Closing Plenary: What Comes Next? Questions about GenAI and Higher Education Moving Forward

Presenter Information

Sid Dobrin, University of Florida


Pegasus Ballroom

Start Date

25-9-2023 4:00 PM

End Date

25-9-2023 5:00 PM


Since the release of OpenAI’s GhatGPT in November 2022, higher education has begun to adjust from the “deer in the headlights” phase to serious considerations about how GenTech will integrate into college-level education. While resistance to GenAI in the classroom remains prevalent across the country (and the world, to be honest about it), increasingly educational institutions are beginning to ask conceptual and application questions about using GenAI. This closing presentation will address several possibilities for how to think about GenTech moving forward and will pose questions about conceptual AI and applied AI to further generate conversation.

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Sep 25th, 4:00 PM Sep 25th, 5:00 PM

Closing Plenary: What Comes Next? Questions about GenAI and Higher Education Moving Forward

Pegasus Ballroom

Since the release of OpenAI’s GhatGPT in November 2022, higher education has begun to adjust from the “deer in the headlights” phase to serious considerations about how GenTech will integrate into college-level education. While resistance to GenAI in the classroom remains prevalent across the country (and the world, to be honest about it), increasingly educational institutions are beginning to ask conceptual and application questions about using GenAI. This closing presentation will address several possibilities for how to think about GenTech moving forward and will pose questions about conceptual AI and applied AI to further generate conversation.