The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.

If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.


Theses/Dissertations from 1997

Implementation and evaluation of extended boolean operators for temporal databases, Xiaochen Yang

Analysis of spread and capture of Florida department of transportation standard inlets, Paul Winston Yeargain

An experimental study of underexpanded supersonic swirling jets, Young Kil Yu

Photodegradation of electro-optic side chain polymers : dans and dri, Qiang Zhang

Analysis of microstrip antennas on very small ground planes, Weishu Zhou

An appplication [i.e., application] of pseudo-noise sequences to error control codes, Daniel L. Zylkowski

Theses/Dissertations from 1996

An exploration of communicator styles of effective community college instructors, Richard L. Abel

The activation of Mg2Ni with water, G. W. Christian Adams

Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms in mobile computing environment, Ramesh Addanki

The information content of accounting measures in relation to the cross-section of expected stock returns, Sekhar Anantharaman

Expectations and satisfaction of freshmen in higher education, Pamela S. Anthrop

Instructional effectiveness of compressed motion video signals, Ronald Scott Arnold

Five public school districts in Florida : violence on school property and the perceptions of some middle school students directly involved, Anita Bruegger Avery

Modeling of SOI MOS transistors including self-heating effects, Rafik A. Awadallah

A place when the sun goes down, Judyth Vary Baker

Development of a least squares dual reciprocity boundary element method for the poisson equation, Nathan Eric Baker

The effect of race on voice-onset time, Penelope Lauman Baldauff

Dynamic excitation of structures from the space shuttle liftoff, Fady Fouad Barsoum

Pilgrimage, Laura A. Beasley

Indexing-based object recognition, Georgios Bebis

Computer automated bridge and pavement evaluation, Clayton Anthony Bennett

A methodology for justification of automation in semiconductor manufacturing, Houda Bennouna

Efficient signal representation using non-orthogonal basis functions with applications to speech and image coding, Albert P. Berg

Modccrem : a model for optimally determining cocomo software development cost drivers, ratings and effort multiplier values, Nandan D. Bhaganagarapu

A Study to Assess the Impact of a Balanced Reading and Technology-based Intervention on Reluctant Readers in Middle School, Michael R. Blasewitz

Training teams to self-correct : effects of intra-team feedback on team shared understanding and coordinated task accomplishment, Elizabeth L. Blickensderfer

A study of the relationship between knowledge of disease and adaptational outcome of breast cancer survivors during chemotherapy, Nancy Bottge

Evaluation of the surficial aquifer system adjacent to spray field at University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, Bounthanh Bounvilay

The role of instructional leadership in the implementation of cooperative learning, Jenell M. Bovis

Factors influencing compliance with breast self-examinations, Marnie Lee Boyd

Perceptions of Florida secondary school principals concerning multicultural education, Jose Gilberto Boza

Finite impulse response design of saw filters using linear programming, John Mark Bracewell

Bringing the "goods" together : Gertrude Stein, Luce Irigaray, and L'ecriture Feminine, Kristi Rhea Branham

An experimental study of the noise of underexpanded square jets, Michel Brassard

Random generation of english text problems for educating industrial engineers, Stephen Lee Brazelton

Teachers' perceptions of portfolio assessment activities and the elements of a professional culture, Daniel C. Buckman

Cr3+:LiSrAlF6 chirped pulse amplification system for femtosecond white light nonlinear spectroscopy, Paul Martin Buck

The identification of variables which moderate stress in parents of children with autism, Tracy Burbine

Shear strength and seismic performance of concrete-filled frp tubes, Suramy Cabrera

360-degree feedback : analyzing current and target appraisal ratings, James Matthew Cagle

Nonstationary transient vibroacoustic response of a beam structure, Raqul Edward Basil Caimi

Treatment acceptability of sport psychology interventions with arena football players, Dorian E. Caron

Superpower sports and politics : the Los Angeles and Moscow olympic games, Allan Craig Cerully


Analysis of Threaded Joint Behavior in an Airbag Module Assembly, Rustam Chemat

Assessment of the caregiver : a correlational study of quality of life and mutuality of co-resident family caregivers of elders, Laurel E. Ciccarello

Incorporating self-assessment into adaptive computer-assisted instruction, Joann Cole

An examination of the reasons for Adolf Hitler's declaration of war on the United States of America, Michael N. Corey

A qualitative study of long term dietary modification for hypercholesterolemia, Virginia Ruth Corey

Using nonlinear programming to optimize effort adjustment multipliers for intermediate cocomo models, Ross C. Creech

Compilation and simulation of the vhsic hardware design language, Timothy B. Cunningham

Contributing factors to the high dropout rate of Daytona Beach community college high school students, John P. Cunnyngham

A scalable bipolar transistor model including quasisaturation and high current effects for bipolar and bicmos circuit applications, Yong Dai


Semantic correlation of behavior for the interoperability of heterogeneous simulations, Christopher James Dean

Explaining mutual fund performance : the usefulness of corporate financial information, F. Lauren Detzel

Examination of a pyrrole cyclization reaction for the formation of 4-carbethoxy-2-phenacl-3-phenyl-pyrrole : synthesis of a series of novel pyrrole analogs that contain the diacylhydrazide group, Anthony Diebes

Characterization of two isolates from a spontaneously arising human b-lymphocyte line, Dawn Celeste Dirks

Patterns of symptoms that determine the differential diagnoses of add : a policy capturing study, Kelly T. Dockery

Methodology for determining optimal sector size for object movement and interaction in discrete event simulation, Craig Thomas Doescher

The display configuration, perspective, and intent (cpi) matrix : development of a framework and methodology for advancing the design of graphical deisplays, David A. Dryer

Developing a history of an urban community reform program, Thomas Dumbacher

Investigation and reflection: reader-response theory and undergraduate literature instruction, Carol Duncan

Ethnicity and satisfaction with primary health care providers among adults age 55 years and older, Marcia Dure

An analysis of the relationship between stress and public school administrators, Fran Duvall

A study of the distribution of reactive behavior patterns in elementary age children and their relationship to selected demographics, Judith I. Dziuban

Racial and bender difference in intercultural sensitivity and intercultural effectiveness, Junko Eguchi

The growing threat of workplace wiolence : taking preventative actions, Dorrie Anne Ehlers

Cumulative seismic damage of reinforced concrete bridge piers, Ashraf El Bahy


Analysis of parental choice : islamic school enrollment in Florida, Feryal Y. Elkhaldy


We can't be the women we were before: Mary Livermore and Chicago women in the American Civil War, Nancy Arlene Driscol Engle

A metrics-based model for categorizing, monitoring and reducing the risk-level of object-oriented software systems, Pravin Eric

The applicability of seawater as a settling aid for colloidal sediments found in stormwater runoff, Isabel Cristina Pietruza Escobar

Perceptions of Florida elementary school principals concerning multicultural education, Gloria E. Fernandez

Lumbar strengthening exercises with and without ambulatory emg biofeedback, Laurette M. Ferraresi


Use of noncognitive variables to predict academic success and retention among a group of white academically disadvantaged college students, Pamela Krake Fletcher

Simulation of a gyroplane, Jeffrey Scott Foley

Investigation of skill-to-skill validity in an intermediate fidelity selection test, Richard Forman

Knowledge and attitudes about hiv disease and aids education among parents of elementary school students in a North Florida County/, Susan M. Fox

Nonlinear, axisymmetric wave analysis of a finite, inelastic cylinder under transient loading, Carl Henry Francois

A machine vision system for control of a robot arm with motion filtering, Lawrence D. Gaber

Self-esteem in pregnant adolescents, Beverly Robinson Gabriel

Data acquisition and analysis software for an eight element coherent laser radar system, Dhinakarraj H. Gantala

A methodology for facilitating axoimatic design using network partitioning, Thomas Anthony Gawlik

The treatment of American immigrants, Katherine Ericson Gehman

Parametric analysis of electrical load forecasting using artificial neural networks, William John Gerber

The resiliency personality characteristics as an indicator of communication apprehension, Mark A. Glaser

Characterization of brca1 mutations in familial breast cancer, Tricia Lynn Glass

The effect of reading rate on the frequency of stuttering, Jeffrey J. Glessing

Wavelength selection and narrow linewidth control of q-switched Cr:LiSAF lasers, James E. Gorda

Writing himself : the writers in Hemingway's fiction, Linda S. Gould

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (eis) studies on copper indium ditelluride, Magesh Govindarajan

Relationship between uncertainty and learning in a simulation game, Elizabeth Allison Griffin

Analysis of Florida msw landfill leachate quality data, Caroline Jean Grosh

A linear prediction-based technique for automatic detection of bubbles in ultrasonic doppler signals, Sameh F. Guirguis

Hot-carrier effects in submicron mosfets including gate-oxide thickness dependence/, Yuhua Gu

Using qualitative reasoning to solve voltage decay problems in a model-based automated diagnostic system, Per Hagman

The predicted impact of interactive multimedia technologies on broadcast education in 4-year colleges and universities, William J. Hall

High performance multiprocessing using distributed shared-memory with read-time resolution data coherence strategies, David Michael Hammer

Characterization and laser development of Ce3+ - doped materials, Dennis Allen Hammons

Mitigation of magnetic fields from panelboards from 60 hertz line currents and its harmonics, Patrick E. Hanan

A study of child and maternal characteristics for a birth to three year old sample of infants and toddlers in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties, Florida, Charlotte M. Harvey