This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in Nursing.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Sodium (Na) Levels in Drinking Water (H20) and Development of Hypertension in Children, Sara Schiffman
Interventions for treatment related side effects in older women with breast cancer, Stephanie Suarez
The use of wet-to-dry dressings for mechanical debridement, Katherine Villa
Human Papillomavirus and Vaccination of Males: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Perceptions of Registered Nurses, Leah White
Young-Onset Dementia: The Child's Experience with Coping, Jamie Zeher
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Pepsin and amylase in oral and tracheal secretions of patients with standard versus continuous subglottic suctioning endotracheal tubes, Katherine Allen
Ethanol lock therapy in the treatment and prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections, Breanna Anderson
Experiences of hospitalized patients with dementia, Samantha Bainbridge
Spiritual care interventions to improve the quality of life in patients with advanced cancer receiving palliative care, Maria Ballen-Sanchez
An evaluation of tracheostomy care anxiety relief through education and support (t-cares) a pilot study, William Crosby
Minimizing incivility in the workplace to increase retention of new graduate nurses, Amanda D'Ambra
Healing hands reviewing the potential applications of energy therapies to redirect pain during labor and childbirth, Cecilia Dinh
Psychosocial status and health outcomes in older adults living with human immunodeficiency virus, Amanada Fernandez
Nursing attitudes toward the use of reprocessed single-use medical devices, Laura Maben-Tenney
Pepsin and salivary amylase biomarkers of microaspiration in oral and tracheal secretions of intubated patients, Aurea Middleton
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Effectiveness of subglottic suctioning in the prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia, Cody Winston Amato
Sensory experiences of children with an autism spectrum disorder and nursing interventions for over stimulation, Felicia Ballentine
Identifying drug-seeking behaviors in the emergency department, Randi M. Bush Burman
Genetic intervention as a lifestyle approach an analysis of disease and treatment, Jennifer L. Dempton
Review of instruments to measure breastfeeding beliefs and intent among nulliparous black college women, Jaime L. Eunice
Effectiveness of nonpharmacological techniques for procedural analgesia in the neonatal intensive care unit, Lauren E. Flaherty
The effect of chemical fragrances on child health and development, Katie L. Gilton
Influence of peer mentorship on nursing education and student attrition, Brittany A. Gisi
Enhancing communication through the use of augmentative and alternative communication in patients status post traumatic brain injury, ReAnna Greene
The effects of preoperative education on stress in the pediatric population, Amy Y. Howard
Preventing neuromuscular deconditioning in critically ill patients, Shahzia A. Lakhani
An investigation of self care modalities for the effective treatment of lymphedema, Amber Major
Factors related to stress in nursing students, Marie E. Shultz
Nursing interventions in the care of patients undergoing induced hypothermia, Angela D. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Enhancing migraine diagnosis and treatment to improve quality of life in women with migraines, Nicole Elizabeth Arend
Interventions for supporting women before and after elective termination of pregnancy, Sarah A. Barry
Interventions to improve psychosocial sequelae in women with ovarian cancer, Jamie Bigler
Nursing interventions to decrease respiratory distress during bottle feeding with preterm infants, Juliana Borges
Nonpharmacological interventions for the management of procedural pain in the neonate, Kaylee Braddock
Distraction interventions during invasive procedures to improve quality of life in pediatric oncology patients, Chelsea L. Bramley
Family presence during resuscitation of adult patients, Jessie L. Cameron
The nurse's role in postpartum depression assessment, education and referral for women and their support system, Erica Basora Campbell
Complementary therapies for pain management in cancer patients, Jennifer A. Carden
Nursing interventions for adolescent substance use, Corrine D. Caswell Riley
Nursing Interventions to Improve Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation Among Adolescent Mothers, Angela Collier
Maternal decision making in obstetrical interventions, Erin Dench
The relationship between childhood obesity and depression, Luke E. Eddy
Therapeutic hypothermia to prevent neurological deficits, Amber Finiels
Nurses helping returning military personnel with PTSD, Giselle G. Hively
Body image of individuals with ostomy : an integrative literature review, Julie H. Hogeland
Strategies for decreasing sexually transmitted infections in adolescent females, Stacy F. Howard
Barriers in the implementation of family-centered care during pediatric hospitalizations, Tasnim-e-zehra Jagani
Recommendation for the Prevention of Nursing Burnout, Lindsey N. Kimmerling
Patient outcomes of sexual assault victims examined by sexual assault nurse examiners, M. Indy L. Klaproth
Psychosocial assessment and support for women grieving post abortion, Elizabeth N. LaPorte
Coping strategies in women subsequent to a perinatal loss, Mallory D. Maxwell
Nursing interventions for improving paternal-infant attchment, Christi J. Merritt
The role of the nurse in promoting cardiac rehabilitation in women, Melissa Morey
Reducing the burden on heart failure patients and hospitals with home telemonitoring, Dominic V. Pham
Nursing interventions to manage community-acquired clostridium difficile-associated disease, Shannan Sherman
High-risk sexual behavior of college sutdents and its effects on self-esteem, Emily Smith
Improving Nursing Care of Women Who Suffer Miscarriage, Kelly Sullivan
Lifestyle management in the reversal of atherosclerosis, Tara Thomas
The influence of drinking games on drinking behavior, psychosocial variables, and harmful behaviors, Carol M. Touhy
Reducing the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia with selected positional strategies, Brandon Raye Tucker
Interactive theatre techniques and focus groups for children : the advantages of playful participation, Stephanie L. Warren
Improving nonverbal communication beween nurses and deaf and hard of hearing children, Lydia J. Watkins
A comparative analysis of the effect of critical care nursing interventions on acute outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury, Jennifer M. Watts
Pediatric pain assessment : the role of the parent at the bedside, Allyson F. Weaver
Fertility awareness-based methods of avoiding and achieving pregnancy : an effective means of family planning and promoting women's empowerment, Maureen R. Woodman
Nursing interventions to promote coping strategies in adolescent oncology patients, Julie Wunderlich
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Preventing perineal trauma during childbirth, Jenna Benyounes
Best practices : nursing care as infection prevention for icp monitoring, Mary Amber Davis
The efficacy of oral subglottic secretion suctioning to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, Joyce Degennaro
Nursing interventions for promoting maternal-fetal attachment, Cynthia L. Dey
Nursing interventions for stimulation in comatose state patients, Kathryn Matkovich
Nursing utilization of sensory stimuli on the impact of infant cognition, Kristina A. May
Parenteral anticoagulant therapy and resultant hematoma formation, Sarah A. Parker
Nonpharmacological pain management in pediatric patients in the acute care setting, Jo Anna Pompeii
Integrating mobility into the plan of care in the intensive care unit, Lauren T. Yon
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Interventions for the treatment of depressive symptoms in women newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Erica E. Even
Environmental stressors affecting sleep in critically ill patients, Mark Brian Ligad
Mental health risks among the adult male homosexual population, Nida Merchant
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Factors Associated with Depression in Adult Cardiac Surgery Patients, Kimberly Evangelista
The Effects of Touch on the Preterm Infant, Nicole Jordan
Factors Associated with Eating Disorders in Women, Christina Knowles
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Quality of Life After Cardiac Valve Replacement Surgery, Leah Ammerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Factors and outcomes associated with the male underutilization of the health care system, Kathryn E. Nagy
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Benefits of Dietary Counseling for Patients with Hyperlipidemia, Sarah Body
Pain Control in Pediatric Patients with Cancer: Recognition and Treatment, April Bradley
Factors Related to Adult Violence and Aggression in Healthcare Settings, Laura Hubbard
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Identification of stressors related to emergency department employment, Brianne Michelle Duffy
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Maternal and perinatal outcomes in alternative birthing methods, Toni L. Bowers
The efficacy of guided imagery in pain management, Jean I. Morrison
Factors associated with postoperative delirium in the geriatric population : implications for nursing intervention, Michael Tran
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Factors associated with recovery from cardiac surgery in female patients, Inna Tarassova
Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation, Kelly A. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Selected factors associated with non-compliance in HIV prevention in african american women, Claire L. Bautista
Basic nursing management of pain a multi-method approach: an educational and clinical resource for the registered nurse, Christopher W. Blackwell
Nursing Intervention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review, Analysis and Synthesis, Patricia M. Dunham
Nurses' attitudes toward caring for persons with HIV disease, Jean E. Gibson
The effects of touch on the neonate in intensive care, Delores M. Iliff
The effects of home health care on psychosocial adaptation of families to pediatric cancer, Alicia Kleinhans