Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Political conservatism and its effects on memory and basic recall, Simon M. Caine
Attitude change regarding animal abuse in adults the effect of education and visual aids, Ashley Carter
Discrimination of Arabs and Muslims in simulated hiring decisions the role of multiple categorization, perceived job fit, and social dominance, Lindsay Dhanani
Relationships among child abuse experiences, social support, and academic success, Amanda Marie Havill
Older adults and online social networking: relating issues of attitudes, expertise, and use, Elise Hernandez
The relationship between genre choice of music and altruistic behavior, Christine Hippler
Effects of input modality and expertise on workload and video game performance, Travis M. Kent
Investigating the relationship between assertiveness and personality characteristics, Laura K. Kirst
The effects of alcohol based cues virtual reality versus guided imagery, Nicole Labriola
Pre-screen of traits that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, Krystal A. Lee
The role of attachment in the relationship between child maltreatment and later emotional and behavioral functioning, Amanda F. Lowell
Intolerance of ambiguity and gender differences between humanists and normativists, Jorge I. Mendoza
The relationship between substance abuse and identity development, Joshua J. Mester
The effects of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder on fixations and saccades during a simulated driving task, Jessica R. Michaelis
Missing the consequences misperceptions of the 1967 six-day israeli-arab war, Jonathan Miniello
Examining the relationship between female parents with low perceived control and adolescent child stress, Brendan P. Monaghan
Associations between positive health behaviors and psychological distress, Marlaine Marie Monroig
The relationship between psychometrically-defined social anxiety and working memory performance, Timothy L. Paskowski
Stress associated with law enforcement work and its effect on conjugal relationships, Patricia S. Peace
Improving eyewitness testimony methods for more accurate recall of events, Ashley M. Schachter
Moral cognition in children an examination of the possible impact of school didactic philosophies, Smit S. Shah
iBully: the impact of gender of bully and victim on perception of cyberbullying and its consequences, Christopher Sharpe
Effect of a human-teacher vs. a robot-teacher on human learning a pilot study, Melissa A. B. Smith
Predictors of presence in virtual reality, Brandon Sollins
An exploration of chronic pain experience, coping and the NEO five factors in high functioning adults, Juliana Stalter
Perceived gender and its effect on attributions toward avatars in the video game Spore, Victoria Marie Sweeney
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Haitian earthquake disaster : investigating news media choice, mental health, and altruism, Cristina E. Bryan
The role of identity on peer conflict and aggression, Jennifer Carter
I never forget a face! : memory for faces and individual differences in spatial ability and gender, Sally Clausen
Religiosity and identity among Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic congregants, Reyna Marie Ecker
Trauma as a predictive factory for performance under stress, Ashley M. Hughes
Concussion history and neuropsychological baseline testing in collegiate football athletes, Amanda Norma Huston
A comparison of University of Central Florida students on religious bigotry and related variables, Benjamin H. Hyman
Comparison of prejudice among University of Central Florida students, Sara Khaledpour
Never too old, never too young? : exploring stereotypes in the mixed-age college classroom, Brooke L. Lajoie
'When you believe in things you don't understand' : an evolutionary exploration of paranormal, superstitious and religious belief, Michael Arthur Moncrieff
Group affiliation and self-esteem, Cynthia Oakes
When do team members share? : the importance of openness to diversity and perceived ethnic similarity, Jennifer Pereira Feitosa Olivera
Influence of defendant mental illness on jury sentencing, Marie L. Sabbagh
Leader behavior : the development of collective efficacy in collectivistic societies, Diana Dawn Scott
Effects of perceived parenting during adolescence on college alcohol use, Maria I. Sori
Parental attachment and demonstrated academic mastery, Joanne M. Thron
An exploratory study : romanticism in modern day men and women, Gabriella Torres
Pet relationships: human versus animal attachment, Kim Anastasia Trajbar
Psychophysiology of selective mutism, Theresa N. Trombly
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Investigating predictors of ageism : supportive relationship with older adult wanted, DeAnne R. Collins
Variables associated with attraction to individuals with psychopathic traits, Amber Dukes
Multiple minority identities : Queer and Muslim Arab Americans, Timothy A. Duvall Brown
Relationships among socioeconomic status, family relationships, and academic achievement, Stephanie N. Gamm
Effect of social exclusion and cognitive ability on workplace deviance, Garrett Grainger
The role of transactive memory in work teams : a review, Megan E. Gregory
Asian American students' adjustment to college : does membership in an ethnic student organization make a difference?, Cuong T. Le
Understanding voluntary turnover during the uncertain times of mergers and acquisitions : a descriptive case-study, Nicole L. Owens
Pakistani American young adults' ideal marital relationships : do bollywood films influence their attitudes?, Madiha Sajid
Stress, job satisfaction, and related outcomes in intensive care unit nurses and labor and delivery unit nurses, Noreen Salsamendi
Asperger's disorder and social phobia : a comparison of social functioning, Nomara Santos
The sexual self concept and its relation to psychological well-being and sexual other-acceptance, Kathryn H. Valentine
Attachment development in emerging adults' romantic relationships and friendships, Karinna O. Vazquez
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Linguistic correlates of psychopathology in autobiographical narrative, Micah G. Allen
The effect of choice on performance of vigilance tasks, Lindzee Bailey
Development of a scale to measure gift-giving behaviors, Ariel Baruch
The visual search effectiveness of an unmanned ground vehicle operator within an optical flow condition, Gian Colombo
The effects of yoga during pregnancy on the apgar, Desiree Ihilani DeGinder
The role of goal orientation and level of expertise in dance performance before an audience, Heather Dodt
College students' perception of parenthood : predictors of parenting attributions, Hisae Gozu
Exploring how pet attachment and existential connectedness influence loneliness, Ashley K. Harper
Alcohol quantity and bac, Stefanie M. Johnson
The relationship between identity development and body image, Cristi L. Kamps
Sexual identity development measured from an identity status perspective, Michelle Y. Lewis
The relation between college students' intrafamilial relationships and their adjustment to a multiethnic university, Claudia Beatriz Machado
The examination of ordinary cruelty televised within a just world, Kenneth S. Michniewicz
How close is close enough? : temporal matching between visual and tactile signaling, Catherine E. Neubauer
Change of Physical Context Impairs Cardiovascular Habituation to Stress, Kevin M. Palmer
College student's perception of academic ability and social distance for students with chronic mental and physical illness, Kathleen A. Portillo
The relationship between a woman's personal birth preference and her perceptions of new mothers with different birthing methods : a test of cognitive dissonance theory, Lindsay E. Reeser
Exploring the relationship between patients' health locus of control and perception of physician's support, Maria F. Ricci Twitchell
Mental rotation and a drawing based training regiment, Anthony R. Selkowitz
Gray areas of child sexual abuse : undergraduate students' attributions of depicted adult-adolescent and adolescent-adolescent sexual interactions, Andrew Michael Sherrill
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Do students have negative stereotypes of women who elect to have breast augmentation?, Nicole Bly
The Effects of Distress on Motivation in the Police Force, Evelyn Botero
Investigating the relationship between teen pregnancy and social support networks, Ashley Ann Heinrichs
Premigration Expectations and Postmigration Experiences of Hispanic Immigrants to the United States, Shari Schwartz
Irrational thinking and prejudice : an atheist anomaly? correlates and predictors of prejudice toward atheists among college students, Lawton K. Swan
The Effects of Blocked and Random Word Lists on the Production of False Memories, Melonie Williams
Comparting pro- and anti-nudity college students on acceptance of self, cultural diversity, social responsibility, and secularism/liberalism, Samantha M. Winton
Integrating Computer-Based Games in E-Learning: An Examination of Game Features, Goal Orientation, and Self-Efficacy, Samuel Wooten
The Development of Intergroup Bias in Children to Ambivalent Sexism in Adults: A Study of the Role of Self-esteem, Noel E. Thomas Wrend
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Friends With Benefits: A New Sexual Phenomenon, John Albers
The Impact of Meditation CDs on College Students' Sense of Wellbeing, Angela Carter
Action Video Game Skill Level Predicts Performance on Target Detection and Identification in a Simulated Combat Environment., Charles Dapra
Abandoned: An Analysis of Freud's Position on Religion, Anthony DeLellis
Relationships Among Parenting Style, Parental Self-Efficacy, Parents' Perceptions of Children, and Preschoolers' Emotion Regulation, Stephanie Ernst
Does Teacher Support Directly Change Academic Resiliency and Ability to Sustain Competence under Pressure?, Julia Fullick
Understanding Autobiographical Memory of Children Through Self-Report, Megan Howard
The Incremental Validity of Identity Distress in Predicting Agentic Personality, Christina Mack
Defining the Furry Fandom, Jay Michaels
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: A Look into the Psychology of Thought Reform, Prince Phillips