This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in Nursing.
Theses from 2018
Pregnant Women's Knowledge About Fetal Movement Count, Jade Hanna Bowen
A Comparison of the Quality of Care and Cost Efficiency Between Anesthesia Providers, Daniel A. Carter
BSN Students' Opinions of Mentally Ill Patients, Kavika Chugh
Outcomes of Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR) in the Acute Care Setting: A Review of the Literature, Audra M. Corn
Pre-Licensure Nursing Student Attitudes Toward Physician-Assisted Suicide, Stephanie K. Cox
The Efficacy of Formal Sexual Education in LGBTQ Adolescents: A Review of the Literature, Candice P. Dressel
Mental Health Interventions for Adolescent Cancer Patients, Kelsey A. Faherty
Factors that Influence the Formation of Peanut Allergies in Children, Christie Gleason
The Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) On Surgically Postmenopausal Women: A Review Of The Literature, Leslie M. Hertweck
Complementary and Integrative Therapies for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia, Jennifer Hushla
A Transcultural Perspective on Nonpharmacological Treatment of Postpartum Depression: A Systematic Review, Amanda W. Leyva
The Effects of Sepsis Management Protocols on Time to Antibiotic Administration in the Emergency Department, Margaret K. Lorch
Nursing Students' Attitude and Commitment Toward Substance-Abusing Patients, Amy L. O'Conner
The Effects of Emerging Technology on Healthcare and the Difficulties of Integration, Skyler J. Pavlish-Carpenter
Considering Stress in a Nursing Student Context: Pre-Admission to Pre-Graduation, Daniel M. Regner
The Effect of Race on Parents' Intent to Vaccinate Their Children Against Human Papillomavirus, Ariana L. Ruiz Aguilar
The Effects of Wearable Fitness Devices on Pediatric Obesity: An Integrative Literature Review, Kevin Sabina
Effects of Music Therapy on Individuals with Dementia: An Intergrative Literature Review, Liani Sanchez
Evaluating Outcomes of Education on Waste Management in the Hospital Setting, Taryn N. Schlather
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Equine Assisted Therapy: An Integrative Review of the Literature, Brittany R. Selzer
Appreciating the Golden Hour: A Comparative Interdisciplinary Study, Taylor Tachon
Prone Positioning in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients, Sarah Rose H. Thornton
Exploring What It Is Like to Be an Undocumented Alien in Seek of Healthcare, Eliany C. Torrez Pon
Effects of Energy-Based Therapies on Postoperative Recovery: An Integrative Review of the Literature, Emily M. Wooten
Online Support Group for Chinese Women with Ovarian or Cervical Cancer, Yuan Xing
Theses from 2017
The Effect of Biofeedback on Coping for Patients with Depression, Amber L. Atkinson
Nurse Perceived Barriers to Effective Nurse-Client Communication, Sara J. Brandenburg
Risk of Medication Errors in the Home: An Integrative Literature Review, Maria M. Crescenzi
Exploring Barriers and Consequences Related to Nurses Reporting Child Abuse, Asmita Devkota
The Use of Herbal Supplements on Minimizing the Clinical Manifestations of Alzheimer's Disease, Delayna L. Donohue
Oral Hygiene Practices in Non-Ventilated Intensive Care Unit Patients, Kimberly P. Emery
Pain Management in Patients with Fibromyalgia, Linsey Fischer
Associations Between Pre-Pregnancy Weight Status and/or Gestational Weight Gain and Obesity in Older Children, Marisa P. Hammond
What are the Most Commonly Used Tools to Screen Depression in HIV-Infected Gay and Bisexual Men?, Michael Isner
Defining A Person: The Nurse At Risk For Compassion Fatigue, Ellen Johnston
Canine-Assisted Therapies Among U.S. Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Integrative Review of The Literature, Olivia A. Kondos
Interventions to Reduce the Effects of NICU Noise in Preterm Neonates, Rebecca L. Manske
Protocol Based Screening Tools to Identify Sepsis Patients Transported by Emergency Medical Services, Isaiah Moser
Exploring the Relationship Between Symptom Management and Distress in Pediatric Oncology Nurses, Amanda M. Schultz
Nurse Practitioner Student Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Skin Cancer Assessments, Ryan Woodmansee
Theses from 2016
Participant's Perception of Realism and Pediatric Pain Assessment Utilizing a Virtual Patient: A Pilot Study, Alexandra Carson
An Exploratory Inquiry and Creation of Emergency Room Discharge Education Materials, Ivory Catalano
Behavioral Interventions Versus Pharmaceutical Interventions to Reduce Preoperative Anxiety in School Aged Children, Jennifer J. Cline
Vitamin D Clinical Relevance in the Recovery From Traumatic Brain Injury Among the Military Population, Yuisa M. Colón
Effects of Probiotics on the Reduction in Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Premature (< 37 Weeks Gestation) Neonates, Makenzie Cox
Preventing Reincarceration of Women with Mental Illness, Anne M. Dolmovich
The Effect of Alternative Labor Positions Versus the Lithotomy Position on Birthing Outcomes: An Integrative Literature Review, Kelsey Gaffka
Recognizing Pain Using Novel Simulation Technology, Justin C. Grace
Technologies to Enhance Optimal Glycemic Control in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes, Shannon L. Hassett
Nursing Management and Mirror Therapy for Phantom Limb Pain, Bridget Henry
Dosing Accuracy When Administering Oral Medications, Chelsea Hughes
Risk Factors in Women for Postpartum Depression versus Postpartum Psychosis: An Integrative Literature Review, Briana Jamieson
Intensive Care in Oncology: Admission and Outcomes in Adult Patients with Cancer, Surya John
Music Therapy as an Intervention to Reduce Anxiety in Mechanically-Ventilated Patients, Stephanie L. Levine
Yoga's Effect on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors, Nicole M. Licata
Nursing Knowledge and Perceived Comfort Level in Acute Infusion Reactions from Antineoplastic Agents, Andrea L. Maiorini
The Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods Amongst Premature Neonates in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Hannah R. Martinez
Self-Efficacy and Coping in Transition of Care after Remission of Cancer in Adolescents, Leah M. McDonnell
Therapy Options for Winged Scapula Patients: A Literature Review, Samantha L. Normand
The Effects of Kangaroo Care on the Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Tiffany Sarg
Black Caregiver Responses to and Perceptions of Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments at the End of Life, Samantha M. Sermarini
Pharmacogenomic Management of Familial Hypercholesterolemia: An Integrative Review of the Literature, Brian V. Skibo
The Synchronicity of Hope and Enhanced Quality of Life in Terminal Cancer, Brianna M. Terry
Exploring the Art of Nursing and Its Influence on Patient Satisfaction in Acute Care Settings, Enid Tirado
Retention of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Knowledge and Psychomotor Skill Among Undergraduate Nursing Students: An Integrative Review of Literature, Fernanda Tirado
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Assessment of Tracheostomy Care Practices In a Simulated Setting, Thomas Bolsega
Factors that Affect Adherence with Long-Term Controller Medications Used to Manage Asthma in Children, Brittany Bowks
Nursing Interventions to Prevent Necrotizing Eterocolitis: A State of the Science Literature Review, Katherine Casto
Acculturation Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Obesity in Immigrant Children and Adolescents, Suzeline Desir
The Effects of Auditory Stimuli on Stress Levels of Adult Patients in the Critical Care Setting, Jessica Ellermets
Analyzing the Relationship Between Women's Decisions to Use Contraception and Their Partners' Perceptions of Preventative Behavior, Kayla Gayle-Campbell
The Effects of Complementary Hippotherapy for Children with Austism Spectrum Disorder, Jamie Hicks
The Use of Yoga for Chronic Pain Management in the Pediatric Population, Annabeth Huff
Subcutaneous Injection Techniques of Anticoagulant Therapies, Leah Morissette
The Risk of Secondary Lymphedema due to Procedures in the Affected Arm Post-Mastectomy: A Literature Review, Lindsay Perna
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Induced Hypothermia and Its Effects on Cardiac Arrhythmias, Shatoyia Barlow
Education for Pediatric Oncology Nurses on Fertility Preservation of Pediatric Oncology Patients, Elyse Breit
Identifying Populations at Risk For Infection After Knee Arthroplasty: An Integrated Literature Review, Christian Coker
Interventions for Childhood Obesity: Evaluating Technological Applications Targeting Physical Activity Level and Diet, Jessica DiPietro
Exploring the Vicious Cycle of Pediatric Asthma and Anxiety, Taylor Irwin
Factors that Influence Implementation of Pain Management Strategies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Geraldine Martinez
The Effect of Dietary Interventions on Fetal Birth Weights in Pregnant Adolescents: A Systematic Review, Seeta Nath
Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies: A Pilot Survey, Hector Ortiz-Cintron
The Use of Mobile Applications in Preventive Care and health-Related Conditions: A Review of the Literature, Naomi Ringer
Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy on Human Health, Gene Swanson
Addressing Need for Research-Focused Nurses By Increasing Interest and Socialization at the Undergraduate Level, Sarah Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Nursing interventions that facilitate end-of-life decision-making in pediatric oncology, Lauren Baeringer
An investigation of the economic viability and ethical ramifications of video surveillance in the ICU, Laura Bagge
Barriers affecting compliance with the implementation of early goal directed therapy in the emergency department, Ivan Castro
The association between maternal resiliency, perceptions of touch, and reports of infant touch, Lisa D'Agostino
Assessment of perinatal nurses' knowledge of antiphospholipid syndrome and nursing management of pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome, Gabrielle Dennen
Evaluation of computer-based simulation for pain management education, Nicole Gerardi
The possible role of burnout in nursing errors, Kelley Hoskins
Factors contributing to the commission of errors and omission of standard nursing practice among new nurses, Rachel Knowles
Women's perceptions of nursing care and management after first trimester miscarriage, Jennifer McGee