Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024
The Impact Of Artificial Beach Lighting And Beach Renourishment On Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta) And Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) Nesting Success, Amanda M. Casaburi
Estimating Modeling Parameters for COVID-19 Spread on Campus, Aviel S. Crigger
Theses from 2023
"It's Still Easy To Get": An Anthropological Analysis Of Nicotine Activist Efforts And User Perspectives In Central Florida, Saoulkie Bertin
Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories in Older Breast Cancer Patients and Noncancerous Controls Over Ten Years, Maria Eduarda de Azevedo Daruge
Understanding School Shootings Using Qualitatively-Informed Natural Language Processing, Quan K. Do
Ideological Relationships with the Cult of Isis from Ptolemaic Alexandria to Imperial Rome, Sabrina N. Gutierrez
Spinoza's Cosmopsychism: The Multifaceted Mind of Nature, Audrey N. Perryman
Theses from 2022
The Interactive Impact of Social Identities on Voter Turnout in the 2012 Presidential Election, Karla M. Mendez
The Use of Exogenous ACRP30 as a Promising Amelioratory Compound Regarding Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Stephen L. Romero
Theses from 2021
The Relationship Between Creative Hobbies and Visual Spatial Ability, Victoria Alexander
Peroxidase-Like Activity of Platinum-Group Metal Nanoparticles, Harrison C. Crawford
Theses from 2020
The Underlying Effects of Religion in Puerto Rico, Claudia A. Chardon
Development of an Environmental Disposition Scale: A Guide for Fostering Sustainable Behavior, Jady Chen
Effects of Death Anxiety on Learning Performance, Umaima Haseeb
Systematic Literature Review of Cognitive Behavioral Treatments for Patients with Classical, Secondary, and Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia, Linnea B. Herzog
A Pre-structural Center: Deconstructing Classical Social Theory, Darius F. Irani
Theses from 2019
A Comparative Study of Medical and Literary Representations of Shell Shock, 1914-50, Madison Das
Activity Budgets and Behavior of Captive Black-handed Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) at the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Stephanie Hargrave
The Effects of Zinc Nanofertilizers on Tomato Plants, Ketsira Pierre
Theses from 2018
The Effectiveness Of Interventions And Bundles For Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections In The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Mohamad Alhamwi
Identifying Undergraduate Student's Motivation to Attend Tutoring for General Chemistry Courses, Alexis C. Hyacinthe
Cross-Modal Distraction on Simultaneous Translation: Language Interference in Spanish-English Bilinguals, Violet A. Young
Theses from 2017
To Evaluate the Function of the Oxytocin Receptor in the Context of Ovarian Cancer Cell Microenvironment to Determine if Oxytocin can Induce an Anti-Inflammatory Response, Benjamin I. Schachner
Theses from 2016
Determining Factors that Influence Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora Loisel) Transplant Success In Community-Based Living Shoreline Projects, Steven A. Carrion
Benefits Of The Affordable Care Act: How America Is Stepping In The Right Direction, Huy Q. Gip
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
An Exploration of Teacher Perspectives of Mathematics Anxiety and Gender Stereotyping, Jessica Browning
A Psychophysiological Investigation of the Proposed Paradoxical Effects of Valuing Happiness, Nicholas Coles
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Media Sensationalism and its Implications on the Public Understanding of Science, Christopher Barsoum
The Use of Physical Restraints Among Nursing Home Residents: Do Disparities Exist?, Shekinah Fashaw
Cultural Relevance in Medicine: An Evaluation of Cultural Competence Curriculum Integration in Southeastern Medical Schools, Leslie Gannon
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Effect of Lovestyle on Consumer Behavior: Attracting a Partner and Forming a Relationship, Fonda Yeh
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Story lines moving through the multiple imagined communities of an asian-/american-/feminist body, Athia Choudhury
Test-retest reliability of noninvasive ambulatory impedance cardiography during aerobic exercise, Benjamin Germain
Signals the interplay between literacy, gender, and semiotics, Patricia Parker
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Saved, sanctified and filled with gay liberation theology with aamsm and the black church, Adam Green
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Evolution and the seven deadly sins, Amber Lee Dukes
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The use of the developmental individual difference relationship-based (DIR) model on a child with autism in the classroom environment, Chloe N. Cavayero
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Blaming the victim : patriarchal anthropology and the legal culpability of female rape victims, Amy Lawton