Volume 27, Issue 1 (1998)
New Wave Computer Technology and the Administration of Speech Communication Performance Courses
Chris R. Sawyer and Ralph R. Behnke
The Development of an Interactive Video Masters Program in Communication Education
Ronnie Bankston and Mary Bozik
An Analysis of Research Article Productivity by Telecommunication Scholars Over the Past Decade
David Atkin and Leo W. Jeffres
Administering the Hybrid Department: A National Survey of Combined Communications/Theatre Arts Departments
Ellen Halperin-Royer
The Praxis of Narrative Assessment: Communication Competence in an Information Age
Pat Arneson and Ronald C. Arnett
A Speech Communication Program in Malaysia: Case Study in the Conundrums of Teaching Abroad
Robert C. Dick and Brenda M. Robinson
Careers in Communication: An Update
Andrew D. Wolvin

- Ronald L. Applbaum
- Donald Lumsden
- Kean University
- Editorial Assistants
- Carol M. Coccaro
- Linda Cimino