TTESS, A Tutorial Tool for Expert-supervised Simulations


The Tutorial Tool for Expert-Supervised Simulations (TTESS) is a generic environment for building Intelligent Tutoring systems that teach/train with adaptive, interactive, pseudo-real-time simulations. TTESS provides for the generic modeling of simulation scenarios that are designed to train the student to detect and remove undesired situations, to create desirable situations, or to understand the current and future situations. TTESS organizes the teaching operation around the simulated activity generated by the simulation. Time dependent scenarios are modified by the student whose actions may remove or delete situations or cause a new and different interpretation of a developing scenario. (Student actions may create new situations; new situations can also be generated by TTESS based on the performance of the student.) TTESS trains with drills supported by expert feedback. The actions of the trainee are evaluated by comparing them to those of an expert. The timing and the side effects (situations created by the trainee) of those student actions are used in the evaluation process. The simulation situations are organized, created, detected, traced, supported and explained by generically defined TTESS elements. When structuring a typical application curriculum, the application designer creates instances of these elements and integrates the domain-dependent data, code, and knowledge necessary for running a scenario and for providing feedback. The expert knowledge is implemented as a separate expert system. The reusable element definitions and the control algorithm in TTESS save the application designer considerable time and effort. The control algorithm organizes the scenario generation/ modification, the evaluation of the trainee and the activation of the expert rules automatically. TTESS uses an object-oriented architecture for the definition of its elements and its control algorithm. This structure is the basis for the generic nature of TTESS. The application designer uses the system interface to create instances of the required types of elements and to link those elements as a tree or lattice hierarchy of nodes. A prototype was implemented on a Symbolics LISP Machine, using the Common-LISP language and Flavors, an object-oriented extension to LISP.


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Graduation Date





Biegel, John E.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


College of Engineering


Industrial Engineering and Management Systems




224 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Engineering; Engineering -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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