
Human-Machine Communication focuses on the theory and practice of communication with and about digital interlocutors, which may take the form of artificial conversation entities, artificially intelligent software, embodied machine communicators (robots), and technologically-augmented persons (cyborgs), as well as on communication in the context of machine spaces (virtual and augmented realities) and human-machine configurations. Additionally, the journal will publish contributions that shed light on the relationship between human and machine, as constructed through discourse and interaction.

See Call for Papers for the latest deadlines for the next volumes.

Current Volume: Volume 7 (2024) Special Issue on Mediatization



Mediatization and Human-Machine Communication: Trajectories, Discussions, Perspectives
Andreas Hepp, Göran Bolin, Andrea L. Guzman, and Wiebke Loosen



Smoothing Out Smart Tech’s Rough Edges: Imperfect Automation and the Human Fix
Christian Katzenbach, Christian Pentzold, and Paloma Viejo Otero


Artificial Sociality
Simone Natale and Iliana Depounti


The Perturbing Mediatization of Voice-based Virtual Assistants: The Case of Alexa
Leopoldina Fortunati, Autumn P. Edwards, and Chad Edwards

Complete Volume


Special Issue Editors
Andreas Hepp
Göran Bolin
Andrea L. Guzman
Wiebke Loosen

Autumn Edwards

Associate Editors
Chad Edwards
Patric R. Spence