
Theses/Dissertations from 1993

Effects of municipal landfill leachate on nitrogen removal in a bardenpho process municipal wastewater treatment plant, Larry G. Tunnell

Theses/Dissertations from 1992

The effect of tourist traffic on delay rate near Walt Disney World, Mounir Bouyounes

Stormwater management and reuse technology, James Nelson Bradner

Application and initial assessment of the urban airshed model base case scenario for the east Central Florida region, Kimberly Brown


Emissions of Hexavalent Chromium From Hard Chromium Plating Operations, Mitchell Scott Hall

Development of a data acquisition system using pen-based computer technology for the automation of the bridge inspection process, Michael J. Leo

The impact of polymer conditioning on sand bed dewatering of activated sludge, James S. Lock


Express Transit Service for the University of Central Florida, Arturo J. Perez

Landfill gas emission rate measurement using an emission isolation flux chamber, Frederic David Rash

Development of a design factor for activated sludge sedimentation tank design based on batchsettling data, Paul D. Tanke

An economic comparison of a bioreactor landfill vs. an invessel composting / digestion unit for the disposal of municipal solid waste, Michael Van Der Heyden

Evaluating polymer concrete bridge expansion joints using acoustic emission, Michael Joseph Woodard

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

Fate of organic pollutants in bottom sediments of detention ponds receiving highway runoff, June Anne Feuerbacher


Design curves for the reuse of stormwater, Gregory Miller Harper


The enhancemnt of n-heptane vapor incineration using ozone and hydrogen peroxide, Michael William Hewett

Precipitation and inter-event dry periods for selected areas of Florida, Teresa Rae Lineback

Ultraviolet radiation catalyzed ozone oxidation of disinfection-by-products and selected toxic compounds, Thomas A. Mamott

A slope stability study of two sand mines in central Florida, Michael V. Powley

Flux chamber design and operation for the measurement of municipal solid waste landfill gas emission rates, Barry Lawrence Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

Catalytic Oxidation of THM Precursors Using Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation, Charles Edward DiGerlando

Evaluation of Non-toxic Solvents in the Surface Finishing Industry, Ronald Dean Eaglin

Evaluation of Exfiltration Systems, David L. Evans

Comparison of Full-scale and Bench-scale Biological Nitrogen Removal Kinetics on a Wastewater Treatment Facility Biomass, John Christopher Healy

Predicting fouling in membrane separation processes, Kevin L. Morris

Thermocatalytic Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds, Jeffrey A. Nangle

Sediment Accumulation in Wet Detention/Retention Ponds Receiving Highway Runoff, John V. Sloat


Closure of unlined landfills, Brenda J. Westhorp

Theses/Dissertations from 1987


A 24-Hour Rainfall Distribution and Peak Rate Factors for Use in Southwest Florida, Geoffrey S. Dendy

Theses/Dissertations from 1986


The Effects of Trace Organic Carbon on Aluminum Solubility, Fernand J. Tiblier

Theses/Dissertations from 1985


Fate of heavy metals from highway runoff in stormwater management systems, Harvey H. Harper


The Quantity of Stormwater Entering the Drainage Wells of Orlando, Florida, James M. McBee

Theses/Dissertations from 1982


Optimizing Growth Options for the Wewahootee Pump and Transport System, Joseph O. Lung

Theses/Dissertations from 1979


Environmental Aspects of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal, Robert S. Kent

Theses/Dissertations from 1978


Sensitivity Analysis of Stormwater Runoff Using the "BMP" and "NONPT" Computer Programs, George D. Flatt

Theses/Dissertations from 1977


A Model for Solid Waste Collection Costs, Bruce Anderson

Theses/Dissertations from 1976


Sewer System Design for Camp Challenge and Determination of Per Capita Wastewater Flows from Vacation Facilities, William C. Goucher


Individual Residential Wastewater Treatment, Robert H. McNeal

Theses/Dissertations from 1975


An Application of "Storm" Mathematical Modeling for Evaluation of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution for a Nonurban Watershed, John T. Izzo


Plating Wastewater Management, Earl Kenneth Ossorio


Mixing Effects on Shallow Water Bodies, Kim Robin Powell

Theses/Dissertations from 1974


Electromagnetic Fields in Water Treatment, Robert H. Fagan


Fugitive Particulate from Highway Construction, Kennard F. Kosky


OSHA's Impact on Industry, Paul Christ Noller

Theses/Dissertations from 1973


The State-Of-The-Art of the Coagulation/ Flocculation Process, David William Bouck


Remote Sensing of Earth Resources System Capabilities V.S. Design Constraints, William Howard Grisham


Planning Programming Budgeting Study of the City of Winter Park, Alfred T. Sawicki


A Stormwater Overflow Control Device, Richard Duke Stalker


Removal of Color From Surface Water in Central Florida, Joseph R. Wanielista

Theses/Dissertations from 1972


An Investigation of Methods for Reuse of Rubber Tires, Charles Edward Armbruster


Computer Method for Airport Noise Exposure Forecast, John Michael Bateman


Survey of Instrumentation for Air Quality Surveillance, John Bowling


A Mathematical Model for Determining the Thermal Distribution Resulting from Discharge of a Heated Effluent, Alan H. Epstein


Localized Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Robert Russell Garrett


Solid Waste Management at Florida Technological University, Robert F. Hever


Electrostatic Precipitation, Robert C. Hinsey


An Investigation of Thermal Energy Potential in Florida Lakes as a Power Source to Arrest Conditions of Oxygen Deficiency, John. Jackson


Analyses of the Water and Wastewater Systems at Florida Technological University, Fred C. Jensen


Wastewater Treatment Plant Control, David Milton Knowles


Suppression of Turbofan and Turbojet Engine Generated Noise, Harry David Master


Remote Sensing of Environmental Parameters, Wendell Princeton Perkins


A Proposed Approach to Protect Wastewater Biological Treatment Plants Against Toxic Contaminants, Joseph M. Phillips


Interactions of Pesticides and Phytoplankton, Pamela H. Philyaw


Rapid Mixing in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Randall C. Rector


The Heat Treatment of Soil by Microwaves to Control Pathogenic Parasitic Fungi, Dean Franklin Rich


Sinkholes in Florida and Their Effect on Man's Environment, Gregory Jackson Skinner


Research into Modular Construction, Richard L. Tash


Conversion and Validation of SIGART Program, a Progressive Traffic Signal Lights System Computer Model, Dennis F. Troyan