Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Productivity Assessment of a Nanofiltration Membrane Process Treating Unaerated or Aerated Groundwater, Gabriele A. Brummer
Exploring The Removal Potential of Multi-pollutants from Water Matrices with Innovative Speciality Adsorbents in A Field-scale Filtration System, Jinxiang Cheng
Adoption of Electric Vehicle and Its Impact on Residential Sector Energy Demand, Md Istiak Jahan
Enhancing oil-in-water Emulsified Bildgwater Treatment Using Electric Field Forward Osmosis (EFFO), Nareg Krikorian
Investigating Emerging Technologies In Civil Structural Health Monitoring: Generative Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality, Furkan Luleci
Development and Applications of a Corridor-Level Approach to Traffic Safety, John M. McCombs
Compound Flooding Potential along the U.S. Coastline: from Continental to Local Scale, Ahmed A. Nasr
Analyzing the Role of Transportation Network Companies (TNC) within the Transportation Ecosystem, Dewan Ashraful Parvez
Integrated Econometric Models to Bridge Across Resolutions: Application to Crash Frequency and Severity Analysis, Shahrior Pervaz
Cooperative Driving Using an Integrated Co-Simulation and Digital-Twin Platform, Zijin Wang
Quantify Human Impacts and Climate Control on Hydrology Using Integrated Hydrologic Model, Yu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Optimizing Information Values in Smart Mobility, Fatima Afifah
Modeling Active Road-User Interaction: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for Trajectory Generation with Social Context and Trajectory Prediction, Syed Mostaquim Ali
Highly Dispersed Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts Achieved on Hydroxyl-Rich Supports for Environmental Catalysis, Murtadha Almousawi
Assessment of Midblock Pedestrian Crossing Facilities using Surrogate Safety Measures and Vehicle Delay, Nafis Anwari
Transportation Electrification in Interdependent Power and Transportation Systems - Analysis, Planning, and Operation, Sina Baghali
Bench- and Pilot-Scale Corrosion Control Inhibitor Effectiveness Studies for a Community's Blended Surficial and Brackish Groundwater Supply, Paula Campesino
Study on the Methodology of Florida Sinkhole Identification, Monitoring, and Mitigation, Timothy Copeland
Numerical Insights Into the Effect of Spacing on Axial Resistance of Auger Cast Piles, Edgar Camilo Correa Prada
Utilizing Technologies to Investigate Structural Performance of Bridges at Local and Global Levels, Marwan Debees
Understanding Changes In Land Use Patterns At A Parcel Level In Central Florida Counties (Orange, Seminole, Osceola), Youssef Mohamed Abdelaziz Elsebaie
Time-specific Safety Performance Functions for Different Advanced Traffic Management Strategies, Jingwan Fu
Performance Comparison of Low-Cost Sensors Across Six Cities of Continental United States, Md Hasibul Hasan
Safety Considerations for Setting Variable Speed Limits on Freeways, Md Tarek Hasan
Safety Evaluation of Active Traffic Management Strategies on Freeways by Short-Term Crash Prediction Models, Md Tarek Hasan
Developing A Physics-informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Traffic State Estimation, Jiheng Huang
Spatial Ensemble Distillation Learning Based Real-Time Crash Prediction and Management Framework, Md Rakibul Islam
Assessing Non-Motorist Safety In Motor Vehicle Crashes – A Copula-Based Approach To Jointly Estimate Crash Location And Injury Severity, Robert A. Marcoux
Social Media-Based Crisis Communication: Analysis of Twitter Data from Local Agencies During Hurricane Irma, Naiyara Noor
Developing Cost-Effective Specialty Adsorbents to Meet the Emerging Challenges of Pollutant Removal in Surface Water Systems, Diana Ordonez
Integrated Hybrid Crash Analysis Incorporating Long and Short-term Safety Predictive Models, Heesub Rim
Data Driven Methods to Improve Traffic Flow and Safety Using Dimensionality Reduction, Reinforcement Learning, and Discrete Outcome Models, Kazi Redwan Shabab
Smart Mobility Sensing of Origin-Destination Pairs Using Computer Vision, Seyed Sina Shid Moosavi
Understanding Evacuation Traffic Safety Issues during Hurricane Evacuation using Machine Learning and Connected Vehicle Data, Zaheen E Muktadi Syed
Investigation of Ground Deformations and Vibrations Due to Impact Pile Driving: Measurements and Prediction Model, Berk Turkel
Model Calibration for Microscopic Traffic Simulation Using Drone-Based Vehicle Trajectory Data, Zijin Wang
Modeling Individual Activity and Mobility Behavior and Assessing Ridesharing Impacts Using Emerging Data Sources, Jiechao Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Using Machine Learning Technique to Develop a Deterioration Predicting Model for Pavement Marking in Florida, Ehab Abdelmaksoud
A Deep Learning Approach for Spatiotemporal-Data-Driven Traffic State Estimation, Amr Hatem Ragaa Abdelraouf
Enhancing the Decision-Making Process for Public-Private Partnerships' Concession Agreements: Socio-Economic Sustainability Approaches, Faisal Alghamdi
Automated Vehicle to Vehicle Conflict Analysis at Signalized Intersections by Camera and LiDAR Sensor Fusion, Alabi Mehzabin Anisha
Numerical Study and Optimization of Post-Tensioning Energy Dissipating Connections with Inerters, Hector Blanco Gavillan
Analysis of Shear Failure in Ultra-High Performance Concrete Beams, Kevin Conway
Application of Biologically Activate Carbon for Treatment of Sulfide-laden Groundwater, Jessica Cormier
Distracted Driving and Pedestrians' Effects on Headway at Signalized Intersections, Bassel Elgamal
Analytical Study of Deep Learning Methods for Road Condition Assessment, Elham Eslami
Generative Modeling of Human Behavior: Social Interaction and Networked Coordination in Shared Facilities, Saumya Gupta
Assessing Public Perception and Proposing an Organized Questionnaire for the Deployment and Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles, Md Rakibul Islam
A Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Freeway Traffic Demand in Florida During COVID-19 Pandemic, Md Istiak Jahan
High Fidelity Injury Severity Analysis Using Econometric Modeling Approaches, Ahmed Kabli
Machine Learning Algorithms for Forecasting the Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Highway Construction Costs, Amirsaman Mahdavian
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxi and Transportation Network Companies (TNC) Demand in the Wake of COVID-19, Dewan Ashraful Parvez
Polyelectrolyte Functionalized Forward Osmosis for Water Reclamation From Synthetic Spacecraft Wastewater, Alina Ripp
A Novel Antibody-Dependent MC-LR Detecting Biosensor for Early Warning of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), Stephanie Stoll
Modeling, Reconstruction, and Trend Analysis of Global Storm Surges using a Data-Driven Approach, Michael Getachew Tadesse
An Econometric Analysis of Domestic Aviation in the US, Sudipta Dey Tirtha
Improving Urban Resilience and Sustainability via Multi-Scale Urban Food-Energy-Water-Waste Nexus Analysis, Andrea Valencia Marin
Testing the Influence of Water Depth in Design of Created Oyster Reef for Living Shoreline Applications, Peter Vien
Detecting and Tracking Vulnerable Road Users' Trajectories Using Different Types of Sensors Fusion, Zhongchuan Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Crash Analysis And Development Of Safety Performance Functions For Florida Roads In The Framework Of The Context Classification System, Ma'en Al-Omari
Evaluation of Unconventional Signalized Intersections on Arterial Roads and a Proposition for a Novel Intersection Design, Ma'en Al-Omari
Index-based Approach with Remote Sensing for the Assessment of Extreme Weather Impact on Watershed Vegetation Dynamics, Kushan Bellanthudawage
The Use of Physically Based Models and Ensemble Forecasting for Storm Surge Risk Assessment in a Changing Climate, Jeane Camelo
Using iPhone Significant Location Data to Improve Air Pollution Exposure Estimation, Elizabeth Eastman
The Potential of Location Data for Contact Tracing and Understanding Individual Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Marcus Figaro
Understanding Process Controls on Flow Duration Curves Through a Novel Framework, Saba Ghotbi
Modeling of Crash Risk for Realistic Artificial Data Generation: Application to Naturalistic Driving Study Data, Lauren Hoover
Econometric Frameworks for Energy Prediction, Naveen Chandra Iraganaboina
Real-Time Traffic Safety Evaluation in the Context of Connected Vehicles and Mobile Sensing, Pei Li
Safety and Operations of Urban Arterials Incorporating the Context Classification System, Nada Mahmoud
Combining Multivariate Statistical and Numerical Modeling for Coastal Hazards Analysis, Victor Malagon Santos
Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Effects in Tall Buildings Considering Nonlinear-Inelastic Behaviors, Jaime Mercado
A Linear Dynamical Perspective on Epidemiology: Interplay Between Early COVID-19 Outbreak and Human Mobility, Shakib Mustavee
Monitoring of Microscopic Traffic Behavior for Safety Applications Using Temporal Logic, Mariam Wessam Hassan Mohamed Nour
The Effect of Polyelectrolyte Modification of Ultrafiltration Membranes on Fouling Resistance and Rejection of Contaminants of Emerging Concern, Kunal Olimattel
Ground Movements and Vibrations Caused by Impact Pile Driving of Prestressed Concrete Piles in Central Florida, Jorge Enrique Orozco Herrera
Evaluating Source Water Quality, Pretreatment, and Particulate Mass Transport in a Nanofiltration Membrane Process, Courtney Powell
Investigating the Removal of Total Trihalomethanes in Tray and Spray Aeration Processes at Two Central Florida Groundwater Treatment Facilities, Zachary Protas
Data Driven Methods for Large Scale Network Level Traffic Modeling, Rezaur Rahman
The Effects of Critical Micelle Concentration and Environmental Factors on Oil Separation in Simulated Bilgewater Emulsions, Kelsey Rodriguez Doran
Investigating Topologic and Geometric Properties of Synthetic and Natural River Networks under Changing Climate, Shiblu Sarker
Algal Cultivation Systems: Productivity, Raceway Hydraulics, Harvesting and Dewatering, and a Review of Carbon Capture Literature., Ruth Spierling
Identifying the Links Between Mental Frameworks, Context Features, and Driver Attention in Complete Streets Environments, Patricia Tice
Effect of Various Speed Management Strategies on Bicycle Crashes for Urban Roads in Central Florida, Jorge Ugan
Ground Movements and Nonlinear-Inelastic Response of Buildings Induced by Excavations in Glacial Clay Deposits, A. Felipe Uribe-Henao
Incinerator Ash Characterization - Implications for Elevated Temperature Landfills, Angel Villarruel-Moore
The Roles of Groundwater Table in Catchment Hydrology, Lili Yao
Improving Pedestrian Safety Using Video Data, Surrogate Safety Measures and Deep Learning, Shile Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Safety Evaluation of Innovative Intersection Designs: Diverging Diamond Interchanges and Displaced Left-turn Intersections, Ahmed Abdelrahman
Econometric Frameworks for Multivariate Models: Application to Crash Frequency Analysis, Tanmoy Bhowmik
Ultraviolet Irradiation Combined with Chlorine Dioxide Pre-oxidation For Disinfection By-product Control, Paula Campesino