
Volume 9, Issue 1 (2019)

Fall 2019

Editor's Foreword

In this first issue of The Journal of English Learner Education, formerly Tapestry, we explore important issues related to teaching and working with English Learners (ELs) and their families. Our name change represents our desire to be more inclusive of all issues related to English Learner teaching and learning, including a focus on all aspects of P-12 and adult education. Our goal is to provide readers with active scholarship exploring current issues and cutting-edge practices for teachers in training as they prepare to teach ELs.

Our first article, The Case for Grammar: What Preservice Teachers Need to Know about Metalinguistic Awareness, focuses on preservice teachers’ grammar knowledge and its importance for their future students’ use of the English language, particularly English Learners. The main implication for preservice teacher programs, particularly those focused on English Learner teaching skills, is that more should be done to ensure preservice teachers are receiving language-intensive preparation.

In Three Ways to Help ESL Content Linger Beyond the “EL Course” in Teacher Preparation Programs, the author explores way to ensure that teacher candidates carry Best Practices in teaching ELs beyond their courses and into their classrooms. She encourages those who prepare pre-service teachers for the classroom to provide explicit connections between the course objectives and the classroom.

For those instructors in the content area of mathematics, Teacher Trainees’ Reasoning about Teaching Mathematics to English Learners in an Era of Core Content State Standards focuses upon how a group of future mathematics teachers reasoned about scenarios for teaching mathematics to ELs. This article enlightens readers on how pre-service math teachers perceive their work with ELs.

We also introduce our first article under the category of Teaching Tips. This article encourages teachers to be open-minded and intentional when working with EL families. ELL Families: Myths, Truths and Strategies for Engagement introduces myths regarding ELs and their families while encouraging teachers to communicate and advocate for all families in their classrooms.

This issue provides a diverse array of articles that will shed light on critical issues in preparing teachers for working with ELs in the classroom. As you peruse the issue, we hope that you will discover new ideas, see current trends, and find engaging research that informs your own teaching and learning.



ELL Families: Myths, Truths and Strategies for Engagement
Stephanie Knight and Marjaneh Gilpatrick