Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Effect of membrane properties on fouling in RO/NF membrane filtration of high organic groundwater, Colin Michael Hobbs
Kinetic modeling of the hydrogen peroxide enhancement of the oxidation of nitric oxide in a pilot scale reactor at NASA-KSC, Deborah Ann Ingersoll
Design and operational issues for improvements in MSW landfill leachate collection systems, Makarand Gajanan Khare
Estimating fugitive process emissions at Kennedy Space Center, Esteban R. Lopez
Correlation and modeling of laboratory and field scale integrated membrane system productivity and water quality, William Al Lovins
A microscopic simulation and animation model for electric toll plazas, Ayman A. Mohamed
Use of pressure transducers to measure landfill head on liner, Sandeep Dilip Saraf
Field evaluation of ultrasound enhancement of permeable treatment walls, Aamod Sudhakar Sonawane
Soak time distribution for air quality computer modeling applications, Patricia Tom
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Evaluation of a field-scale zero-valent iron permeable treatment wall, Kristi Marie Farrell
Degradation of halogenated aliphatic compounds in sequential anaerobic/aerobic sulfate-reducing environments, Terrence M. McCue
Verification of membrane integrity testing for microfiltration : correlation between integrity testing and microbial removal efficiency, Frank Anthony Miller
Verification and modeling of mass transfer in single and multi-element nanofiltration arrays for pilot-and full-scale operation, Luke A. Mulford
Enhancement of denitrification using prefermenters in biological nutrient removal systems, Rahul Vijay Naik
Evaluation of the constructability of a zero-valent permeable treatment wall using deep-soil mixing and vibro-installation techniques, Jacqueline Williams Quinn
Resistance modeling of membrane fouling based on water quality mass loading, Christophe Marc Henri Robert
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Effluent reuse in cooling towers in the microprocessor industry, John Howard Belyea
Design, simulation, and construction of a field-scale permeable treatment wall constructed, Stephen Philip Burwinkel
Field scale application of sonic energy for enhancement of zero-valent iron permeable treatment walls, Marc Anthony Cannata
The effects of acetic and propionic acids on enhanced biological phosphorus removal in long term and batch experiments, Cathy Rae Hood
Evaluation of a full scale integrated membrane system, David Lee Ingram
Pilot scale study for control of industrial boiler nitrogen oxides emissions using hydrogen peroxide treatment coupled with wet scrubbing-reactor analysis, Quang Duy Nguyen
The evolution of an enhanced biological phosphorous removal system with and without prefermentation, Fotini Papageorgiou
Fate and transport of select priority pollutants in recirculated landfill leachate, Tamara D. Schurian
Development of empirical performance models for discharge of wastewater to wetlands, Gregory Allen Shaw
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Ultraviolet oxidation of freon in groundwater, Mark W. Ashton
Review of aqueous arsenic treatment technologies including ferrous treated zeolite (chabazite), Joseph Britt Barksdale
A sensitivity analysis of the aama community noise nodel 4.2, Mark A. Chiovarelli
Evaluation and calibration of seismic structural damage in reinforced concrete structures, Steven Frederick Duschl
Comparison of copper and lead concentrations to corrosion rates, Roberto Marcos Gonzales
Development of a simulation model for solids inventory management in a municipal activated sludge facility, Ruth E. Patterson Grady
Turbine-CO2 (T-CO2) pellet coatings removal system, Paul Edward Ina
Investigation of nitrate concentration and ionic strength on the capacity of nitrate specific ion exchange resin, Charles Todd Johnson
The effect of varying temperature, flux and pretreatment on the microfiltration of Lake Michigan water, Karen Linda Kopp
Optimization of flux tube and computer interface design parameters for the measurement of landfill gas methane emissions, David W. Loper
Prediction of embankment settlements using the boundary element method, William David Sartor
Evaluating solid waste through a well defined waste composition study, Hala A. Sfeir
Modeling membrane mass transfer in a full-scale membrane water treatment plant, Quyen Mong Tram
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Computer automated bridge and pavement evaluation, Clayton Anthony Bennett
The applicability of seawater as a settling aid for colloidal sediments found in stormwater runoff, Isabel Cristina Pietruza Escobar
Analysis of Florida msw landfill leachate quality data, Caroline Jean Grosh
The economic feasibility of using hydrogen peroxide for the enhanced oxidation and removal of nitrogen oxides from coal-fired power plant flue gases, Jordan M. Haywood
The effects of glucose and fatty acids on enhanced biological phosphorus removal using a sequencing batch reactor, Tarek Zaki Khouri
An empirical model to predict ozone levels in Florida, Mark Koletzke
Modeling mass transfer in single membrane elements, William A. Lovins
Version 4.0 of the aama community noise model, John M. MacDonald
Hydrodynamic investigation of leachate recirculation landfills- a field scale study, Quaid M. Noor
Design optimization and behavior of concrete-filled frp tubes, Michael E. Scherer
In situ air sparging pilot tests, Robert L. Sorvillo
Trickling filters : a comparison of design models, J. Martin Sullivan
Compressibility properties and settlement of municipal refuse landfills, Riad Touati
An area source modeling approach for predicting carbon monoxide concentrations at signalized intersections, Richard C. Traynelis
Changes of water quality in Lake Butler due to urbanization, Mark Xavier Troilo
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Modeling and analysis of leachate quality in recirculating landfills, Santosh V. Agara
Determination of landfill gas generation rates beneath an impermeable geomembrane cover, Robert Patrick Bogert
The determination of hot and cold start percentages for the State of Florida, Marta Lynne Brenner
Updating and validation of the american automobile manufacturers association community noise model, Andrew Matthew Edwards
The design and implementation of the orlando pavement management system, Richard M. Howard
An investigation of the significance of conservative versus non-conservative parameters in landfill leachate, Mark D. James
Enhanced oxidation and removal of nitrogen oxides using hydrogen peroxide, John Martin Kasper
The effects of landfill management strategies on landfill gas utilization alternatives, Kenneth A. Lewis
Visual basic edition of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association community noise model, Marti A. Martin
In-situ air sparging of groundwater, William Charles Neimes
The effects of speed on sound frequency spectra from highway vehicles, Timothy W. A. Ogle
Estimating early msw landfill gas production, Duane John Palumbo
Investigation in the partial-depth patching technology for concrete bridge decks and pavements, Sam Tri Phan
Removal of nitrogen oxides using a dry sorbent scrubber after enhanced oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, Kory Nelson Reeves
Development of the element stiffness matrix for a four node quadrilateral plate bending finite element, Allen G. Register
Rivet replacement analysis, Erich Edward Reichle
Effects of a variable volume first anoxic basin on denitrification in a pure oxygen process municipal wastewater treatment plant, Gary J. ReVoir
In situ airsparging of petroleum contaminated aquifers, Colleen D. P. Ross
Preliminary evaluation of the potential impacts of the northern downtown Orlando tce and pce plumes on lake concord, Carl R. Stephens
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Modeling metal accumulation in wet detention ponds, David Martin Baker
Emissions of formalderhyde from electroless copper plating operations, Douglas William Bauman
Kinetic modeling of the H2O2 or O3 enhanced incineration of no and/or co, Der Chen Chao
Investigation of nitrification kinetic parametes following the introduction of landfill leachate, Athena Ann Christodoulou
A model for predicting methane gas generation from msw landfills, Debra Kay Hetzler Keely
Hydrodynamic modeling of leachate recirculation, Philip Terrence McCreanor
Bond characteristics of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete, Mehrdad Moradi
Application of the urban airshed model to the Orlando metropolitan area, Rajashekar R. Moramganti
Assessment of various growth scenarios on ozone concentrations in the metropolitan Orlando area, Vinod K. Muthineni
Development of a three-Dimensional subsurface mapping technique using ground penetrating radar (GPR) data in a geographic information system (GIS), Caren Violette Ouellette
Measurement of landfill gas emission rates using the flux tube technique, Siva Naga Prasad Paladugu
Bioremediation of diesel contaminated soil, Jacqueline Williams Quinn
Development of coscreen--an interactive computerized screening test for roadway intersections in Florida, Suresh Venugaopal Reddy
Nanofilter fouling using a surface water source, Charles Robert Reiss
A stochastic analysis of municipal solid waste landfill gas emissions measured using the flux tube technique, Nancy Elaine Hughes Ruiz
An area source model for predicting carbon monoxide concentrations at intersections, Todd P. Swingle
An investigation of cocomposting of municipal biosolids and yard waste, Scott D. Trainor
Effect of toll plaza design and operation on system-wide air pollution emission, Shu Pao Wang
Evaluation of corrosion inhibitors in drinking water systems, David B. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Development of software to assist in estimating electroplating emmissions and completing form R, Kathleen S. Cheze
Nitrate removal using ion exchange with nitrate specific resins, Carmen Jean Christensen
Calibration of the upper tomoka river using the qual2e stream water quality model, Joel Jordan
Phosphorus accumulation in bottom sediments of retention/detention ponds, Kriss Young Kaye
Methodology development for the estimation of total municipal solid waste landfill gas emissions, Debra R. H. Seligman
Consumption and loss of formaldehyde in electroless copper plating, Peter John F. Sutch
An evaluation and recommendation for repair of the crane strand wastewater interceptor, David A. Terwilleger