Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: A Look into the Psychology of Thought Reform, Prince Phillips
Maybe Looks and Money are Everything: Do Physical Attractiveness and Socioeconomic Status of a Male Defendant Affect His Verdict and Judicial Rulings?, Lauren Schommer
Differences in Academically Gifted Honors and Non-Honors Students, Anne Sinatra
Interactions Between Working Memory Demands, Motor Activity, and Self-Reported Ratings of ADHD, Michael Strand
Attentional Bias Across the Dimension of Social Anxiety, Scott Sutterby
Multi-ethnic Students' Adaptation to College as a Function of Motivation, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, and Ethnic Identity, Steven Walker
Personality Traits Related to Vengeance Propensity, Cathleen Webster
Psychological Correlates of Quality of Life of Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy, Rachel Wiley
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Impact of Gender on Perceptions of Emotional Abuse, Ashley Brown
The Relationship Between Social Attitudes and Race-Based Affirmative Action, Syreeta Brown
Searching for a Place to Belong: Androgyny in a Gender Binary Society, Marilyn Chen
Working Memory in Bilinguals and Second Language Learners, Simone Chin
Neurological disorders: A model for parsimony, Shannon Domarski
Cross-Cultural Differences in Attitudes toward Domestic Violence between Trinidadian and American College Students, Sandy Griffith
Abuse Factors, Anxiety, and Somatic Complaint in Psychological Evaluation of Pain Patients, Celia Hoggatt
Generational Differences in Understanding of Psychological Abuse, Ariana Langham
The Relationship Between Academic Dishonesty and General Deviance, Catherine Longa
Music as A Language: Does Music Occupy Verbal Working Memory in Experienced Musicians?, Danielle Mull
The Relationship Between Stress and Memory in an Undergraduate Population, Diana Orem
The Influence of Demographic and Personality Variables on Judgments about an Ambiguous Sexual Encounter between an Adult and Child, Benjamin Orooji
The Role of Identity Distress as a Mediator Between Identity Status Variables and Psychological Symptoms, Veronica Petkus
Violence in Film: Narrative and Contextual Importance in Subjective Response, Denise Petrunak
Charismatic Cults and Leadership, Marianne Ripley
Father-Daughter Relationship in Divorced and Non-Divorced Families with Respect to Self-Esteem, Fear of Intimacy, and Views on Relationships, Heather Rozelle
Perceptions of the Cognitive, Social, and Physical Competence of Speech Impaired Individuals, Sherri Scofield
Coping Styles, Perceived Parental Support, and Academic-Related Stress Among College Students, Tara Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Perceptions of college students towards college students who are mothers, Davina A. Bedsole
The Recategorization Effect of a Shared Threat Mortality Salience Condition, Tamara Cummings
The Development and Validation of a Measure of Adult Egocentrism, Michelle Dragovich
The Influence of Western Religious Belief on Substance Use Among College Students, Silvana Huayamares
Predicting Proclivity for Jealousy from Personality Variables, Ethnicity, and Gender, Ruth Roberts
Investigation of Reaction Times for True and False Memories, Zuzana Segev
Diversity Curricula Mandates in Higher Education: A Student Impact Assessment, Loma Stinson
The influence of religion and spirituality on identity formation, Kimberly Varner
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Variables related to belief in paranormal phenomena, Karen A. Castellanos
Proficiency as a Predictor of Lexical Representation in English Speakers Learning German, Lisa Durrance
Hispanic Preferences in Organizational Recruiting Ads, Viola Fernandez
Spatial Memory Affects Recall and Attitudes Toward Advertisements, Jessica Gordon
Tailoring Taylor: locus of control and attitudes toward genetically altering children, Barbara Gromadzin
The stroop color word task as a predictor of proficiency in English speakers learning German, Cheryl I. Johnson
The effect of media and the fashion industry on body image, Susan Mannor
The EEG correlates of romantic love, David J. Schwartzman
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Relationship strength in communication mediums, Gil Barth
E.Q. as a predictor of first semester performance in college freshmen, Malaika Castro Johnson
The effects of participative decision making and procedural justice on organizational citizenship behavior, Nancy G. Payne
Students who opt out of school uniform versus those who don't : what's the difference?, Katrina Raia
The relationship between electronic use, sleeping patterns, and EEG patterns, Douglas A. Watts
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Studying the relationship between parental involvement and Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, Liliana Munoz Bailey
Item response theory, Robin F. Inman
Religious practices and spiritual beliefs of incarcerated sex offenders, Kimberly Kuzniar
Bullying : a comparison of aggression levels of bullies and victims, Delilah O. Noronha
Predictors of Adherence in Beginning Level Students of Tae Kwon Do, Carla Rash
Effect of mode communication and gender on perceived intimacy, Veronica M. Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Exercise, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence, Theresa Luizza
Communicative interactions in predicting successful outcomes in hostage negotiation incidents, Mary M. Schmidt
Analysis of the relationship between women's perceived body image and variables related to personal happiness and satisfaction, Rachel R. Stokes
Media role model influence on adolescent identity development, Brandy J. Whittenton
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Determinants of exercise activity in an older population : a replication and extension, Andreea Pantea Gallagher
Relationships among electromagnetic field exposure, frontal eeg characteristics, and a measure of depression, Christina S. Morris
Groups as a factor in flow theory, Laura Nebenfuhr
The relationship between racial attitudes and context on simulated hiring decisions for White vs. Hispanic applicants, Jennifer Powell
Peer health educators' motives, Marcy Victor
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The relationship of age and gender to sex guilt, Laura C. Green
Advancing the Uses of Humor Into Team Performance, Anita Norton
The influence of gender role typing on stereotyping the sexes and exceptionalism, Carol M. Touhy
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Bilingual generation effect : participant type or list type?, Ramit K. Basi
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Perceptions of conflict resolution styles in dating relationships and their effect on conflict outcome satisfaction and overall relationship satisfaction, Vanessa Yiling Kee
Schizophrenia and the generation effect, Catherine E. Price
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Visually induced motion sickness in a virtual environment, Susan Lanham
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Burnout among psychologists-as-psychotherapist a critical analysis, Holly Beth Chatain
Childhood indicators of adult intimacy : a psychosocial study, Kevin Mahoney
Tetrodotoxin and death in the Japanese and Haitian culture, Hedwige Saint Louis