Purposeful Prompting: Using Storytelling to Create Visual Content


Seminole E

Start Date

23-7-2024 2:45 PM

End Date

23-7-2024 3:10 PM


This interactive session will engage participants' imagination with a blend of narrative development and artistic AI for bringing supportive visual content to life with image generation. Facilitators will showcase DALL-E3 samples paired with prompts that demonstrate the art of text-based prompt engineering and storytelling. In this creativity-based session, participants will learn how to use their imagination to prompt engineer and fine-tune images to generate educationally relevant visual content. For this session, we recommend participants to have a laptop or smart device that can access AI platforms for the hands-on exercises.

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Jul 23rd, 2:45 PM Jul 23rd, 3:10 PM

Purposeful Prompting: Using Storytelling to Create Visual Content

Seminole E

This interactive session will engage participants' imagination with a blend of narrative development and artistic AI for bringing supportive visual content to life with image generation. Facilitators will showcase DALL-E3 samples paired with prompts that demonstrate the art of text-based prompt engineering and storytelling. In this creativity-based session, participants will learn how to use their imagination to prompt engineer and fine-tune images to generate educationally relevant visual content. For this session, we recommend participants to have a laptop or smart device that can access AI platforms for the hands-on exercises.