Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The usefulness of the positive presentation management scale for detecting response distortion on the NEO PI-R, Heather L. Reid
The use of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional displays for training judgement of spatial relationships, Lori Gayle Rhodenizer
Mode of test administration and computer experience on test performance : computer vs. paper-and-pencil, Lisa Simek
Cognitive variables and therapy applications in blended families, Donna L. Walker
The relationship between romantic partner support styles and body image disturbance, Janice E. Weller
Individual operator compliance with a decision-support system, Mark Alan Wise
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The effects of an eight-week humor intervention on stress and goping skills in college undergraduates, Jason D. Chesnut
Personal characteristics of successful fund raisers, Thomas A. Gilson
The relationship of training history and self-assessed competency on task characteristic ratings, William T. Hamrick
Parent Childrearing Beliefs and Child Externalizing Behaviors in Families of ADHD and ODD Children, June E. Hoefling
Development and validation of a team situational awareness measure, Elizabeth Jimenez Muniz
Effects of restraint on vection and simulation sickness, Sherrie A. Jones
Social support : an effective tool against stress in the workplace?, Kathy Marie Lee
Does perceived status influence the monitoring and detection of errors?, Dana M. Milanovich
An investigation of the relationships between the Inwald Personality Inventory, Nelson-Denny reading test and field training officer performance, Brandon G. Montgomery
Stress and physical health outcomes : the role of religious and spiritual variables - a review of the literature, Kareen Alexandra Mourra
Expectancies of alcohol in greek-letter organizations, Elizabeth Cole Patton
Social-cognitive predictors of exercise adherence in an older population, Kathy D. Pearce
Applying a construct oriented approach to the use of advance organizers for training, Katrina Edinger Ricci
The effects of sexual orientation and coping strategies on attitudes towards persons with aids, Karin P. Sieger
Systemic thinking : a new way to increase management effectiveness?, Pilar E. Sixto
The relationahsips among mathematical ability, sex-role orientation, assertiveness and mathematical self-efficacy in female college students, Elaine Liang Kim Tan
Management problem solving ability : is it beneficial to use this thing called systemic thinking?, Sherrie Diane Timmes
The relationship of locus of control and work group attitudes to transfer of training, Janet Gropper Wiedman
Changing skill level and attitudes for the work force 2000: evaluating a work-readiness program, Angela Dawn Winn
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The effect of diversity awareness training as an age related issue, Athena Frederica Aker
The effects of humor on anxiety as measured by the stpi, the prca-24, and s-iga concentration levels, Susan D. Gierok
Antecedents of learned helplessness deficits : the impact of motivation on cognitive processing, Jennifer Elaine Irvin
Metacognitive training for junior team members, Martin Jentsch
Gender Differences in Academic Procrastination: Multidimensional Perfectionism, Self-esteem, and Depression, Lindsay P. Kennedy
Sharpening sound localization by signal design, Richard C. Lanier
Team rater characteristics as sources of bias in assessment center ratings, Sabine Brigitte Maetzke
Countertransference and abuse : a literature review, Rebecca Lynn Hochreiter Margerum
The Effects of Humor on Secretory Immunoglobulin A in AIDS Patients and Non-Immunodeficients, Howard Scott McGregor
Visual search performance within figure/ground areas, John Kurt Muller
Alzheimer's disease and the generation effect, Catherine E. Price
Academic Procrastination: A Critical Review of Why Students Procrastinate and Suggestions for Interventions, Especially When Writing a Thesis, Juliette L. Raffa
Mentoring adolescents : the effects of participation in a compact mentoring program, Sandra T. Sellin Wolters
Response management timed to real-world alerts, Robert R. Tyler
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Training teams to self-correct : effects of intra-team feedback on team shared understanding and coordinated task accomplishment, Elizabeth L. Blickensderfer
Factors influencing compliance with breast self-examinations, Marnie Lee Boyd
The identification of variables which moderate stress in parents of children with autism, Tracy Burbine
360-degree feedback : analyzing current and target appraisal ratings, James Matthew Cagle
Incorporating self-assessment into adaptive computer-assisted instruction, Joann Cole
Patterns of symptoms that determine the differential diagnoses of add : a policy capturing study, Kelly T. Dockery
Racial and bender difference in intercultural sensitivity and intercultural effectiveness, Junko Eguchi
The growing threat of workplace wiolence : taking preventative actions, Dorrie Anne Ehlers
Lumbar strengthening exercises with and without ambulatory emg biofeedback, Laurette M. Ferraresi
Use of noncognitive variables to predict academic success and retention among a group of white academically disadvantaged college students, Pamela Krake Fletcher
Investigation of skill-to-skill validity in an intermediate fidelity selection test, Richard Forman
Stress and coping among gays, lesbians, and bisexuals : development effort of a social support scale, Evelyn Hernandez
Biographical and personality-type measures as predictors of guest service employee performance, Pamela Anne Hobson
The associations between psychological androgyny, relationship beliefs and relationship satisfaction, Jason Robert Hohnstock
An analysis of a low-fidelity simulation in situational inventory format : the effects of item format on adverse impact and reliability, Tonjanette Nyree Jackson
Situational accurate versus inaccurate response of internal versus external locus of control for alcoholics versus controls, Sean P. Jennings
Prediction of simulator sickness in a virtual environment, Eugenia M. Kolasinski
An Integrative Study of Eating Disorders Among Athletes, Aimee M. Levine
Computer-versus textbook-based training delivery systems: an analysis of trainee performance and preferences, Arthur A. Moffa
Father-daughter relationships and daughters' personality development, Laurel Pagano
Cue processing of synthetic speech, Carol R. Paris
The influence of automated performance data on rater judgments : a policy capturing study, Stephanie Church Payne
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Brief therapy: a review of the outcome literature, Diana M. Davidson
Mother-son incest: a review of the literature, James Russell Davis
The relationship of selected demographic, situational, and achievement factors in the success of first time in college ethnic minority students at the University of Central Florida, Courtney B. Greene
The relationship among gender, attitudes toward men, and the appreciation of male disparaging sexist humor, Eric D. Haas
Factors affecting the validity of the angoff procedure, Edward Hamann
Difference between job analysis ratings and retranslation of task and ksa data across different sources, Lisa Lynn Hudson
Training for unpredictable situations in virtual environments, William Reed Johnson
The perceptual relevance of two dimensional cues, Jada D. Kearns
Effects of intrauterine cocaine exposure on the infant and child : a review, Dara P. Kelly
Assessing knowledge, attitude, and behavior expectancy change in third graders : an evaluation of the Disney crew drug education program, Stacey L. Manning
Toward a more efficient use of multiple exercises in personnel selection, Diliana Michaylova
Personality correlates of the electroencephalograph, Mary Ann Mitchell
Brief therapy : a review and survey of training, Michelle M. Muenzenmeyer
An evaluation of the relationship between alcohol usage, family history usage, and predictive measure, Scott E. O'Brien
Attitudes and actions of health care professionals regarding active and passive euthanasia a review of the literature, Kathy Lynne Owens
The prevalence of multiple paraphilias in offender and non-offender populations, Michele Simmons
The impact of informed consent content, counselor status, & experience level on clients' initial impression of a therapist/, Kimberly Jarrett Stewart
An internal evaluation of a computerized multiple assessment approach to selection, Angela Kelly Sullivan
A comparison of data reduction methods for job analysis, Frederick Rowland Turner
Effects of task differentiation and status differentiation on the perceptions, communication, and performance of three person teams, Julie M. Urban
The impact of individual differences on state anxiety and performance in teams exposed to stressors, Jeanne Weaver
The effects of two brief methods of intervention to improve students' attitudes and knowledge of aged adults and aging issues, Karen Leventhal Wolman
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Spatial knowledge acquisition in a virtual environment, John H. Bailey
The relationship of self-consciousness, locus of control, and stress on menstrual cycle-related affects, Sandra Bosi
Team performance and perceptions of workload under stress : the influence of the team leader, Kerry Anne Burgess
The relationship between physical exercise and academic performance, Jean Brady Chapman
A comparison of job analysis ratings from job incumbents with retranslated job analysis rating from job analysts, Thomas Barnette Codding
An assessment of the negative reactions to dominance cues/, Catherine L. Copeland
The roles of homophobia and trait anxiety in the perceptions of people with aids, Robert J. D'Angelo
Using inverse factor analysis to identify response differences of sme subjects : an approach to improving the quality of job analyses data, Bravo Dayse Diaz
Bulimia nervosa: eytiology and treatment, an eclectic approach, Susan Collins Fredrickson
Stress in mothers of chronically ill children : a comparison of four groups, Dana S. Gammella
A validation study of multiple selection techniques, Lynda Suzanne Hahn
A cross-cultural study of the psychometric equivalence of a video selection test, Prout April Howard
The convergence of different sources of job analysis data, Kristin Andrea Just
The effects of cultural diversity on team performance, Bruce R. Layman
Social cognitive determinants of exercise, Maria Angelique Martinez