The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Electromagnetic Fields in Water Treatment, Robert H. Fagan
A GPSS/360 Computer Model for Simulation of Automobile Traffic at Road Intersections, Igor V. Golovcsenko
An Analysis of Factors Influencing Attendance Decisions of Florida Technological University Applicants, Ralph D. Gunter
Cost/Schedule Control Criteria for Selected Government Contracts, Robert McDowell Hammond
A Binary Power Generation and Salt Water Distillation Cycle, Edward H. Hardison
Nest-Building Behavior and Food Habits of the Rice Rat, Oryzomys Palustris Natator from Merritt Island, Brevard County, Florida, Margaret Hart Harrison
The Influence of Prestigious Women on Middle-Class Women's Attitudes Toward Fashion, Nancy Ann Heaton
Requirements for a Remote Access Hybrid Computer Terminal Utilizing Common Grade Telephone Lines, William Myers Hester
Design of the Ultralight Two Place Gyroplane, Martin. Hollmann
Design Considerations for Extended Aeration-Denitrification Facilities, Frank Paul Huttner
Morphological variation and local distribution of Cyprinodon variegatus in Florida., William Everette Johnson
An Application of Operant Conditioning in an Organizational Setting, Patricia Jo Knight
Fugitive Particulate from Highway Construction, Kennard F. Kosky
An Analysis of the Feasibility of an Automatic Vehicle Locator System for the Orlando Police Department, Larry L. Lester
System Dynamic Studies in Epidemiology (deterministic), William Edward Lewis
The Relative Efficacy of High and Low Credible Sources in Immunizing Refutational-Same and Supportive Defenses Against Belief-Reducing Counterarguments, William Gene Matthews
A High Speed Pulse Code Laser Diode Modulator, John Lawrence McDonough
The Relationship Between Resistance to Persuasion and Generalized Self-Esteem, Steven L. McKee
The Effects of variations in the excitation parameters of blast waves on the high frequency response of circular rings, Paul John Mirabella
Reduced Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Utilizing a Push-Pull Class C VHF Transistorized Amplifier, Norman B. Mosher
Advertising's Effect on Young Children: An Exploratory Study of General Influences, External Conflicts, and Inner Frustrations, Terry Ann Neuman
OSHA's Impact on Industry, Paul Christ Noller
The Effect of the Presence of an Authority Figure on Audience Participation in a Publicly Displayed Alcoholism Education Exhibit, Kenneth Eugene Paschall
Impersonal Source and Channel Credibility: A Descriptive Study of Television News Performance, Elliott Alan Pood
Operation and Calibration Procedures for a Small Four-component Strain Gage Balance, Gary Allen Rasponi
Aging Characteristics of Aluminum-Silver Alloys, Paul Leray Reynolds
Effects of Noise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Normal Hearing Adults, Santiago Pedro Rosell
An Investigation of Media Coverage of a Local Crisis: The Courts, the Orange County School Board and the Community, Evelyn S. Rupp
A Special Purpose Modem Design, William Lester Schulte
The Effect of Race, Induced Expectancy, and Individual Presenters, on White Raters Using Graphic Rating Scales to Record Their Judgement Decisions, William Hart Schultz
Dynamic Modeling with Discrete Management Decisions, Victor Jorge Sorondo
A Proximity Vehicle Locator System, Bradley Everett Thompson
Steady State Oscillations in Switching Regulated DC to DC Power Supplies, Jayant Gajanan Vaidya
An Application of Hamilton's Principle to Diffraction of Light by Ultrasound, Daniel F. Waterhouse
Guide for Urban Transportation Planning Package, William R. Whidden
Intermodulation Analysis of Class C Transistorized Amplifiers with Applications to V.H.F. Amplifiers, Robert Hopkins Wollam
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A Nuclear Power Plant Simulator, John Jacob Adams
The Application of System Dynamics Techniques to War Game Modeling, G. Vincent Amico
An Evaluation of Water Softening, James Burr Aton
An Experimental Study of the Change in Speaker Confidence and Self-Esteem as a Function of Speech Training and Initial Self-Esteem, Sharon Elizabeth Beasley
Initial Flow Calibration Results from the Florida Technological University four-inch supersonic wind tunnel, James K. Beck
The State-Of-The-Art of the Coagulation/ Flocculation Process, David William Bouck
Effects of High Altitude Jet Aircraft on the Stratosphere, Dennis K. Bushnell
Budget, Availability, and Use as Variables for Applying Instructional Technology in Florida High Schools, Michael Walter Byers
The Design of a Digital Data Acquisition System for Jet Engine Testing, Robert Wesley Carter
Investigation of Sequential Machine Design Techniques for Implementation of a TRAC Scanning Algorithm, Raymond F. Cotton
Parametric Studies Involving Community Noise Exposure Around Airports, Eldon T. Day
Sex Discrimination in the Evaluation of Leadership Behavior: Two Simulation Techniques, Jayne B. Drucker
The Effects of Training, Sex of the Rater, and Contrast in the Evaluation of LGD Behavior, William Richard Garrett
Accumulative Errors in Low-Level MOS-FET Multiplexers, Lloyd Daniel Griffin
Remote Sensing of Earth Resources System Capabilities V.S. Design Constraints, William Howard Grisham
Comparative Methods-Simultaneous Solution of Differential Equations, William Thomas Harris
The State-space Approach to Network Synthesis, Gary Landis Hasty
The Effects of Orientation Behavior as a Determinant of Group Product, Ronald Roy Hemphill
Effects of Various Logotype Structures on Advertising Content Retention, Richard H. Jack
Digital Image Processing by the Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform Method, Lyman F. Joels
Triggered Sweep Generators Using Modern Integrated Circuits, Arthur Russell Klinger
Computer Solution of Linear Programming Problems Using the Decomposition Algorithm, Walter Paul Kraslawsky
A Study of Finite Element Grid Optimizations, James G. Ladesic
A State-of-the-Art Application of Computer Technology-Vending Computer Generated Games for Profit, Stanley M. Levin
Detection of Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Laser Pulses with Avalanche Detectors, Albert Henry Marshall
Laws Affecting the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired, Patricia Elaine Martin
Construction Systems for Detached, Single-story Concrete Block Houses in Florida: Current Practices, Costs and Potential Innovations, Randolph DeShields McDonald
A Simplification of Underwater Acoustic Equations, Morris G. Middleton
An Analysis of the Maintenance and Supply System of the Atlantic Missile Range Communications Network, John Alexander Morian
Development of a Radar Pulse Modulator, Eckard Friedrich Natter
Elements Affecting Foreign Students Attitudes Toward American Television, Shirleyanne Chase Parr
A Solid State VHF Single Sideband Transmitter, Ermi Roos
Planning Programming Budgeting Study of the City of Winter Park, Alfred T. Sawicki
The Safety and Environmental Effects of Nuclear Power Plants, Raymond E. Schweikart
Permeability Determination for Landfill Studies, Joel George Smith
A Study of the Microwave Reflective Properties of Aerosols, Paul Edward Speh
A Stormwater Overflow Control Device, Richard Duke Stalker
Development of a Sixteen Line Multiplexer, James H. Stangel
A Survey of Medical Diagnostic Software, Steven Stein
A Learning Machine for Job Sequencing in a General-purpose Computer System, Richard Jon Taylor
Removal of Color From Surface Water in Central Florida, Joseph R. Wanielista
Written Versus Tape Recorded Presentation of a Short Intelligence Test: Differences in Reliability and Validity, Dennis Roy Weller
An Investigation of High Anxiety Verbal Behavior, John W. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
High Pressure Flange Design, Kermit Frederick Allerman
An Investigation of Methods for Reuse of Rubber Tires, Charles Edward Armbruster
Readers' Theatre: Communication Aiding Learning in the Elementary School, Mary Frances Baker
Computer Method for Airport Noise Exposure Forecast, John Michael Bateman
Survey of Instrumentation for Air Quality Surveillance, John Bowling
The Restoration of Lake Waters, Charles James Boyter
A Study of Stock Issue Perception in Intercollegiate Debate by Debaters and Judges, John Frederic Butler
Optimization Analysis of a Simple Position Control System, Arthur G. Cannon
A Management Training Game for Police Command/Control Officer Training, Charles R. Custer
Flood Control Modeling, Peter E. Delle Donne
A Mathematical Model for Determining the Thermal Distribution Resulting from Discharge of a Heated Effluent, Alan H. Epstein
Localized Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Robert Russell Garrett
Theoretical Predictions of Flow Profiles in Capillary Blood Vessels, Eileen Hallman
Minimum Weight Design of Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Using Structural Synthesis, Joseph Eugene Heckelbeck
Solid Waste Management at Florida Technological University, Robert F. Hever
Electrostatic Precipitation, Robert C. Hinsey
An Investigation of Thermal Energy Potential in Florida Lakes as a Power Source to Arrest Conditions of Oxygen Deficiency, John. Jackson
Analyses of the Water and Wastewater Systems at Florida Technological University, Fred C. Jensen
The Effect of Technical Quality Deficiencies on Comprehension and Source Credibility, James A. Katt
Wastewater Treatment Plant Control, David Milton Knowles