This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in Arts & Humanities.
Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024
Evolution of the Artist: The Impact of a New Medium on Creative Expression, Isabel Y. Balladares
In My End is My Beginning: Mary Stuart and the Foundation of Her Religious Pragmatism, Shantelle M. Clement
Subjectivity in Circulation: Jean Baudrillard and the Image as Objective Reality, Jacob Crawley
Ratón Pérez: A Translation of the Spanish Tooth Fairy Legend, Sasmeta Giriraj
Madness As Epistemic Advantage: The Relevance Of Standpoint Epistemology To The Evolution Of Mental Health Care, Aven E. Kazmier
The Nebulous Binaries Of C.S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces, Amantia Menalla
Keeping You In Shape: The Integration Of Fractals In The Study Of Healthy Systems, Alexandria Miller
Decolonizing Yoga: Historical Perspectives And Contemporary Practices, Archana Ram
Guns Can't Kill Ghosts, Krista B. Ruffo
The Forced Removal Of Iraqi Jews: Ethnic Cleansing And Its Impact On Global Perceptions Of Zionism And The State Of Israel, Gal Shem-Tov
The New Antisemitism, Edgar G. Soto
A Holistic Approach to Animal Farming: Integrating Bioregionalism and Socialist Ecofeminism Within the Context of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Sarah R. Spears
Metaontological Dismissive Strategies: Implications and Applications in Metaphysics of Race and Gender, Ethan F. Stumpp
The Promise of Graphic Medicine in Provider Training to Promote Mental Health, Prevent the Empathy Decline, and Improve Learning, Maeher Sukhija
Theses from 2023
Defining Creativity and Its Role in Marx's Philosophy, Carlos Avila
Tomiccama Tomiccanacayo: A Feminist/Spatial Analysis of flesh to bone by ire'ne lara silva, Alyssa B. Bent
Diverse Expressions of the Black Identity in Jackson, Mississippi: Stories, Elisabeth Campbell
"Auto"-Exploitation: A Marxist Examination of Self-Driving Cars, Parker DuVall
Preserving our Past (PoP): Comparing Methods of Digitally Replicating Historical Artifacts, Abbie Easter
Treatment of the Differently Abled: Representations of Disability from Victorian Periodicals to Contemporary Graphic Narratives, Rachelle Echevarria
Ideological Relationships with the Cult of Isis from Ptolemaic Alexandria to Imperial Rome, Sabrina N. Gutierrez
Spilling the Tea: A Comparative Analysis of Development in Ex-British Colonies, Niamh L. Harrop
An Exploration on the Spanish Caribbean Dialectical Community: ¿Unidos o separados?, Bryan J. Jimenez
Avicenna's Doctrine of Emanation and the Sphere of the Heavens, Brian C. Manere
Korean Poetry: A Discussion and Translation, Kassidy N. Menk
Propaganda of Car Ecotourism in Glacier National Park, Hanna Y. Mohammed
The Beauty of Hip-Hop Culture: Linguistic Connections Through Music, Poetry, and Literature, Aminah Patel
Political Bodies in the Ulster Cycle: Space, Conflict, and Comedy in Scéla Muicce Meicc Dathó, Glenn S. Ritchey III
Pepper Pot and Callaloo: Caribbean Cuisine as Embodiment of "Otherness" and Resistance, Sheina Senat
Literature as a Form of Resistance Against British Colonial Rule in India, Ebada Wasiuddin
Before They Could Be Saved: AIDS Voices before Protease Inhibitors, Julian J. Willis
Wild Wild Country: Netflix, Orientalism, and the Guru, E. K. D. Wood
Theses from 2022
Women in Post-war Japan: Bodies of the Avant Garde, Cassidy P. Boulanger
La Carroza Dorada (The Golden Carriage), Camila Cal Mello
Authoring Inclusion: The Sonnet's Shifting Form, Aloysius Devine
On Your Painted Wings, Sandra M. Ford
Illuminated Books: A Voyage Through the Verbal-Visual and Caribbean Folklore, Shannon Ganeshram
Hope Without Assurance: The Eucatastrophic Nature of Tolkien's Arda, Grant Glavin
Revealing the Black Form: Black Bodies in Nineteenth-Century French Orientalist Visual Art, Nathanael Amir Justin Lapierre
The Spicy Girls: Writings on the Lived Experiences of Latinas as the Exotic "Other.", Nina M. Lopez
Investigating the Use of Technical Writing Theories in Aerospace Defense: Electronic Maintenance Manuals, Shannon P. Maharajh
Good Patients, Susan Mesler-Evans
¡Controlamos la Narrativa!: Collaborative Dramaturgy as a Tool for Latine Representation in Secondary Theatre Education, Domenika N. Moncayo
Hymnal of Teeth: Southern Stories of Folk and Fey, James E. Phillips III
Contained Identities: Forms of Resistance in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee and Pamela Lu's Pamela: A Novel, Zohra Qazi
Idyllic History: The Role and Agency of Women and Religion in Contemporary Bollywood, Kushma Singh
Transformations of Hanbok in the Age of Hallyu: Fashion, Cultural Hybridization, and the Construction of Vernacular Korean Nationalism, Katharine V. Smith
The Concept of Grief: A Phenomenological Account with Continual Reference to Kierkegaard, Nathan Sweetman
Teoría & Creatividad. La Imagen Visual de la Lírica y la Competencia Emocional en la Representación del Arte, Isabel Urdaneta
The Importance of Emotional and Physical Safety in the Success and Development of Public Spaces, Isabella Wilhelm
Theses from 2021
Catherine the Great and Her Empire in British and American Newspapers, Arlen B. Cordero
Systemic Inequalities for Afro-Brazilians, Teya De Oliveira
The Language of Personas: Poetic Masks in Confessional and Black Arts Poems, Grecia Espinoza
An Anthropological Analysis of Ancient, Historic, and Modern Anatolian Cities, Genevieve S. Hall
Northerners' Perspectives on American Emancipation and the End of Russian Serfdom, Mariana S. Kellis
Resurrecting an American Archive: A Mid-20th-Century Case Study of Louise Amory (1892-1979), Barbara A. Marquis
The Spanish Inquisitorial Process in Latin America and Racial Profiling Today: A Comparative Legal Study, Samantha M. Miller
The Hidden Secrets of Historical Artistry, Jennifer B. Musser
Rule-Following, Enculturation, and Normative Identity, Nicholas Odom
Memoria: Re(member)ing How to Heal, Vilma E. Portocarrero
Documenting the Undocumented: Understanding Identity and Displacement Through U.S. Latinx Experiences, Thelma B. Quintanilla
"There Was Also the Music": A Literary Analysis of Puerto Rican Identity in the Works of Sandra Maria Esteves and Judith Ortiz Cofer, Keyla A. Robles
The Fall of Sir Thomas Wolsey: The Contingent Circumstances and Events That Led to His Demise, Jeremy M. Rodriguez
Crime/Mystery: Reinventing Tropes, Gabrielle Santiago
Vergissmeinnicht: An Inderdisciplinary Study of Holocaust Trauma Literature, Medical Experimentation Discourse, and Narratives of Denial, Tiffany Sidders
The Lived Experience of Chronic Pain: On the Contributions of Phenomenology in Understanding Chronic Pain Disorders, Riley C. Smith
The "Information Pandemic": Technical Communication and False Information on Social Media in the Age of COVID-19, Mia M. Stephens
Hemingway Drunk: A Study of Prohibition, Medico-Legal Rhetoric, and The Autonomy of Masculinity, Graham P. Studdard
Maritime Lacunae, Miriam S. Taveras
The Role of Placemaking in Universities and Their Surrounding Communities: A Literature Review, Natalie R. Verdiguel
A Third Culture Kid's Quest for Belonging: Ephemeral, Eternal, and the Space in Between, Simona Darshani Wiig
A Literary Analysis of Magic: A Dissection of Medieval Icelandic Literature, Jordan T. Williams
Combat Music, Usability, and Presence in Video Games, Jedidah Wong
The Sound of Identity: Audios and Hashtags as Nexuses of Practice on TikTok, Lindsey Wright
Theses from 2020
Visual Rhetorics and Rally Signs: A Study of Feminist Theory and Progression, Rachel Casey
A Tale of the Terminally Fey: A Modern Take on Collaborative Folklore, Olivia Damm
Les Représentations de Napoléon Bonaparte : le héros romantique, Christian G. Del Villar
Viral Stories in Spanish and English: A Qualitative Analysis of Narrative Perceptions Regarding Infant Immunizations Across Major Ethno-linguistic Communities, Zeynep H. Elshaer
Doctors and "Dopefiends": Perspectives on the U.S Opiate Crisis, 21st Century, John C. Foerster
Monster in the Closet, Sean Glatch
A Transnational Look at the Modern Women, Isabella Hardesty
Macho Remixes: A Collection of Writings, Daniel A. Hernandez
A Pre-structural Center: Deconstructing Classical Social Theory, Darius F. Irani
Pestilence and Poverty: The Great Influenza Pandemic and Underdevelopment in the New South, 1918-1919, Andrew Kishuni
Addressing the Elephant on the Stage: Mental Health in Theatre Education, Alexandra M. Meridionale
Empress Theophanu: The Politics of Power at the Intersection of Byzantium and the Ottonian Empire, Harper J. Norris
This Woman's Work: Corrosive Power Structures, Gendered Labor and Weariness in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake, Taylor J. Pryor
La Mano e il Braccio: Comparing Italian Immigrant Communities in Louisiana and Florida, 1880-1914, Keith Richards
Rethinking Causality: Thomas Aquinas' Argument From Motion & the Kalām Cosmological Argument, Derwin Sánchez Jr.
Sparks of Service: The Fuel We Need to Fan the Flames of Student Service-Learning and Effective Civic Engagement, Christian E. Tabet
Representation in the Story: The Social Impact of Diversity in Transmedia, Tiffany S. Tanaka-Cooper
The Eyes and Ears of the Nation: America's First Spy Ring, Eric Topolewski
Gender Disparity of Women in Theatre Design, Madison M. Valesky
Theses from 2019
Culture, Power, and Control: A Discussion of Autonomy and Responsibility, Loren A. Alonso
A Project for a Translation into Guarani Based on an Analytical Interpretation of a Medieval Apologue, Nathalie Amato
Music and the Presidency: How Campaign Songs Sold the Image of Presidential Candidates, Gary M. Bogers
Displays of Medici Wealth and Authority: The Acts of the Apostles and Valois Fêtes Tapestry Cycles, Madison L. Clyburn
The Study of Free Will in the East and the West, Nicholas J. Colecio
Of Martyrs and Minstrels, Trevon J. Coleman