The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.

If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.


Theses/Dissertations from 1998

Evaluation of patching materials and placement techniques for rigid pavements, Lucas Carlo

A study of the deification of Adolf Hitler and the religious aspects of german national socialism, Cynthia Gardner Carter


Development and saw device implementation of a new weighted stepped chirp code signal for direct sequence spread spectrum communications systems, Scott Edward Carter

Top management's perception of the value of public relations, Kathryn K. Catron

Parallel machine scheduling with specified release dates, due dates, and machine eligibility restrictions for minimizing makespan and maximum lateness, Grisselle Centeno Rodriguez

Texture segmentation using feature combinations, Dimitrios Charalampidis

The influence of surface chemistry and operating conditions on RO/NF membranes for pesticide removal, Shiao Shing Chen

The effects of an eight-week humor intervention on stress and goping skills in college undergraduates, Jason D. Chesnut

Munchausen syndrome by proxy : what do nurse practitioners know?, Denise B. Cochran

Vapor-phase catalytic hydrogenation of 1-octene using nickel microwires and gauzes, Brian Anthony Cocolicchio

Pilot scale study for control of industrial boiler nitrogen oxide emissions using hydrogen peroxide treatment coupled with wet scrubbing - system design, Michelle Maynard Collins

Outcome of a survey using botox for treatment of achalasia, Rebecca A. Combs

The road to redemption : the continuum from Hemingway to Percy, Noelani Cornell

Travel time prediction using non-linear time series, Matthew P. D'Angelo

A bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) approach to implementing portable parallel database management systems, Silva Dominic Da

Data management and visualization of finite element analysis using VRML, Rajiv Das

The application of U.S. immigration laws to higher education, Karen Spring Day

Wind flow simulation around buildings using a 2 -D FDM and BEM formulation, Kun Deng

Cluster-based relevance feedback techniques for web searches, Ziqiang Deng

Would pinocchio's eyes have revealed his lies? / a study of eye movements as indicators of deception, Christopher Robert Dillingham

A new boundary integral method for anisotropic heat conduction in heterogeneous media, Eduardo Divo

The Cuban missile crisis : analysis of decision-making and power concerns, John Frank Dogaer

Characterizing and modeling spatial patterns of a longleaf pine savanna, Jason B. Drake

Lessons, Colleen Conn Dunkle

Finding the kinetic rate constant in a chemical reaction, Lori L. Dunlop

Symptom presentation and emergent treatment for the patient with exacerbated heart failure, Rosemarie A. Dunn

Generation of high powers from diode pumped Cr3+ doped colquiriites, Jason M. Eichenholz

Length effect on concrete-filled FRP tubes using acoustic emission, Hazem El Echary

Evaluation of family of soft-switching DC-to DC PWM converters, Faouzi El Filali

Performance analysis of graphics acceleration for the opengl architecture system, Kamal Khazen Elkhoury

Neural network based smart antennas for cellular and mobile communications systems, Ahmed El Zooghby

Computer modeling of a piloted solenoid valve, Ronald P. Enos

Color image segmentation of oranges within a color image of an orange tree, Joakim Eriksson

The development of a circuit markup language using XML and a corresponding editor/browser in java, Robert Eriksson

Gods cellar, Christopher Ray Evans

Dynamic channel assignment and reassignment in highway cellular networks, Chun Chin Fang

Gas dynamic and laser beam quality effects on fusion cutting, Khizar Farooq

Development and testing of a standardized format for distributed learning assessment and evaluation using XML, Teresa Ferrandez

C-MYC gene chromatin structure analysis of MCF-7 and BT-20 breast cancer cell lines, Shelina Folsom

The gubernatorial campaigns of Jimmy Carter, Jeffrey J. Frederick

Spectroscopy of S2 microwave-sustained discharges, Christopher John Fredricksen

Development of a model for quantification of agent intelligence : a fuzzy decision-making tool, Rhonda L. Freeman

Antenna-coupled thermocouple infrated detector, Chi Yen Fu

Transport property effects on the nitric oxide emissions of turbulent jet diffusion flames, Raymond Gabriel

Adhesional strength and mechanical properties of EVA for PV module durability, Kaustubh S. Gadre

Health care professionals attitudes and behaviors toward breast-feeding, Mary Ann Gagen

Development of object models within the high level architecture environment, William Richard Garbacz

Strategic evolution in the U.S. Navy : capital ships for the 21st century, Larry Lee Gatlin

The effect of lessons learned on organizational learning and performance, Robert Maurice Gaucher

The effects of speaker's eye contact and distance on receivers' evaluation of the speaker and speech, Stephen J. Geiger

An artificial life toolkit for VRML worlds, James B. Gershater

Design and VHDL simulation of send and receive filters for distributed data distribution management in HLA, Ralph F. Gesin

A study of select college music education professors' assessment practices regarding knowledge of background musical experiences of preservice elementary classroom teachers enrolled in elementary music methods courses, Linda Sue Gibson

Personal characteristics of successful fund raisers, Thomas A. Gilson

Region-based variable quantization for JPEG image compression, Mitchell Ari Golner

Determination of unknown parameters in the logistic equation for modeling of growth, Roxana Greer

Autonomous automobile behavior through a context - based approach, Nils Patrick Grejs

Caregiver satisfaction with respite care services, Pamela Robin Griffin

A threat prioritization algorithm for multiple intelligent entities in a simulated environment, Ilker Gumus

Enhanced pushover procedure and inelastic demand estimation for performance-based seismic evaluation of buildings, Balram Gupta

Nutritional supplementation : an assessment tool for the primary care provider, Mary L. Hagood

An investigation into factors influencing faculty behavior concerning distance learning instruction using the theory of planned behavior, Carol S. Halfhill

Real-time visualization of a robot control manipulator, Ross S. Hamrah

The relationship of training history and self-assessed competency on task characteristic ratings, William T. Hamrick

Development of a generic database with replication features for a web-based educational system, Nimat Haque

Ballistic missile defense : an old idea whose time has come?, Lisa Hargrove

Statewide investigation of shrinkage and bulkage factors used in earthwork construction, Raja Karim Hatoum

TB epidemic in a community : a proposal for action, Kathleen L. Healy

Numerical calculation of streamlines, Perry L. Heard

Romantic nationalism and the peasants in Dostoevsky's literature, Jonathan F. Henderson

Pronoun resolution in encyclopedic texts, Karl Eric Herleman

An Investigation of Factors Related to the Application of Instructional Technology by Florida High School Teachers, Lori Ann Hiatt

The romantic heroines of George Sand : liberated women or domestic slaves?, Jennifer Doub Hirshman


Parent Childrearing Beliefs and Child Externalizing Behaviors in Families of ADHD and ODD Children, June E. Hoefling

The effects of pallidotomy on speech and voice in parkinson's disease, Bari Sandra Hoffman

Pavement responses due to aircraft impact loads during hard landings, Russell D. Holliday

The effects of acetic and propionic acids on enhanced biological phosphorus removal in long term and batch experiments, Cathy Rae Hood

Damage detection in cantilever beams using modal strain energy variation, Scott Edward Hynes

Evaluation of a full scale integrated membrane system, David Lee Ingram

Application of artificial neural networks to automatic freeway incident detection, Sherif S. Ishak

A case study of intersections between a physics classroom and industry, Capildeo Jadonath

Numerical modeling of bond-slip in plain and fiber reinforced concrete using fracture mechanics, Dragana Jankovic

A new real-time fault detection methodology for systems under test, Sanjay Jayaram

Development and validation of a team situational awareness measure, Elizabeth Jimenez Muniz

An examination of counselor knowledge of attitude change theories, Michael W. Johnson

Effects of restraint on vection and simulation sickness, Sherrie A. Jones

Physician-patient relationships: the patient's perspective and view of physicians, R. Heather Jordon

Analysis of the effects of cone angle on a cavity backed log periodic array antenna, Brian A. Karr

Bricks, bonds, and boosters : the good roads movement in Central Florida, 1890-1929, Bradley R. Keeler

Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of inclusion for limited english proficient students, Sharon Hunt Kelley

Temporal propagation characteristics of ultrashort space-time gaussian pulses in laser satellite communication system, Deborah E. Tjin Tham Sjin Kelly

Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) with concurrent processing - optimal modeling and computerized system, Hyun Joon Kim

Intense capillary discharge plasma extreme-ultraviolet sources for EUV lithography and other EUV imaging applications, Marc A. Klosner

Self-guiding effects in gallium arsenide semiconductor optical amplifiers, Carl Alan Kutsche


Numerical, Image, and Signal Processing Algorithms Applied to Radar Rainfall Estimation, John Eugene Lane

Integrated circuit yield modeling : optimization and validation using wafer probe bin maps, Rick Edward Langford

Extending the evaluation of tactical reconnaissance in simulation through the demonstration of intent, Louis J. Lartigue

The application of ultrasound to zero-valent iron in column studies and a proposed mechanism for the iron-mediated reductive dehalogenation of trichloroethylene and formation of its by-products, Nancy Lau

Characterization of the stability of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) slurries for optical polishing, Margareth Lauwidjaja

Patient acceptance of nurse practitioners as primary care providers, Mary M. Leadbeater