Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Subordinate Locus of Control, Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction, Stephanie A. Smith
The Assessment of Adjustment Scores Between Married Persons With and Without Children, Donna N. Strickland
The Effect of Differing Goal Strategies on Subjective and Physiological Indices of Workload Across Time, Kevin C. Uliano
The Effects of Feedback on Improving Safe Work Behaviors: A Component Analysis, Jeanine L. Williamson
Psychological Responses of Fathers and Mothers to Amniocentesis, Nancy D. Williamson
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The Expression of Anger as a Function of Self-Esteem, Kimberly M. Brooks
Depth of Process Involvement as a Function of Structure in Training Groups, David H. Broome
Ability to Discriminate and Pronounce Foreign Language Phonemes as a Function of Age, Maria J. Correa
Anxiety, Sex-Role Orientation, and Computer Interaction, Mary Donlin-Senne
Love in the Eighties: A Test of the Socioeconomic Theory, Loretta L. Givens
Achieving Tendency, Sex-Role Orientation and Video Game Playing Experience in College Females, Teresa J. Holden
Black's Perception of Blacks and Whites in Relation to the Expression or Inhibition of Anger, Charlie W. Johnson
Fitness Level, Type A Behavior, and Anxiety Levels in an Occupational Setting, Susan D. Kilduff
Effects of Classroom Setting on Self-Esteem in Learning Disabled Students, Drema G. Moody
Lethality Assessment Analogue: A Behavioral Measure for Evaluating the Suicide Intervention Competency of Crisis Hotline Volunteers, Amparo A. Pita
Factors Associated with Stress in Working Mothers, Jayne Roberts
The Effect of Differential Levels of Assumed Confidentiality on Amount of Self-Disclosure in Hight Trait-Anxious Students, Gretchen S. Thwing
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Effect on Strategic Electronic Troubleshooting Performance, Virginia T. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
The Effects of Personal and Organizational Variables on Union Membership and Instrumentality Perceptions, Carole E. Barclay
Work and Leisure Attitudes Among Health Services Personnel, Robert C. Frink
Locus of Control in Voluntary and Involuntary Psychiatric Patients, Christopher B. Karegeannes
Recent Life Stress Events and Adolescent Pregnancy, Mahalla Lenzi
The Influence of Induced Self-Awareness on Sex-Typed Behavior, Kevin J. Lopyan
The Relationship Between Absenteeism and Job Involvement, Work Orientation, Job Characteristics, and Satisfaction with Work, Greg H. Richardson
Understanding the Accident Process: Crisis Intervention for the Industrially Injured, Karen W. Sharpe
Visual and Part-Task Manipulations for Teaching Simulated Carrier Landings, Daniel J. Sheppard
The Adult Client's Conception of Confidentiality in the Therapeutic Relationship, Philip O. Toal
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
The Perceptions of Female Middle-Level Managers Concerning Their Pay and the Pay of Their Superiors, Their Subordinates and Their Co-Workers, Karen S. Childs
A Study of the Construct Differential Validity of a Performance Appraisal System, Hughette I. Crumpler
A Comparison of Clinical and Mechanical Combination of Assessment Center Data, Patrick J. Gilbert
Depth of Self-Disclosure as a Function of Assured Confidentiality and Video Recording, Sanford L. Graves
A Factor Analytic Comparison of the Work Values of Divergent Groups, Janette A. Hankins
Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Job Tenure and Their Relationship to Absenteeism, Rita G. Huff
Comparability of Blind and Sighted Subject Test Scores as Affected by Mode of Test Presentation, Gary A. Meiseles
Optimal versus Suboptimal Decision-Making Models: Determination of Aviator Task Proficiency, Melgarejo Betty Pereya
Relationship Between Creativity, Intelligence, and Sex Role Attitudes in College Students, Deborah D. Roman
College Education and Police Officer Performance: A Critical Assessment, Gary T. Stafford
The Upstream Approach in the Employee Assistance Program Concept, Raymond M. Thornton
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Sex Role, Identity Sexual Preference, and Intrapersonal Competence in Women, India Aditi
Age and Sex as Factors in Employment Decisions Based on Assessment Center Reports, Constance L. Alden
Sex-Roles and Marital Satisfaction of Employed and Homemaking Mothers of Pre-School Children, Leslie G. Bennett
A Validation Study of the Federal Aviation Administration's Assessment Center for Facility Chiefs, Nancy K. Blagg
An Evaluation of a Visual Training Technique for Female Volleyball Players, Diane G. Burbank
The Transgenerational Effects of Father-Daughter Incest, Kevin M. Conlee
Fear of Success and the Performance of Males and Females in a Managerial Position, Joan A. Helms
The Influence of Confidentiality Conditions on the Amount of Self Disclosure of the Early Adolescent, Bella Kobocow
The Relationship Between a Mother's Knowledge of Human Sexual Reproduction and Her Child Rearing Attitudes Toward Her Preschool Child's Emerging Sexuality, Susan F. McGolrick
A Comparison of the Effects of Race and Work Value Orientation of White-Collar Employees on their Levels of Job Satisfaction, Antonio F. Noble
A Comparison of the Relative Success of Two Pay Incentive Plans Under Controlled Conditions, Richard J. Poole
Involvement in Leisure Activities by Mental Health Center Clients and Non-Clients, David H. Roby
A Comparison of Current Close Friendships and Lapsed Close Friendships, Teresa A. Rodgers
The Effect of Interpersonal Skills Training on the Self-Concept and Personal Problems of Adolescent Males, Judith N. Sanborn
Child Abuse and Neglect: A Primer, Judith K. Schwartz
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
The Effects of Exercise on Psychological Functioning, Deborah Ann Coe
Adaptation to Pregnancy as a Function of Sex-Role, Anne Heidrich Diebel
The Effects of High Versus Low Amplitude Training of 9-13 Hertz EEG Activity on the Seizure Rate of Refractory Epileptics, Bob Dubinsky
Effects of the STEP parent education program on parenting styles and reported child behavior problems, Patty H. Lee
Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict, Type A-B Behavior, Job Performance, and Psychosomatic Dysfunction, John Steven Mattone
The Effects of Local Union Strength on Union Members' Attitudes, Perceptions and Job Satisfaction, Eileen McDonald
Perception of Subordinates' Job Evaluation Factors to Determine Supervisor-subordinate Agreement, George Edward Romot
English Language Proficiency as a Predictor of Academic Performance for U.S. Navy Hispanic Recruits, Eduardo Alejandro Salas Garcia
Values and Interests Among Four Ethnic Groups in Mexico, Jacobo Schwartzman
Prediction of Football-playing Ability in Spring Training Tryouts Through the Use of Psychobiomotor Assessment, Michael D. Secunda
A Comparison of the Effects of Age Stereotypes on the Performance Evaluations of Two Different Jobs, Mitchell P. Siegel
Effects of Assessor Training on Subsequent Assessment Center Performance, Michael R. Struth
The Comparative Effects of Self-Evaluation and Self-Reinforcement Training in the Treatment of Depression, David P. Tressler
Faculty Attribution of Satisfaction-dissatisfaction to the Union or the Administration Based Upon Union Membership Status, Grace P. Waldrop
The Effect of Race of the Administrator and Requesting Categorical Demographic Data on Response Bias in a Group Administered Job Attitude Survey, Glenn Russell Weinger
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Operant Techniques for Teaching Speech Behavior to Severely Language Handicapped Children: A Review, James Archbold
The Use of the Rorschach with Young Children: Special Considerations in Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation and in the Measurement of Cognitive Functioning, Patricia Parry Barber
The Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Human Subjects: a Literature Review, Gregory Roth Burmeister
Employee Attitude Invariance: A Guide for Personnel Practitioners, Robert A. Cohen
The Relationship of Fear of Success to Management Potential Variables, Virginia M. Culbertson
EMG Biofeedback as a Generalized Relaxation Technique, David Cunningham
A Comparative Study of Computer-Assisted Instruction Versus Classroom Training of Naval Technicians of Varying Aptitude Levels, Daniel J. Dwyer
A Sex Comparison of Job Satisfaction for Middle Management: Individual and Organizational Influences, Lesley J. Harlow
Experimental and Standard Formats for Procedural Instruction: Evaluation of Merging Pictorials and Words, Anne M. Polino
Effect of Sensor/display, Target and Scene Characteristics on Detection Time in the Development of a Target Acquisition Model, Brian Lee Silbernagel
The Effect of Feminist and Anti-Feminist Speeches on Feminist and Nonfeminist Women's Self-Esteem, Addis Eugenia Spurge
Feminine Sex Roles and Depression in Middle-aged Women, Emily Gaines Tinsley
Methods for Increasing Children's Comprehension of Prosocial Values as Transmitted Through Television Programs, Lissette E. Villanueva
How to Make a Token Economy Work: Goals and Variables of Token Economies with the Institutionalized Mentally Retarded, Laura Ann Wade
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Parent Education: Its Impact on Parental Well-Being, Jean M. Anderson
The Child's Conception of Confidentiality in the Psychotherapeutic Relationship, Charlene Marie Burgess
The Effects of Halo Reduction Training on Individuals Varying in Cognitive Complexity, Kanchan S. Dandage
The Evaluation of a Behaviorally Based Supervisory Training Program in an Industrial Setting, Elizabeth B. Deeb
Emotional Disturbances and Mental Retardation, Jeannie Willard Ervin
A Review of the Behavioral Techniques for Weight Reduction and Control in Adults, Carol Kerr Hardee
Reduction of Lunchroom Noise and Other Behaviors Using Feedback and Group Contingent Reinforcement, Lottie Nell LaRowe
The Effects of Progressive Relaxation Training and Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation Training on Control of Stress Arousal, Barbara S. Lindley
The Effects of Coverant Control Therapy Under Two Different Conditions on Depression, Steven Brian Lucks
Employability Skills Training for Displaced Homemakers Measured via the Practice Interview, Carolyne Grimm Mierswa
Self-Esteem and Adolescence, William A. Robertson
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The Demographic Correlates of Task Difficulty, Ivan Ronald Applebaum
Psychodrama: Review and Analysis, Richard F. Daigneault
The Correlation of Global-Performance Rank Order Ratings with Factor Scores on a Graphic Rating Scale, Richard B. Dillard