
Theses/Dissertations from 1995

Infusing technology into the preservice teacher education curriculum: four case studies in mentoring of university faculty by practitioner graduate students, Sarah M. Brewer

A hybrid analytical/simulation modeling approach for planning and optimizing mass tactical airborne operations, David Douglas Briggs

Priority rule search technique for resource constrained project scheduling, James Taylor Brown

Using metal-enhanced degradation in a permeable barrier for treatment of a trichloroethylene plume in downtown Orlando, Florida, M. Maher Budeir

Full-response offset quadrature modulation system based on cosine series symbol shaping with symbol synthesis and system simulation, William J. Burmeister


Effects of avian breeding colonies on a man-made freshwater marsh in East Central Florida, James L. Burney Jr


Nonlinear Robust Control of a Series DC Motor Utilizing the Recursive Design Approach, Michael J. Burridge

An evaluation of a communication model, access control, topology and protocol for the development of an asynchronous host communication interface with an evans & sutherland ESIG-2000 image generator for manufacturing applications, Jorge Calderon


Finite impulse response utilizing the principles of superposition, Scott Edward Carter

Misconceptions of fourth and fifth grade students about alligators and use of a simple instructional unit to bring about conceptual change, Terrence M. Caselnova

Analysis and design of an electro-optic phase-locked loop for use in a coherent laser array receiver, Diana Cristina Castellanos

Extensions to the distributed interactive simulation standard to support shared computer-aided design, Bruce Donald Caulkins

A study of the relationship between summer school courses and SAT-mathematics scores, Marie J. Causey

The secretary's war : Neil Benjamin Edmonstone and the conquest of India, Marla Karen Chancey

Feedback control of robotic manipulators (Including vision based feedback)/, Sundeep Chandhoke

Physically-based modeling and real-time simulation of fluids, Jim X. Chen

Line greatest common subgraphs, Kathleen G. Cherry

The effect of preprocessing and feataure extraction on handwritten digit classification, Richard L. Cherry

The effects of virtual interactivity on fitness performance, Teresa L. Cherry


Experimenting With the Finite Element Method in the Calculation of Radiosity Form Factors, Donna Marie Chesteen

A description of reactive behavior patterns in gifted adolescents, Diane Harper Cioffi

An investigation of firms choosing early adoption of sfas number 106: employers accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions, Barbara Boyette Clevenger

The effects of personal relevance and number of message sources on persuasion, Kristi Lee Courtney

Population assessment of airborne molds in central Florida utilizing two volumetric air samplers, Perez Patricia Cruz

Case study of the similarities and differences between ambulatory patient groups and diagnosis related groups, Annette Hyatt Curtiss

Mining metric knowledge from databases using feature-oriented induction, Sylvia Grazyna Daroszewshi

Brief therapy: a review of the outcome literature, Diana M. Davidson

Mother-son incest: a review of the literature, James Russell Davis

Escape from the killing fields: an examination of claims-making as metaphor, Catherine Hardy Decorte

Costa Rica: an analysis of development, Lori A. Dickes

A history of the integration of the black and white communities of Sanford, Florida, Patricia G. Dillon

A survey of the knowledge, support, and training needs of educators on the topic of inclusion, Sheri Lynn Di Prima

An adaptive channel establishment protocol for atm networks, Sunil Dixit

Time and space efficient multiprocessor synchronization and quiescence detection, Kenneth Drake

Cross-training of respiratory care personnel for multicompetent practice in Florida acute care hospitals, Oliver J. Drumheller

The rain has stopped: water imagery as creative process in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Cheryl Renee Dunkelberger

Development of intensity-duration-frequency curves for the State of Florida, Linda M. Eaglin

Updating and validation of the american automobile manufacturers association community noise model, Andrew Matthew Edwards

Signal and noise in sprite detectors, Frank J. Effenberger

Religious affiliation and catholic women, Levy Susan Eichenberger

Generation of femtosecond laser pulses at 850 nm, Jason M. Eichenholz

Reuse pond design study groundwater flow and efficiency evaluation, Mark W. Ellard

A standardized method of specifying and analyzing square spiral microstrip antennas, Jay J. Ely

An analysis of factors that determine the level of job/life satisfaction for principals in the department of defense dependent schools, Terry R. Emerson

Harmonic analysis of a three-phase system with results compared to IEEE-519 limits, John A. Evans

Gender need not apply: the impact of the fourteenth amendment of women in the United States, Patricia Farless

An optimal solution to the resource constrained project scheduling problem with stochastic task durations, Abel A. Fernandez

Analysis and simulation of the fuzzy art and fuzzy artmap artificial neural network models, Hans K. G. Fernlund

A kbes to analyze the environmental impact of proposed highway design alternatives, Wellington C. Figueiredo

Persistence in telecourses : exploring a motivation orientation/attributional link, Claudia G. Follet

Applied and theoretical evaluation of the economic advantages of central dispatched power pooling versus the operation of an independently dispatched power system with a market based energy broker, Michael D. Fonk

Optical measurement of contaminant concentrations for precision cleaning applications, Patrick Scott Fowler


Expression patterns of developmental genes in drosophila melanogaster larval genital discs, Denise E. Freeland

The design and analysis of a radio frequency (RF) quadrature combiner using surface acoustic wave techniques and the coupling of modes model, Charles Ellis Fulks

Navigating the mine fields: mentoring as a pathway for career development for non-tenured female faculty on tenure track, Jane M. Fuller

A computer simulation of a multiple aperture coherent laser radar, Kevin Jackson Gamble

Models for estimating freeway incident congestion, Atef M. Garib

Volume rendering algorithms and architectures, Vineet Goel

Assessment of trustee education and training methods used in the Florida community college system, Jared Scott Graber

Subwavelength grating structures for artificial media applications, Eric B. Grann

The relationship of selected demographic, situational, and achievement factors in the success of first time in college ethnic minority students at the University of Central Florida, Courtney B. Greene

The relationship among gender, attitudes toward men, and the appreciation of male disparaging sexist humor, Eric D. Haas

Factors affecting the validity of the angoff procedure, Edward Hamann

Nonlinear learning control: theory and applications, Chan Ho Ham

A study in the use of cooperative learning to teach the writing process to students with learning disabilities, Witty Katheryn Hammer

Improving computational efficiency in the discrete event simulation of non-uniformly distributed autonomous spatial objects, Gary Joseph Harless

Control : a primary driver of cybersickness, Phillip Anthony Kennady Hash

High intensity laser interactions with narrow gap semiconductors, Michael P. Hasselbeck

Loss and healing : Robert Lowell's family elegies and the process of mourning, Lynn McConnell Hepner

Traffic algorithms in air quality models, Mahmoud A. Heriba

Analysis of planar antenna structures using the finite element method, Rue S. Hestand

An empirical comparison of traditional statistical techniques and neural networks in the auditing domain, Thomas John Hofferd

Toward a paradigm for validating decision making in man-in-the-loop simulations, William C. Hopkinson

The design and implementation of the orlando pavement management system, Richard M. Howard

Difference between job analysis ratings and retranslation of task and ksa data across different sources, Lisa Lynn Hudson

The dutiful daughter: Thomas Dudley's influence on Anne Bradstreet's art, Christine Huffstutter Huffman

The origins of Florida's game and freshwater fish commission 1865-1915, Harry Michael Ireland

Analytical process disaggregation procedure supporting competitive benchmarking initiatives, Andrew E. Jackson

Roadside Trees, Donald D. Jacobovitz

Material characterization of metal oxide photocatalysts for the purification of contaminated air streams, Sivakumar Jaganathan

An investigation of the significance of conservative versus non-conservative parameters in landfill leachate, Mark D. James

Advanced laser plasma EUV source, Feng Jin

Training for unpredictable situations in virtual environments, William Reed Johnson

Microgrinding of infrared optical ceramics, Somit Joshi

Design rationale, in vivo evaluation, and mechanical testing of a gradually lengthening intramedullary bone distractor, Daniel F. Justin

Robust control designs for nonlinear uncertain systems: theory and applications, Joseph Kaloust

Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) shell as external reinforcement for concrete colums, Mohsen Kargahi

Enhanced oxidation and removal of nitrogen oxides using hydrogen peroxide, John Martin Kasper

The perceptual relevance of two dimensional cues, Jada D. Kearns

Effects of intrauterine cocaine exposure on the infant and child : a review, Dara P. Kelly

Investigation of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films, Ashamin Khan

Perceptions of the position of building level technology coordinator within the state of Florida, Ann P. Kohler

Matrix modeling of a bald cypress population, Michael A. Langston

An examination of abuse in the lives of homeless men: exploring the utility of the self-control model, Melody A. Lawrence

A study of couples for the construction of muyltustage spatial power amplifiers, Kelly Michael Lear

Suicide, assimilation, and social integration among mexican americans, Michael W. Leary

A decomposition-based strategy for simulated annealing, Wen K. Lee

The effects of landfill management strategies on landfill gas utilization alternatives, Kenneth A. Lewis

James Wilson : the forgotten father, Mark Wayne Lewis

Modeling the A1GaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor operating in the temperature range of 300 and 500 K, Shiow Feng Lin