Concurrent Session #9: Open Forum: Next Steps Once Back Home


Key West D

Start Date

25-9-2023 2:45 PM

End Date

25-9-2023 3:45 PM


Take this time to reflect with your peers on what you’ve learned the last two days: what lessons can you apply, what ideas are you excited to try, and who you need to speak with once back at your institution? What are your personal to-do items? What should happen next at an institutional level? We’d also love to hear from you about your ideas for next year’s conference. There will be no formal presentation in this session—instead,

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Sep 25th, 2:45 PM Sep 25th, 3:45 PM

Concurrent Session #9: Open Forum: Next Steps Once Back Home

Key West D

Take this time to reflect with your peers on what you’ve learned the last two days: what lessons can you apply, what ideas are you excited to try, and who you need to speak with once back at your institution? What are your personal to-do items? What should happen next at an institutional level? We’d also love to hear from you about your ideas for next year’s conference. There will be no formal presentation in this session—instead,