

Effects of task differentiation and status differentiation on the perceptions, communication, and performance of three person teams, Julie M. Urban

A comparative implementation of two real-time distributed load sharing schemes, Michael Grant Vaccaro


Reexamining argumentativeness and resistance to persuasion, Matina Suzanne Vourvopoulos

Delta modulation techniques for transform domain interference suppression, Samuel Ernst Walker

Transient electro-optical nonlinearities in strained multiple quantum well inGaAs/GaAs(A1As) modulators, Hai sheng Wang

Fuzzy linear regression models for cumulatie trauma disorders of the hand and forearm in office environments, Heng Wang

Automatic identification of corrosion pittings on surfaces of solid rocket boosters, Jie Wang

The impact of individual differences on state anxiety and performance in teams exposed to stressors, Jeanne Weaver

Two nonanticipative heuristic approaches for solving the production planning problem with stochastic demand, Kenneth Richard White

Identifying coping strategies of adolescents, Gregory A. Wiens

The effects of two brief methods of intervention to improve students' attitudes and knowledge of aged adults and aging issues, Karen Leventhal Wolman

Validation techniques for case-based reasoning systems, Lingli Xu

Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Prestressed Arches Using Riks Wempner Method, Zefang Xu

The effect of freeway geometry on the detection of incidents, Joseph A. Yarid

Two dimensional modeling of chemical reactions in an aluminum plasma in cacuum produced by laser irradiation, Kuang Tai Yen

Visualization of heat flow in hot extrusion, Xuxia Yin