Conceptual research on robots and privacy has increased but we lack empirical evidence about the prevalence, antecedents, and outcomes of different privacy concerns about social robots. To fill this gap, we present a survey, testing a variety of antecedents from trust, technology adoption, and robotics scholarship. Respondents are most concerned about data protection on the manufacturer side, followed by social privacy concerns and physical concerns. Using structural equation modeling, we find a privacy paradox, where the perceived benefits of social robots override privacy concerns.
Author ORCID Identifier
Christoph Lutz 0000-0003-4389-6006
Aurelia Tamó-Larrieux 0000-0003-3404-7643
Recommended Citation
Lutz, C., & Tamó-Larrieux, A. (2020). The robot privacy paradox: Understanding how privacy concerns shape intentions to use social robots. Human-Machine Communication, 1, 87-111.https://doi.org/10.30658/hmc.1.6
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Communication Technology and New Media Commons, Other Communication Commons, Other Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons, Robotics Commons