Concurrent Session #5: Using AI to Generate Captions and Transcripts: The Required Human Element for ADA Compliance


Key West B

Start Date

25-9-2023 9:15 AM

End Date

25-9-2023 9:30 AM


Most are familiar with YouTube’s automatic captioning and its occasional entertaining deficiencies. Others may be acquainted with Zoom’s automatic captioning. Yet, there may be less understanding that AI will not generate transcriptions to a high enough standard and human intervention is essential. This short presentation will explore the common steps to go from AI-generated beginnings to human-refined delivery of captions and transcripts for striving toward proper ADA compliance. A handout will be provided with ADA guidance, offering suggested AI supported tools to initially generate transcriptions along with common editing tips.

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Sep 25th, 9:15 AM Sep 25th, 9:30 AM

Concurrent Session #5: Using AI to Generate Captions and Transcripts: The Required Human Element for ADA Compliance

Key West B

Most are familiar with YouTube’s automatic captioning and its occasional entertaining deficiencies. Others may be acquainted with Zoom’s automatic captioning. Yet, there may be less understanding that AI will not generate transcriptions to a high enough standard and human intervention is essential. This short presentation will explore the common steps to go from AI-generated beginnings to human-refined delivery of captions and transcripts for striving toward proper ADA compliance. A handout will be provided with ADA guidance, offering suggested AI supported tools to initially generate transcriptions along with common editing tips.