Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Assessor-Assessee gender bias in assessment center ratings, Janet Derosier Murray
Self-disclosure of males: influence on sex-role orientation and counselor gender, Margaret S. Rankin
An experimental analysis of graphics detail parameters using critical graphic cues on procedural task performance for computer based training, Katrina Edinger Ricci
Military job satisfaction and locus of control, Janet Lee Robison
The effect of goal setting and performance feedback upon work performance in a law enforcement agency, Thomas L. Rockhill
The effects of convergent and discriminant validity on skill to skill validity of skill dimensions in assessment centers, Christopher Theodore Rotolo
Ethical decision making among mental health professionals, Todd S. Smith
Effects of type of interaction (feedback, self-disclosure), level of risk taking, and risk-taking disposition on attraction to group, Manuela Trapp
Cognitive and social desirability factors in self- reports of marital adjustment for a sample of military couples, Anita F. Trowbridge
A factor analytical study of assessment center ratings and personality variables, Margaret Ann Wagner
Doping in Sports: A Comparison of College Athletes' and Non-athletes' use of Amphetamines and Steroids, Karen L. Wedner
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Coping and adjustment in parents of abducted children, Karen A. Bogart
A Comparison of Two Behaviorally Based Performance Appraisal Systems, Mary Ann Kutcher Bucklan
Alcoholism subspecies and their relationship to cigarette and caffeine consumption, John F. Crawley
Pathological Gambling: A Comprehensive Review, Victoria L. Crowder
The Feasibility of Computerized Cognitive Testing as a Surrogate Measure for Assessment Center Performance, Leilani M. de Saram
Sense of Humor and Social Anxiety, James E. Fischer
Assessment of the English comprehension Level Test as a Predictor of Success in Navy Recruit Training, Carla M. French
Idiosyncratic item selection effects: do they produce the incongruity effect?/, Susan E. Haynes
Escalation: A Closer Look at Allocation Decisions, David A. Hofmann
The etiology of bulimia nervosa from a psychodynamic socio-cultural perspective, Michael John Hryckowian
Women and men : do they prefer different leaders?, Melanie A. B. Lee
Effects of Informed Consent on Client Behaviors and Attitudes in a Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling Center, Kathryn Lynn Mardirosian
The relationship of sources of job stress and role constructs to coping behaviors, Valerie June Moser
Training for performance under stress: a behavior modeling approach, Christopher Mulligan
Employee Assistance Programs: The State of the Art in Central Florida, W. Thomas Oldroyd
The relationship between computer experience and anxiety in computer versus paper-and-pencil administration of the state portion of the state-trait anxiety inventory, Timothy D. Orrell
A casual model approach to assessment center performance: an application in law enforcement, Bradley Francis Pollins
Differential Employee Performance: A Behavioral Addition to an Attitudinal Model of Turnover, Thomas E. Powell
A multivariate study on the emotions and self-esteem of pregnant women, Patricia K. Teal
Adolescent Clients' Understanding of and Demands for Confidentiality, Teresa F. Turner
Personality Characteristics of Individuals Seeking to Adopt a Companion Animal, Laura Anne Weber-Andersen
Anorexia nervosa: starvation by choice a review of etiology and treatment, Joseph A. Weckerie
Ethical decisions: willingness to apply understood ethical principles, Margaret A. Wilkins
Evaluation Perception of Training Effectiveness of U.S. Marines as Influenced by Experience and Demographic Variables, Sharon K. Wolford
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Changes Towards Internal Locus of Control as a Function of Improving Time Management Skills, Linda Brockmeyer
Utility Analysis: Estimating the SDy Parameter for Accounting Supervisors, Terry P. Brownson
Job Characteristics Model: Test of a Modified Four-Trait Model at the University of Central Florida, Gena L. Cox-Jones
Effects of Volunteer Activity on Psychosocial Adjustment Among the Elderly, William R. Criss
Marksmanship Performance with the M16A1 Rifle as a Function of Physical Fitness, Heart Rate, and Exercise Intensity, Jeffrey B. Cuddeback
The Effects of Locus Control Upon Pay Satisfaction, Richard A. Curle
An Evaluation of a Parent Sex Education Program, Janice Devlin
Selected Client Characteristics and Their Relationship to Successful Outcome in a Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Helen Harmon
Death Anxiety Among Older Adults as a Function of the Christian Faith With Specific Reference to the Experience of Being "Born Again", Wendy E. Holland
Validity of Student Evaluations: A Comparison of Student Ratings to Instructor Self-Evaluations, Rebecca A. Hopson
Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children: A Developmental Approach, Arlene Iasimone
Life Satisfaction and Death Concern in the Elderly, Gary S. Kain
The Relationship Between Selected Personality Variables and Compulsive Gamblers in Treatment, Kevin E. Kip
Behavioral Problems Among Sexually Abused and Nonabused Children, Kelli B. Mills
Person Perception and the Employment Interview: The Impact of Facial Features in the Employee Selection Process, Susan C. Muller
Children's Attributional Style and Length of Stay in an Alternative Education Program, William E. Pinnell
Initiation of Sexual Behavior in the Marital Relationship, Nancy Roberts-Cruce
Soap Opera Viewers' Perceptions of the Real World, Gayle Seese
Treatment of Chronic Nightmares Using Progressive Relaxation Training, Jennifer R. Trefonas
Cognitive and Social Desirability Factors in Marital Adjustment for a Sample of Retired Older Adults, Priscilla B. Wilson
Vasectomy: A Literature Review With Implications for Pre-Vasectomy Counseling, Annette Thrift Wing
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
The Interaction Effects of Organizational Structure and Organizational Type on Managerial Job Satisfaction, Robert W. Adams
Relationship of Shift Work Schedules and Job Satisfaction of Female Nurses, Maurie L. Antrim
The Stress-Buffering Role of Social Report and Self-Efficiency Among First-Year Graduate Students, Mary T. Cecchini
Superior-Subordinate Perceptional Congruence of Promotion Criteria Importance and its Relationship to Job Satisfaction, Stacie L. Clark
Matching Training Time to Training Need: A Procedure for Revising an Existing Supervisory Training Program, Eugene K. Cuccarese
A Multidimensional Analysis of Stress Among Law Enforcement Officers and Insurance Underwriters, Susan K. Daniel
The Effects of Pet Visitation and Human Interaction on the Happiness of Retirement Home Residents, Candace J. Donaghy
College Recruitment: Compensation Preferences of Seniors at the University of Central Florida, Penny H. Faber
Postpartum Job Involvement, Rosemary D. Garris
Comparison of the Situational Checklist Versus the Skill Checklist Assessment Center Exercise Reports Forms, Donna J. Gray
Individual Differences in Training Performance: The Derivation of a Prediction Model, Brenda J. Hoskin
The Relationship Between Perceptual Learning and Psychmotor Task Variety: Contextual Interference Effects, Sherrie Ann Jones
Early Parental Relationship s as a Predictor of the Daughter's Later Marital Adjustment, Naomi Kitner
The Assessment and Treatment of the Premenstrual Syndrome Client, Alison W. Kolodinsky
The Relative Efficiency of Computer Controlled, Adaptive and Learner Centered Training on Transfer of Training in a Computer Simulation Task, Lois-Ann Kuntz
Attitude Similarity, Expertness and Perceived Counselor Trustworthiness, Sharon Lee McKay
Effects of Cognitive and Modeling Techniques on Pain Management in Abortion Patients, Sue McLendon
Battered Women: An Analysis of the Services Offered at Abuse Shelters, Deborah McMillon
Sex-Role Stereotyping and Sexism: Implications for Attorney- Female Client Relationships, Mary R. Mowere
The Relationship Between Role Conflict and Ambiguity and Types of Communication Moderated by Organization Level, Charles A. Olsson
Corporate Burnout and Its Nonwork-Related Correlates, Kimberly J. Redmond
Comparison of the Narratives vs. the Checklist Assessment Center Exercise Report Forms, James C. Rehmann
Personality and Life Crisis Factors in Nurse Drug Users, Donna A. Roberts
A Comparison of Test Scores Obtained from Equivalent Forms of a Multiple Choice In-Basket Exercise and a Free Response In-Basket Exercise, German B. Romero
Preparation and Preparedness: A Study of Curriculum Design in Terminal Master's Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Cynthia K. Rubin
Stress, Exercise, Job Satisfaction and Performance: An Interactive Process Model, Monica Samanic
The Effect of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on Homosexual Identity, Robert S. Schulman
The Effects of Physical Fitness on Physiological Arousal and Self-Reports of Stress, Barbara Rene Staggs
Marital Satisfaction as a Function of Gender, Own Rationality and Spouse's Rationality, Gabrielle T. Vincent
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Morningness-Eveningness, Time-Oriented Body Functions, Shift Satisfaction and Anticipated Turnover in a Group of Rotating Shift Workers, Angel A. Blanca
Sex Roles, Confidants, and Adolescent Sexual Experience, Sabrina F. Coronado
Effects of Aerobic Fitness Training on Psychological Functioning, Dolores R. Gerscovich
The Effect of Managerial Experience on Assessment Center Evaluations: An Application in Law Enforcement, Lonnie E. Griesemer
The Effect of Experimenter's Warmth/ Coldness on Intrinsic Motivation, Phillip N. Guikema
Interviewer Trustworthiness and Intended Self-Disclosure as a Function of Verbal and Nonverbal Assurances of Confidentiality, Randall G. Jordan
A Comparative Study on Presently and Previously Obese Individuals in Food Diary Records, and Lifestyle Data by Subjects Attending a Weight Control Program, Ileana M. Mancusi
Situational and Sex Role Determinants of Male Reactions to Female Assertion, Linda. Mesing
The Effects of Criterion Contamination and Deficiency on Predictor Validity and Validity Generalization, Cheryl L. Pavlick
Dietary, Cognitive, and Behavioral Variables as Predictors of Weight Loss Maintenance, Lorisa. Pearce-Lewis
Abstinence Versus Controlled Drinking: A Critical Review, Suresh. Pushkarna
Self Concept and Locus of Control as Moderating Influences of Negative Life Events, Frances W. Rogers
Sex Differences in Dietary Practices and Attitudes Toward Weight, Mary F. Rollins
A Comparison of Modeling and Instructions on Nonverbal Empathy Behavior in a Simulated Counseling Interview, Robin D. Seipp
Criminal Justice and the Mental Health Expert: A Critical Examination, Elliot. Shamis