Critical Making for AI Literacy

Submission Type


Start Date/Time (EDT)

19-7-2024 4:45 PM

End Date/Time (EDT)

19-7-2024 5:45 PM


Algorithms & Imaginaries


In the Spring 2024, I launched the AI Literacy Interest Group ( at Penn Libraries. This was an initiative with materials I developed for two graduate level courses: Media Studies Methods class and Technology Ethics Law class. This included a AI Literacy Methods Toolkit ( & an involved workshop series. The mascot for the group is a chimera called “ch[AI]mera” since so many large language models are named after animals. Collaborating with the Education Commons, a makerspace, we are building a participatory data physicalization visualization weaving project with a loom calling to the concepts behind Jacquard Loom as a computation machine. A punched card as a name card that is a continuous visualization of an individual’s engagement with the group. A codex facsimile from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts will be won through a giveaway. Stamps, stickers, laser cut & engraved objects relevant to the topic from the collections will be given as swag. A Pokemon Go / Magic the Gathering card style LLM information cards will be designed and given out. This session will present the thought process & making process of these items. The values driving this work is to bring a sense of play & interactivity to conceptual issues in the world of AI. I also hope it brings in intentional creativity possibilities to AI Literacy concepts


Jajwalya "Jaj" Karajgikar (M.S.) is the Applied Data Science Librarian at University of Pennsylvania. She helps researchers with their multidisciplinary & multilingual data projects in the form of consultations, collaborations, & conceptual ethical considerations. Her current focus is computational community building efforts on Critical AI Literacy. She makes the most of the tuition benefits at Penn by taking transdisciplinary courses every semester where she manages to weasel in a Digital Humanities project each time. She is currently the co-chair for DH24 conference in the service of the DH community that has given her her life’s calling and sense of belonging. Jaj adores living in Philadelphia, not least because she refers to herself as a "Librarian by day, Museum care-taker by night" referring to the house built in 1878 with many original details intact, that she calls home.

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Jul 19th, 4:45 PM Jul 19th, 5:45 PM

Critical Making for AI Literacy

Algorithms & Imaginaries

In the Spring 2024, I launched the AI Literacy Interest Group ( at Penn Libraries. This was an initiative with materials I developed for two graduate level courses: Media Studies Methods class and Technology Ethics Law class. This included a AI Literacy Methods Toolkit ( & an involved workshop series. The mascot for the group is a chimera called “ch[AI]mera” since so many large language models are named after animals. Collaborating with the Education Commons, a makerspace, we are building a participatory data physicalization visualization weaving project with a loom calling to the concepts behind Jacquard Loom as a computation machine. A punched card as a name card that is a continuous visualization of an individual’s engagement with the group. A codex facsimile from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts will be won through a giveaway. Stamps, stickers, laser cut & engraved objects relevant to the topic from the collections will be given as swag. A Pokemon Go / Magic the Gathering card style LLM information cards will be designed and given out. This session will present the thought process & making process of these items. The values driving this work is to bring a sense of play & interactivity to conceptual issues in the world of AI. I also hope it brings in intentional creativity possibilities to AI Literacy concepts