Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Disinfection By-Product Reduction Study of a Small Central Florida Public Water System, Paul Staubus
Nanofiltration of Perfluorinated Compounds as a Function of Water Matrix Properties, Hadi Toure
Investigation of Factors Contributing to Fog-Related Single Vehicle Crashes, Jiazheng Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
An Analytical Investigation of Prestressed Beam Bridge Performance Before and After Widening, Chris ORiordan Adjah
Hydro-thermo-mechanical Behavior of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures, Manar Al Fadul
Shifted Plastic Hinge Column Connections Using Grouted Sleeves for Accelerated Bridge Construction, Haider Al-Jelawy
Polyurethane Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthening of Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beams, Yasir Al-Lebban
Developing Warrants for Designing Continuous Flow Intersection and Diverging Diamond Interchange, Meshal Almoshaogeh
Investigating and Modeling the Impacts of Illegal U-Turn Violations at Medials Located on Florida's Limited Access Highways, Omar Al-Sahili
Analysis of Pedestrian Crash Characteristics and Contributing Causes in Central Florida, Zainb Bianco
The Effectiveness of Child Restraint and Bicycle Helmet Policies to Improve Road Safety, Claudia Bustamante
Integrating the macroscopic and microscopic traffic safety analysis using hierarchical models, Qing Cai
Load Estimation, Structural Identification and Human Comfort Assessment of Flexible Structures, Ozan Celik
Effect of Load Path and Failure Modes on Seismic Response of Regular Bridges., Haider Darwash
Ichetucknee Springs: Measuring the Effects of Visitors on Water Quality Parameters through Continuous Monitoring., Sarah Faraji
Wrong-Way Driving: A Regional Approach To A Regional Problem, Md. Omar Faruk
Reducing Sulfuric Acid Pretreatment in a Nanofiltration Process Treating Surficial Groundwater, Carlyn Higgins
Hydrologic controls on the natural drainage networks extracted from high-resolution topographic data, Milad Hooshyar
Coupling Infrastructure Resilience and Flood Risk Assessment for a Coastal Urban Watershed, Justin Joyce
Linking Climate Change and Socio-economic Impact for Long-term Urban Growth in Three Mega-cities, Qi Lu
Development and Application of Microelectrodes to Study in situ Disinfectant Loss and Corrosion on Metal Surface, Xiangmeng Ma
Assessing Interactions between Estuary Water Quality and Terrestrial Land Cover in Hurricane Events with Multi-sensor Remote Sensing, Chandan Mostafiz
Physical Hydrogeological Modeling of Florida's Sinkhole Hazard, Adam Perez
Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Process Optimization and Recovery of Embedded Energy Using Biodiesel By-product, Sultan Salamah
Water and Energy Costs of Landfilled Food Waste, Tonmoy Sarker
Field Evaluation of Insync Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System in Multiple Environments Using Multiple Approaches, Md Shafikul Islam Shafik
Pedestrian Safety Analysis through Effective Exposure Measures and Examination of Injury Severity, Md Imran Shah
Site Specific Sinkhole risk assessment in Central Florida using Cone Penetrometer Testing, Ryan Shamet
Annual water balance model based on generalized proportionality relationship and its applications, Yin Tang
Analysis of Pedestrian Safety Using Micro-simulation and Driving Simulator, Jiawei Wu
Groundwater Modeling for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Hazards in East-Central Florida, Han Xiao
Investigating Novel Water Treatment Methods and Monitoring Techniques for Sulfide-Laden Groundwater Supplies, Benjamin Yoakum
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The effect of Building Information Modeling on Design and Construction Industry, Yahya Alassaf
Impact of the longer change and clearance intervals on signalized intersections and corridors, Mohammed Alfawzan
Getting to Net Zero Energy Buildings: A Holistic Techno-ecological Modeling Approach, Mehdi Alirezaei
An Integrated Hydrodynamic-Marsh Model with Applications in Fluvial, Marine, and Mixed Estuarine Systems, Karim Alizad
Dynamic Modeling Approach to Quantify Change Orders Impact on Labor Productivity, Zain Al-Kofahi
Mechanistic Behavior of UHPC and UHPC Composite Structural Components, Munaf Al-Ramahee
Experimental Study of Sinkhole Failure Related to Groundwater Level Drops, Mohamed Alrowaimi
Bioremediation of a Trichloroethene DNAPL Source Zone Utilizing a Partitioning Electron Donor - Field Implementation, Joseph Bartlett
Anthropogenic Organic Chemical Removal from a Surficial Groundwater and Mass Transfer Modeling in a Nanofiltration Membrane Process, Samantha Black
Application of Landfill Treatment Approaches for the Stabilization of Municipal Solid Waste, Stephanie Bolyard
Evaluation of Real World Toll Plazas Using Driving Simulation, Kali Carroll
Determining the Feasibility of using Micro Simulation to asses safety of Pedestrian Crossings, Jenner Darius
Low Impact Development Analysis and Comparative Assessment of Wet Detention Ponds with Floating Treatment Wetlands, Nicholas Hartshorn
Investigation of infrared thermography for subsurface damage detection of concrete structures, Shuhei Hiasa
Estimating a Freight Mode Choice Model: A Case Study of Commodity Flow Survey 2012, Nowreen Keya
Computer Vision Based Structural Identification Framework for Bridge Health Mornitoring, Tung Khuc
Understanding Hydroclimatic Controls on Stream Network Dynamics using LiDAR Data, Seoyoung Kim
Control of Metal-Release and Tuberculation in a Silica-Laden Groundwater Distribution System on the Volcanic Island of Lana'i, Samantha Myers
Joint modeling of traffic related crashes: a Copula based approch, Tammam Nashad
Using Fluorescence to Characterize Four Day Simulated Distribution System Trihalomethane Content in Florida Groundwaters, Jonathan Ousley
The effect of glycerol on readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand (RBCOD) in a wastewater stream, Rojina Rawut
Integrating Spray Aeration and Granular Activated Carbon for Disinfection By-Product Control in a Potable Water System, Angela Rodriguez
Analysis of Driving Behavior at Expressway Toll Plazas using Driving Simulator, Moatz Saad
Effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities on the Everglades landscape., Daljit Sandhu
Impact of Dynamic Message Signs on Driver Behavior Under Reduced Visibility Conditions, Ryan Selby
Remote Sensing of Coastal Wetlands: Long term vegetation stress assessment and data enhancement technique, Subrina Tahsin
Sinkhole Monitoring Using Groundwater Table Data, Ton Tu
Evaluation of crash modification factors and functions including time trends at intersections, Jung-Han Wang
Microscopic Safety Evaluation and Prediction for Special Expressway Facilities, Ling Wang
Modeling Mass Transfer and Assessing Cost and Performance of a Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membrane Process, David Yonge
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Data-Driven Simulation Modeling of Construction and Infrastructure Operations Using Process Knowledge Discovery, Reza Akhavian
A New Methodology for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit Strategies, Ahmad Alomari
Characterization of Waste-To-Energy (WTE) Bottom and Fly Ashes in Cementitious Materials, Jin Woo An
Assessing Biofiltration Pretreatment for Ultrafiltration Membrane Processes, Andrea Cumming
Risk Perceptions of Climate Change in International Environmental Negotiations, Christine Dellert
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Retrofitting of Concrete Structures: Polyurethane Systems Versus Epoxy Systems, Elie El Zghayar
Sustainability Assessment of a Municipal Utility Complex: a System of Systems Approach, Tarek Fahmy
Examining Multiple Approaches for the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions, Ahmed Tarek Ahmed Farid
Optimization of Glycerol and Biodiesel Waste Prefermentation to Improve EBPR, Marzieh Ghasemi
Base Flow Recession Analysis for Streamflow and Spring Flow, Debapi Ghosh
Functional Characterization of Green Sorption Media and Scaling of Pilot Studies for Copper Removal in Stormwater Runoff, Cameron Houmann
Response of Streamflow and Sediment Loading in the Apalachicola River, Florida to Climate and Land Use Land Cover Change, Paige Hovenga
Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment with Teleconnection Signals, Satellite Data Fusion and Mining, Sanaz Imen
Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Water Footprint of Residential Waste Collection and Management Systems, Mousa Maimoun
An Improved Biosolid Gasifier Model, Hannah McLean
Damage Detection Methodologies For Structural Health Monitoring of Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels, Arturo Modesto
Analytical study of computer vision-based pavement crack quantification using machine learning techniques, Soroush Mokhtari
Mathematical Modeling of Carbon Removal in the A-Stage Activated Sludge System, Thomas Nogaj
Development of Regional Optimization and Market Penetration Models For Electric Vehicles in the United States, Mehdi Noori
Integrated Sustainability Assessment Framework for the U.S. Transportation, Nuri Onat
Tidal hydrodynamic response to sea level rise and coastal geomorphology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Davina Passeri
Evaluation of Strength and Hydraulic Properties of Buried Pipe Systems Used for Stormwater Harvesting, Mario Samson Mena
Trihalomethane Removal and Re-Formation in Spray Aeration Processes Treating Disinfected Groundwater, Cassandra Smith
Traffic Conflict Analysis Under Fog Conditions Using Computer Simulation, Binya Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Safety Effectiveness of Conversion of Two-Way-Left-Turn Lanes into Raised Medians, Saif Alarifi
Transferability and Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Performance Functions and Development of New Models for Urban four-lane Divided Roads, Kaaf, Khalid Al
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conversion of Traditional Five Section Head Signal to Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Signal, Meshal Almoshaogeh
Characterization of Dynamic Structures Using Parametric and Non-parametric System Identification Methods, Ayad Al Rumaithi
Role of Force Resultants Interaction on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Titchenda Chan