This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in Nursing.


Theses/Dissertations from 2000

Non-surgical methods and nursing roles in the management of low back pain, Sherry K. Samuels

Instillation of Normal Saline During Endotracheal Suctioning: A Synthesis of Extant Research, Samuel Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 1999

A review of pharmacological and psychosocial management of AIDS dementia complex, Rhonda Lovec Theobald

Theses/Dissertations from 1998

Transcultural awareness in nursing practice, Robert W. Allison

Creutzfeld-Jakob disease : a synthesis of current literature for health care providers, Brian L. Briddell

Issues and concerns of adolescents with cancer, Linda J. Carlson

Nursing interventions utilized in traumatic brain injury, Holly L. Craddock

A comparison of different rewarming strategies for post-operative hypothermic patients, Shani L. Fourman

Complimentary treatment modalities to pain management in the patient with cancer, Lisa K. Innes

The relationship between behavioral cues and assessment of pain in the neonate, Susan K. Johnson

Pulmonary artery catheters : effects on patient outcome, Robert Russell Ray

Issues regarding compliance with methods for early breast cancer detection, Sheron Shepard Rowe

Typical and Atypical Chest Pain: Gender Differences in the Clinical Presentation of Myocardial Infraction, Myranda Ryan

How do women differ from men in recovery from coronary artery bypass surgery, Frances Ann Sandborn Spiess