Includes all Honors theses completed between 1990 to 2015. Includes print, retrospectively scanned, and born-digital items.

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For additional assistance locating theses or dissertations, please email STARS.


Theses/Dissertations from 1992

Construction and application of a micro-raman spectrometer, Robert Voor

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

The analysis and design of a costas phase locked loop for the acquisition of carrier phase of suppressed carrier communication systems, William J. Burmeister

Three dimensional object recognition, Matt J. Lavoie

Political Culture and Ethnic Identification: An Analysis of Whites, African-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian American, Nick Perenich

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

Analysis of larval and adult cuticles of posterior bithorax-complex mutant homozygotes in drosophila melanogaster, My Linn Sawyer