This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in Sciences.


Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Using GIS to determine the influence of wetlands on Cayuga Iroquois settlement location strategies, David J. Birnbaum


Women's dynamic role in the United States House of Representatives, Andrew C. Bolender


Leaders and laggards climate change mitigation policy in the European Union and the United States, Astrid Breuer


Political conservatism and its effects on memory and basic recall, Simon M. Caine


Attitude change regarding animal abuse in adults the effect of education and visual aids, Ashley Carter


Gold nanoparticle generation using in situ reduction on a photoresist polymer substrate, Christopher J. Clukay


The dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII and its effect on the econmoy sic], political landscape, and social instability in Tudor England that led to the creation of the poor laws, Casey Jo Cooper


Political participation and e-petitioning an analysis of the policy-making impact of the Scottish Parliament's e-petition system, Ross D. Cotton


The role of rain in postclassic Maya religious belief, Lillie U. Dao


U.S. foreign policy toward North Korea 1945 to present, Andrew Derewiany


Discrimination of Arabs and Muslims in simulated hiring decisions the role of multiple categorization, perceived job fit, and social dominance, Lindsay Dhanani


Iranian feminism: a comparative evaluation of its impact and future, Anna V. Eskamani


Political socialization: change and stability in political attitudes among and within age cohorts, Michael S. Hale


Relationships among child abuse experiences, social support, and academic success, Amanda Marie Havill


Older adults and online social networking: relating issues of attitudes, expertise, and use, Elise Hernandez


An analysis of the relationship between economic development and demographic characteristics in the United States, Chad M. Heyne


The relationship between genre choice of music and altruistic behavior, Christine Hippler


Human development and institutional design the comparative performance of presidential regimes, Michael A. Hristakopoulos


Size-effect of pd nanoparticles supported on zro2 in the catalytic reduction of no by h2, Young Woo Joh


What is the importance of age at menarche on adult height relative to other known factors?, Pamela M. Kacerosky


Effects of input modality and expertise on workload and video game performance, Travis M. Kent


Investigating the relationship between assertiveness and personality characteristics, Laura K. Kirst


Relationships of combined parenting styles of step and biological parents in stepfamily relationship formation and emerging adult stepchildren's adjustment, Saarah Kison


High yield assembly and electron transport investigation of semiconducting-rich local-gated carbon nanotube field effect transistors, Kristy Kormondy


The effects of alcohol based cues virtual reality versus guided imagery, Nicole Labriola


Pre-screen of traits that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, Krystal A. Lee


Approximation by Bernstein polynomials at the point of discontinuity, Jie Ling Liang


On rights a defense and analysis of rights through natural law, Ramon E. Lopez


The role of attachment in the relationship between child maltreatment and later emotional and behavioral functioning, Amanda F. Lowell


Clerics and commanders an examination of the evolution of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' role in the political economy of Iran, Gregory D. McDowall


Bigger is better? a comparative study of humanitarian efforts of international organizations in Haiti, Crisely Melecio Zambrano


Intolerance of ambiguity and gender differences between humanists and normativists, Jorge I. Mendoza


The relationship between substance abuse and identity development, Joshua J. Mester


The effects of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder on fixations and saccades during a simulated driving task, Jessica R. Michaelis


Missing the consequences misperceptions of the 1967 six-day israeli-arab war, Jonathan Miniello


Examining the relationship between female parents with low perceived control and adolescent child stress, Brendan P. Monaghan


Associations between positive health behaviors and psychological distress, Marlaine Marie Monroig


The Northern Ireland Conflict Feasibility of 21st Century Reunification, Robert O'Brien


Social learning and general strain theories' relationship with prescription stimulant misuse for academic purposes among college students, Julianne Ong


Neocolonialism construction and solutions, Stephanie Parenti


The relationship between psychometrically-defined social anxiety and working memory performance, Timothy L. Paskowski


Stress associated with law enforcement work and its effect on conjugal relationships, Patricia S. Peace


A comparitive sic] study on community-based after-school programs to faith-based after-school programs, Angiemil Perez


War in Pakistan the effects of the Pakistani-American War on Terror in Pakistan, Akhtar Qureshi


Fundamental rights in Latin America a comparative study addressing human rights violations in Venezuela, Colombia, and Argentina, Maria Eugenia Rios


Explaining the economic control of Iran by the IRGC, Matthew Douglas Robin


Rand takes on the Constitution an objectivist perspective of the United States Constitution, Farin C. Robinson


UCF student perceptions of a smoke-free campus policy, Alyssa Roman


A comparative study of refugees and idps, Laura Sanchez


Improving eyewitness testimony methods for more accurate recall of events, Ashley M. Schachter


What is appealing? sex and racial differences in perceptions of the physical attractiveness of women, Rachel Sewell


Moral cognition in children an examination of the possible impact of school didactic philosophies, Smit S. Shah


iBully: the impact of gender of bully and victim on perception of cyberbullying and its consequences, Christopher Sharpe


The role of facial appearance in gender categorization, Joshua J. Simpkins


Effect of a human-teacher vs. a robot-teacher on human learning a pilot study, Melissa A. B. Smith


Predictors of presence in virtual reality, Brandon Sollins


A comparison of traditional and nontraditional college students' stress and its relationship to their time management and overall psychological adjustment, Debra Stagman


An exploration of chronic pain experience, coping and the NEO five factors in high functioning adults, Juliana Stalter


Perceived gender and its effect on attributions toward avatars in the video game Spore, Victoria Marie Sweeney


Sex trafficking Florida's response to the international organized crime, Candice Torres


The struggle for regional hegemony how the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps continues to influence Iraq, Juliana Velasco

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Contemporary Hijra Identity in Guyana: Colonial and Postcolonial Transformations in Hijra Gender Identity, Shainna Ali

Where has the revolution gone? : gender and politics in Nicaragua, Kevin Alvarez

High Numerical Aperture Axial and Transverse Beam Shaping using Diffractive Optics, Craig A. Ament

United States-middle-east relations : the role of economics in foreign policy, Jillian Askren

Effects of partisanship on the municipal budgeting process, Eric S. Austin

The effect of internship experience on perceptions of classroom management of undergraduate teacher candidates, Sarah Lynn Badders

A gluing property for boehmians, Jonathan Beardsley


Syncretism in contemporary pagan purification practices, Sara K. Blackwelder

Democracy in Eastern Europe: society, government, and economy, Jivco Bojinov


From a Bird's Eye View: Using Satellite Imagery to Map and Analyze the Forest Islands of the Llanos De Mojos, Bolivia, Stephanie Boothby

Young women's perceptions of HPV vaccination in the conext of prevention, risk, and sexual norms, Georgia A. Brieck

Haitian earthquake disaster : investigating news media choice, mental health, and altruism, Cristina E. Bryan

Religious affiliation and religiosity : variations on the perceptions of domestic violence, Amelia Brooke Carey

The role of identity on peer conflict and aggression, Jennifer Carter

The effects of the internet on developing democratic principles in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Christian Christoefl

Russian foreign policy in the post-Soviet ERA, Albert Citron

I never forget a face! : memory for faces and individual differences in spatial ability and gender, Sally Clausen

The impact of French colonialism in North Africa : Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, Kaitlyn Crandall

Sderot : an analysis of the marginalization of an Israeli border town population, Ariel Dansky

The effects of introductory speech and communication courses on students' levels of communication appehension, Lee Katherine Davis

Nuclear ambitions in southwest Asia : Israel, Pakistan and Iran, Jean Pascal Deillon

Religiosity and identity among Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic congregants, Reyna Marie Ecker

The Political Potential of Iran's Youth, Ida V. Eskamani

Ethnobotany in Florida : Seminole cosmology and medicinal plant use, Kelin Flanagan

Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia : the limits of US influence on prospective EU membership, Marco S. Funk

The effectiveness of legislative lobbying in the state of Florida, Lauren C. Groh

Peopling of the Americas : the South Pacific route, Michael Anthony Gyurnek

Communication between America's first couple : how the first ladies have shaped the world through pillow talk, Jennie Elizabeth Hayes

An analysis on the development of militancy and violence in West Africa : the Niger Delta, the Maghreb and Sahel, Cote D'ivoire, Austin R. Hooper

Trauma as a predictive factory for performance under stress, Ashley M. Hughes

Concussion history and neuropsychological baseline testing in collegiate football athletes, Amanda Norma Huston

A comparison of University of Central Florida students on religious bigotry and related variables, Benjamin H. Hyman

Psychological and physiological problems associated with the use of antepartum bed rest for prevention of high-risk pregnancies, Krista Marie Jensen

Comparison of prejudice among University of Central Florida students, Sara Khaledpour

The effects of Islam on the political structure of : Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Amal Khan

Never too old, never too young? : exploring stereotypes in the mixed-age college classroom, Brooke L. Lajoie

The Changing Political World: How and Why Young People Vote, Amanda Lorraine Lecheminant

The effect of declining circulation and employment within U.S. newspapers : an analysis of the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, Nicholas Le Fils

The birth of a revolution : preconditions for successful revolutionary movements, Nathalia Martins